It's a Christmas Thing!

By Sam I Am –

Rating: PG-13 (can't honestly be any more than that)

Warnings: Sam/Jack (that's a warning for anyone who don't like that!)

Category: Sam/Jack Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, friendship and a little bit of SG-1 Humour thrown in for good measure. (If there's anything I missed out someone tell me!)

Spoilers: Anything up to Fragile Balance

Time frame: Season 7 (After Fragile Balance)

Summary: When Sam and Jack met at the Briefing Room before the Abydos mission, neither realised it was not the first time…

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime / Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author. Not to be archived without permission. Lyrics from 'Lonely this Christmas' by Mud, 'Nature Boy' 'The Christmas Song' by Nat King Cole and 'Angels' by Robbie Williams were used without permission (Sorry!) No Copyright intended, they just fit the story... and I LOVE Christmas Songs! If you want to archive my story TELL ME, or, to borrow a phrase from our beloved Colonel, I am SO gonna kick your ass!

Author's Notes: I wrote most of this last Christmas, but I couldn't finish it in time, so here it is at last! I really like this story and I hope you guys do too!

Dedications: To my Best Pal/Editor. I don't think I could ever tell you how great you've been these past four years I've known you! Also to my fellow Cast members in our Youth Theatre production of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'! Love you guys!

Now that's done with, my insanity begins... Destiny from the Past


Part One

The minute Jack stepped into the mall he realised why he hated them so much. He could hear the ringing of a hundred mobile phones, the wailing of troublesome toddlers, the beeping of buttons on a cash register and that sugary Christmas music that was playing over the intercom.

He gave a barely audible groan and began in search of Christmas presents. It was three days until the big one and Jack, as usual, had not bought many presents. He had bought three, but they were for family. Now all he had to do was buy SG-1, Fraiser and Cassie presents. They were all putting money in to buy General Hammond a present so Jack didn't need to think of something for him.

There was one present Jack had already bought that wasn't for family; well, two actually if you included the one he'd bought for Daniel last year, but had never had the chance to give to him. The other present he'd bought ages ago and it was already wrapped and waiting for him to give to the receiver although Jack wondered if he'd ever give it to her. Every year he bought something else instead always convincing himself one day he'd give it to her.

He strolled along past women screaming at their husbands, the husbands bending over backwards under the weight of all the boxes and bags that were piled into their arms and children with their faces glued to shop windows.

Jack realised these few days before Christmas were stressful, but he never seemed to get that stressed. He just seemed to carry on normally. Even when Sara had dragged him to the mall weeks in advance and every weekend from then on, she was the one who was seriously stressed.

Jack sighed as he passed a toyshop and stared through the window for a moment as a little boy within began pointing at a bike. Jack could see the little boy saying, "Mom, can I have that bike?"

Jack could still see Charlie stood in that toy store pointing at the bikes and immediately wrenched his eyes from the scene and continued to trudge along past the shops and cafes.

Jack then realised he hated Christmas. He truly hated it. It was the one time of year when he realised his losses more than ever. Since Jack had been a kid he'd loved Christmas and it was only when Charlie died and Sara divorced him that Jack realised he didn't love it any more.

Remembering that he thought of his Mini-me. The other him in the body of a teenager. Poor kid must be feeling exactly the same as him. Jack hoped his foster parents were giving him a good Christmas. Somewhere deep down Jack wished he'd be thrown the excellent Christmas like his clone would be, but… it must be so hard. Being… him, but inside the body of a now 16 year old.

"Hey Mister! You're blocking the path!"

Jack blinked and realised he was just stood in the middle of people bustling past. Jack turned to look at the plump woman and her weedy husband brimming to the ears with presents. Jack just murmured, "Sorry Ma'am."

He moved out of the way and sat on the bench at the side. He put his head in his hands and muttered, "Way to go, Ebenezer! You just froze like a statue! If you don't think about it you won't end up doing something that stupid again."

He sighed. It was easier said than done. Forgetting the mind numbing pain that always haunted him at this time of year. The hollow echoes of a gunshot, ten times louder than any Christmas bell…

It was at that moment Jack realised where in the mall he was. He looked up and saw before him 'Santa's House'. Santa and his two barely dressed elves were outside. The two elves were smiling widely and helping the little children onto Santa's lap. Jack could still remember taking Charlie to do that every year. The elves and Santa hadn't changed from year to year. They were still the same…

Jack then realised something and his jaw dropped, as he murmured, "No way!"


Sam glanced at her watch again and let her fake grin fall for a second before putting it back on. She glanced at the long line of children and then at Penny and muttered through her grin, "When's lunch break?"

Penny's wide grin widened slightly as she said through her gritted teeth, "Now. I'll tell Chris."

Penny walked over to Chris and whispered in his ear. Sam turned away as Penny gave the usual explanation to the crowd. Sam stared out across the mall as she felt the recognizable feeling that she was being watched. Her eyes fell on someone familiar sat on a bench watching her. He looked surprised and was frowning as if debating whether it was her or not.

Sam turned away as if she'd never seen him and muttered through her cheek-aching grin, "Ah Crap."

Three mothers glanced up at her in shock and then glared at her as she continued to grin like an imbecile. There was a jingle from the speakers behind her and Sam knew she'd been saved by the bell. 'And about time too!' She needed to sit down for a few minutes. These boots were killing her!

Penny grabbed her hand and dragged her back into the depths of the cabin. She murmured in Sam's ear, "Let's just hope none of those women complain, else you'll get kicked out."

"I know, I know," Sam said as she collapsed on one of the chairs.

Chris strolled in last still 'Ho Ho Ho'-ing loudly. He shut the door and his smile faded, "God, I hate kids!"

He slid down the door and pulled a cigarette from his pocket. Penny frowned with a disapproving cough and he looked up, "Sam has already swore in front of those people, we don't need you smelling like 'Smoky Joe's'!"

She pulled the packet and lighter off him as he groaned. He then looked at Sam with a grin, "You swore?"

"I just said 'Ah Crap'," Sam said slightly embarrassed.

Chris laughed genuinely for the first time that day, "You know even with that awful face paint covering your face, I can still tell you're blushing."

Sam laughed as well and then winced slightly as she knocked one of her ears off, "Ow!"

Penny giggled slightly as she removed her own ears and the awful hat they had to wear, "Well, if you took them off now, it won't hurt so much when you go back on stage... Mistletoe!"

Chris nodded, "You know she's right. Every year since we began doing this you've always complained about the ears hurting. Take them off for a while."

"Don't call me Mistletoe; else I'll start calling you Holly and Santa!" Sam said with a frown, "I can't help it if they're too small and it's the same with these boots! You'd think they really were made for elves!"

Chris pulled off his hat, beard and glasses and Sam could finally see the man beneath the costume, "Well, think yourself lucky. This costume is sweltering. There's so much padding I must weigh an extra stone. God, I hate this job!"

Penny complained for the first time as she began to speak angrily, "Chris stop whining! And you as well, Sam! I know these costumes are a pain in the butt, but you have to put up with it. There are hundreds of children who come through this mall every day and they wanted to see Santa and his elves and tell them what they want for Christmas," she deflated slightly, "Some of those kids wait for that moment all year round. Besides, this is the last time you'll have to do it this year and you'll have a whole year to recuperate from making children happy!"

Sam glanced at Chris, who looked extremely guilty now. Sam knew she probably looked similar. Penny sniffed slightly and then pulled her hair out of the plait it was in, hiding her face behind a veil of dark curls.

"I'm sorry," Sam murmured as Penny drew back the curtain of hair and her hazel eyes stared at her, "You know I do this for the kids. You don't get much money from it anyway and the company is not exactly charming..."

Sam stared at Chris as he said indignantly, "Hey!"

Penny nodded and gave her a hug, "Sorry, you know how opinionated I am about this. I shouldn't have a go."

Chris stood up and walked over, his blue eyes stared at the floor as he kicked Penny's pair of pointy ears across the room with his boot, "You were right, Pen. I'm sorry too."

Penny looked up with a grin, "Do I get a hug from Santa?"

Chris glared at her as the two women laugh, "I have kids throwing themselves over me all day ordering presents, I don't want it happening in my spare time," Sam noticed Penny looked quite hurt. Sam stared at Chris, but his eyes were fixed on Penny as he said with a small smile, "…but I'll make an exception for my little elf, Holly."

He held out his arms as Penny hugged him tightly. When she let go Sam could see Penny blushing slightly. She immediately sat down and began to plait her long hair, the colour of dark chocolate.

Chris just pulled a hand through his short, stubbly hair, as he flushed slightly as well. He glanced at Sam and then said hurriedly, "I'll go get us some lunch…"

He went to go before Sam grabbed his arm, "Uh… Chris?"


The man spun around to look at her. Her was in his early forties and was quite handsome. He always complained about this Christmas job. Sam knew he loved kids really, but had given up hope of ever having any of his own and had immediately pretended to hate them. He had blue eyes very similar to Daniel's and short, mousy brown hair, which went slightly blonde in the summer.

She spoke with a smile, "Shouldn't you de-Santa before you go out there?"

"Ah," he said, glancing down at the red velvety coat and trousers and then gave a small laugh, "You're right. What would happen if I didn't have my helpers to remind me?"

Penny looked up again and began to add some more bright pink face paint to the circles that were already on her cheeks. She spoke, "I can see it now, 'Mommy, look! Santa Clause is buying cigarettes!'"

Chris just smiled slightly and shook his head, "Do you ladies mind if I hog the changing room for a few minutes?"

"Nope," Sam threw him his jeans and his t-shirt.

"Do you want the usual?"

"Yeah," Penny said, "French fries and a diet coke."

"I'll have French fries and a coffee."

"OK," he said with a smile as he disappeared into the annex.

When Chris was getting changed Sam walked over to Penny. She sat down next to her as the woman said, "Your lip stick's coming off."

"Can I borrow a mirror?" Sam asked as she pulled the lipstick from her bag that lay under her leather jacket.

She'd driven down here on her motorbike and so all her gear was stowed in the corner of 'Santa's House'. The small room was bare and boring. The windows were blocked out and had TVs in them showing a continuous loop of images that they used every year. It was a tape of the three of them feeding reindeer and wrapping presents inside the house. There was also an annex, which they used to change into their costumes before the 'show'. It had a door leading out of it, which was the way Chris would leave to go and get them some food.

Penny passed her the rectangular mirror, "Here you go. Do you know where I put my ears?"

"Chris kicked them over there somewhere," Sam nodded across the room and then glanced in the mirror.

She almost cringed at the make up she had to wear. On her cheeks were rosy pink circles and above her eyes was pale pink eye shadow. On top of her hair the ridiculous green elf hat was pinned to her hair so it wouldn't fall off.

Sam went over her lips in the pink lipstick again and glanced at the rubber ears that lay on her leather jacket. She'd have to put them on again after lunch. Out of the whole costume she despised the Spok ears the most. They were so uncomfortable!

Sam then looked down at her costume and gave a visible shudder. The green and red dress was tight and had a short skirt, and that was an understatement. She wore skin coloured tights and these ridiculous green, high-heeled, lace-up, ankle boots the colour of holly leaves and just as uncomfortable.

The top part of the dress was built like a corset and the wire ribs dug into her. It showed off a fair amount of cleavage and Sam sometimes wondered if... knew that her and Pen were only there as a distraction for the men who were dragged around the mall by a female relative. It was red and, like the rest of the dress, was covered in glittery snowflake shapes. Snowy white lace ran along the edges and stuck out in big puffy bunches around her shoulders.

The dress was covered in red and green ribbons and the skirt had red and green tinsel twisted into a barber's pole-like strand, attached around the hem that itched against her thighs when she walked.

Sam then glanced at the hat again. It was like Santa's hat, but green. It was made of Christmas tree green felt and unlike Chris's Santa hat it didn't have a hem of white fluffy material or a white fluffy bauble attached to the tip.

After checking she still looked like a drag queen in the mirror Sam decided she must be ready. She turned to look at Penny. She was very beautiful and even wearing make up similar to Krusty the Clown and the awful Heidi costumes they were forced to wear she still looked amazing. Sam envied her for it.

Penny was 35 and still single. Sam couldn't believe it. Penny was the kindest, loveliest woman she'd ever met. She had beautiful, long, brown hair that was so dark it was almost black. She had small hazel eyes and long dark lashes. She was tanned in complexion and had unblemished skin. She was the perfect size. She was slightly shorter than Sam and just the right weight, not too skinny, not too overweight. She had a great figure, which the costume showed off perfectly.

The reason Pen had been so annoyed with them earlier was that as a kid her Dad had abused her. Her mother had died when she was very young and her Dad used to get really drunk and beat the hell out of her when he got the chance.

Penny had missed out on a lot of things you shouldn't miss during your childhood and so naturally had turned into a helper at the children's hospital, a kindergarten teacher and a care worker. She was sweet and very kind and Sam didn't think she'd ever really heard Penny get angry. There was the odd occasion when she got slightly miffed like earlier, but there was only one occasion Sam could remember Penny really losing it.

It had been two years ago. They'd been stood there in the same outfits doing the same thing they did every Christmas.

Suddenly a child had started screaming from behind the queue. A large beefy looking woman was yelling at the little girl for doing something. The child couldn't have been older than five. Sam was about to turn to say she was going to do something when she noticed someone dressed in a short green dress running towards the child.

Penny had grabbed the woman's hand as she'd gone to hit the child again and said angrily, "How dare you strike a child? What right do you have? None! I can't believe a mother would EVER hit their child! You're not fit to be this girl's mother!"

While she'd been yelling at the woman she'd pulled the little girl behind her and now held the tiny girl's hand in hers. The beefy woman was staring at Penny in surprise. Penny the small, meek woman before her who'd suddenly transformed into an angry woman with a face like thunder. Her height seemed to double as the woman seemed to cower slightly before her.

Still holding the child's hand, she marched up to the stage and sat the little girl on Chris's knee. She smiled and spoke kindly to the little girl, "Tell Santa what you want for Christmas." Then Sam heard her mutter to Chris, "I'm calling security." She then marched back off the stage as all the people watched her walk over to the woman and said fiercely, "Follow me."

The woman had obeyed and Sam could tell the woman was deeply embarrassed as the whole mall was suddenly talking about it. Penny had almost been sacked for the incident, but as it was her only case of bad behaviour they'd let her off. If Sam had gone down there, she'd not be sat here in this ridiculous costume right at this moment.

Penny smiled at her and then looked up as Chris stepped into the room carrying their food, "Eat up quick. We're on in fifteen and I still need to get back into the costume."


Jack couldn't believe it. Carter? He sat on the bench as Sam, Santa and the other elf all retreated into Santa's house.

When they'd first met Jack knew he'd recognised her from somewhere. Now he remembered where from…

"Great kid you've got there. What's his name?"

Jack glanced at the woman in the elf costume beside him. She had short blonde hair through which the tips of her fake ears poked. She had a warming smile and deep blue eyes. Her voice was clear and also beautiful in some way. Something struck him then and he wasn't sure what, but Jack felt a small smile rise to his lips and his stomach knot slightly.

"Charlie," Jack replied as the pretty woman stared at the little boy sat on the Santa's lap. Jack spoke seriously although there was humour in his voice, "Don't know what he got from me!" The woman gave a small laugh, as Jack spoke again, "You got kids?"

"No," she said, "But my boyfriend just proposed."

Jack nodded, "Good for you."

He looked at the woman again. She was beautiful, even under that get up he could tell that. Something in his heart told him she was special and then Jack looked back at his son and remembered Sara was still out there buying Christmas presents. He immediately looked away from the woman.

Jack watched as Charlie hopped off Santa's lap. Jack put a hand on the boy's shoulder as he smiled at the woman and said, "Merry Christmas."

Her grin widened, "You too." She crouched slightly and smiled at the little boy, "Merry Christmas, Charlie and have a happy new year."

"Gee thanks, Ma'am," the smiling boy said as the blonde woman just smiled wider and helped the next child up onto Santa's lap.

As they were walking away Jack glanced back to find the woman staring at them a small surprised frown on her face. Her mouth was open slightly

Jack heard the other elf say to her, "Sam, are you OK?"

"Just fine…"

The other woman looked at him, "Why are you staring at that guy?"

"It's just… nothing. Don't worry, Pen."

That had been the last Christmas he'd taken Charlie to see Santa at the mall. Now Jack thought about it, it was definitely Carter. The boyfriend was Jonas Hanson who'd proposed and her name was Sam, not to mention no one else had that beautiful smile.

Jack stood and walked over to the sign on the door to Santa's House.

"Santa's feeding his reindeer and wrapping presents, but he'll be back at 2 o'clock," Jack read.

'Well, I have 45 minutes to do all my Christmas shopping and eat something,' Jack thought, 'or maybe eat something and then buy presents later. Good plan."

Jack bought some French fries from McDonalds and then began scouring a bookshop to buy a book for Daniel. He'd bought one last year, but because Daniel... ascended, he'd never had the chance to give it to him.

'Lucky Daniel,' Jack thought humourlessly, 'He gets two presents from everyone this year.'

Jack sighed as he continued to scour the bookshelves until he found one on Minoan Agriculture that Jack hadn't seen in Daniel's office and decided it looked boring enough to him to thrill Daniel for hours.

He bought the present and then checked his watch. Teal'c had told him he was in need of candles and matches. Jack had decided he'd buy the man a lighter instead and of course the candles he wanted.

Jack walked into a shop that was hazy from the incense burning all around the shop. After holding his breath for about five minutes Jack finally stepped out of the shop coughing and spluttering, gift bags in hand.

He glanced at his watch again and realised he was obsessing over seeing Sam. He mentally shook himself, 'Stop thinking about her. There's no way in hell she likes you so give up.'

He then walked across the mall to the end and walked into the Body Shop. Everyone stared at him strangely, but Jack managed to pick up Doc Fraiser's favourite bubble bath and Cassie's perfume.

Jack stood for a moment wondering what substitute present he could get Carter this year. He walked in another three shops, but nothing stood out. All these shops seemed to have was an overwhelming smell of perfume.

As Jack stepped out of the third shop he sighed, "Do all the shops here smell like poi puree?"

"No, just the women's shops. Let's just say we like the smell."

Jack looked at the woman stood before him. His jaw dropped as he said, "Katie!" She smiled her grin widening as she pulled a strand of dark brown hair from her eyes with a long delicate finger, "Hey Jack. It's been a while."

She held her little boy in her arms as the child cried out, "Uncle Jack!" Jack caught the child and lifted him up and then looked back at the woman in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" he said with a small but shocked grin.

"That's nice!" She said pretending to be offended before she gave him a peck on the cheek and hugged him tightly, "I came to visit my brother. What did you think I was here for? Honestly sometimes I wondered if you inherited your stupidity from Mom or Dad!"

"Dad, most likely."

Katie laughed, "Is it one of those 'peril-to-all-those-born-of-the-male-sex-in-the-O'Neill-family' things?"

"Yeah," Jack nodded as his little sister smiled at him. He turned to look at the kid again. His nephew had dark hair and equally dark eyes. He was grinning and Jack said with a smile, "Hey there, Nathan. How are you?"

"I'm fine and I've been VERY good."

"I bet you have."

Jack gave a small chuckle as Kate shook her head; "He's been assuring everyone what a good boy he's been, ever since Greg told him bad children got no presents at Christmas."

"When did he tell him that?"

Katie smiled, "When he dropped a balloon full of icy water on our next door neighbours' cat back in April!"

Jack laughed and gently lowered the boy to the floor. The boy grabbed his hand and walked along grinning. They talked, as they walked through the crowds of people, "How is Greg?"

"He's fine. He got a promotion in September," Kate said proudly, "He's now a chief executive and he got a raise. We're thinking of getting a new house, maybe moving closer to Colorado."

"That's great," Jack said with a smile. He stared at his kid sister again. He nodded to her hair, "What made you chop it all off?"

"I don't know," she said pulling a hand through her short bob of brown hair, "Guess I needed a change. Do you like it?"

"I think it looks great. Very sophisticated," Jack said with a smile, "Besides, why are you asking me? I'm your brother. I'm supposed to say you look great!"

She shrugged and then spoke to him, "So how are you, Jack? It's been so long since I last saw you. What have you been up to the past year and a half?"

"You know. The usual," Jack said staring at his shoes.

"That bad, huh?" Katie said with a smile as Jack looked up at her. She sighed, "Maybe you should come to ours for Christmas this year. Greg asked if you wanted to…"

"Katie, I'm fine, really."

She didn't look so sure, but she dropped the subject. They sat on the bench opposite Santa's House, as Nathan played on the jungle gym they'd erected in the centre of the mall.

They talked for a long time about things, though Jack let Katie do most of the talking. They were silent for a minute, when Katie had finished one part of the conversation, before she spoke with a small smile, as she stared at his bags, "So, who's your lady friend?"

"What?" Jack said in shock, as Katie grinned teasingly.

"Candles, bubble bath, perfume… I hope my brother hasn't turned into some kind of romantic Zombie because of this woman! Either that or there's something you not telling me!" Katie's eyebrow was raised and gave her a quirky expression as Jack laughed.

"Way off the mark, Katie!"

"So all this 'Warrior bonding' I hear about is a load of Bull?" Katie said teasingly.

In reply, Jack pulled out his wallet and showed her the picture of his friends.

"The bubble bath's for Doc. Fraiser. She works at my base. The perfume is for Cassie, her daughter. The kid was an orphan and Janet adopted her. She's like our team's kid, I suppose." Jack grinned, "Except she's not a kid any more. She's a young woman now, almost 17." He smiled and then pointed at the Jaffa stood looking stern, "Candles are for Teal'c."

Katie looked at him as if he were mad, "Why would a guy need candles?"

Jack continued, "He meditates. He ran out of candles."

"Teal'c. That's an unusual name."

"He had Egyptian ancestry," Jack chuckled, "If you ever meet him don't mention it. He's quite touchy about it. You really don't want to piss him off."

"I can tell," She replied looking at the photo. Katie just raised an eyebrow, as she looked in the other bag, "Minoan Agriculture…" She spoke sarcastically, "I see you treated yourself!"

"No!" Jack said as he pointed to Daniel, "It's for the Daniel. He's an archaeologist. He likes that kinda stuff. He... uh... missed Christmas last year, so I have his other present at home still wrapped from last year."

Katie laughed and then looked at the picture again. A small smile tweaked the corner of her mouth as she pointed to the last figure on the photo, "What did you get her?"

Jack stared down at the picture of Sam, "Nothing yet."

"Yeah I know. I can never buy presents for Greg. It's impossible!"

"What? Oh no! Me and Carter aren't… involved."


"She's my 2IC, Katie," he said as if that explained it all. Katie just nodded understandingly as Jack murmured, "I'm just not sure what to get her."

Katie looked at him and sighed, "Jack…" She was about to say something, but shook her head and just handed him back the photo.

Suddenly, Nathan dived onto Jack's knee tugging at his jacket, "Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack! Look, it's Santa!"

Jack glanced at the stage to see Santa sat on the stage talking to a little girl perched on his knee. He looked at his watch in surprise. It was 4 o'clock. He realised they'd been on the stage for two hours! He'd been so busy talking to Katie he hadn't even noticed the growing mass of people again!

His eyes immediately moved to the elf at Santa's side. She was staring in his direction and Jack could see the grin was entirely missing. Noticing him looking back she immediately turned back to the queue of children and parents, reaffixing the grin on her face, but Jack could tell it was forced.

"Can we go? Can we?"

Katie smiled as the boy crawled onto her lap, "Of course". Nathan's eyes lit up and he gave his Mom a kiss on the cheek. Katie turned to him, "Jack, could you take him?"

Jack started to panic. He couldn't go up there! Oh God! "But…"

"It's just the reason I'm in this mall was I was… going to buy you a Christmas present before going to see you and… I can't buy it with you, can I?"

"See I've already bought your present and it's at home! You're more like me than I am!" Katie fixed him with a pleading look as Nathan tugged on Jack's sleeve an identical look in his large, dark eyes. Jack just shook his head with a fake sigh, "Oh for crying out loud! Alright! We'll probably be stood in that queue till closing time so I'm expecting you to pay me back!"

She grinned and gave him another kiss on the cheek, "Thanks, Jack. You're a star."

"Well, I don't like to brag…"

Katie laughed and gave her son a quick kiss, "OK. See you in a minute, Honey."

"Bye Mom." Jack smiled down at Nathan and clasped the boy's hand in his as the boy said excitedly, "Come on, Uncle Jack."


Sam watched as the woman kissed Jack. Jack was turned away so Sam couldn't tell if it was a peck on the cheek or…

And who was the kid?!? Jack grabbed the kid's hand and led him to the end of the queue. A memory flashed in Sam's mind suddenly, as she placed that fake grin on again and stared at Chris with a little boy on his knee…

As the man looked at her with that small smile on his face, Sam realised something in a second. She'd been talking to him while his little boy had been sat on Chris's knee. Now she just stared at him properly.

He had deep brown eyes and brown hair and his thin lips were twisted in a small smile. There was something about him, which made Sam's knees turn to jelly and her heart stop beating for a second.

"Merry Christmas," he said his smile widening slightly.

"You too," she murmured back putting a smile on to hide her confusion and the feeling she felt welling within her.

She immediately crouched down near the little boy, "Merry Christmas, Charlie, and have a happy new year!"

"Gee thanks, Ma'am," the little boy said with a smile as Sam felt a true grin come to her lips for the first time that day.

She glanced at the man walking down the steps and immediately lifted the next child onto Santa's lap automatically.

That's when it hit her. Out of the blue, she realised who he was.

She turned to look at him walking away. He was the man for her. He was the guy she was destined to be with. Even in Sam's ears that sounded corny, but she knew it in her heart. She also knew he was married with a kid and that she was being silly. She had a fiancé for God's sake! What was she doing, but she realised she was doing nothing. You couldn't control your feelings. So she let them hit her full on and she knew then, he was one in a million. He was her perfect match.

'If we're meant to be he'll turn around,' Sam thought.

Suddenly, the man stopped and turned to look at her. There was a slightly puzzled look in his deep brown eyes as he stared at her.

She couldn't believe he'd turned around! Her mouth was open slightly. She felt a hand brush her shoulder, "Sam, are you OK?"

Penny's voice said gently as Sam still staring at the man whispered, "Just fine…"

Penny sounded worried and glanced at the man anxiously, "Why are you staring at that man?"

Sam spoke, "It's just…" her voice trailed away as she stared at the floor remembering Jonas, her fiancé, "Nothing. Don't worry, Pen."

"Sam, you asleep?"

Sam jolted out of her memory to look at Penny, who was still grinning widely and who had spoken through her grin.

Sam immediately replaced her own cheesy grin, "No, I'm fine."

Penny just glanced at her and then lifted the next little child onto Santa's lap. Sam didn't dare look up in case her eyes met with Jack's. She realised that he was the man she was supposed to be with for the rest of her life. She'd known it for a while now although never this strongly. Now, she knew why when they'd first met at the SGC something about him had been so familiar.

Then she remembered the woman with a short, brown bob. She was very beautiful. Maybe she was his lover! Oh God! And that kid was a dead ringer for the man. Maybe it was their kid! Oh God!

'Don't think about it! Keep grinning and don't think about it!'

Maybe if she didn't look at him, he wouldn't recognise her. Maybe in all this make up and in her elf costume he wouldn't recognise her. Maybe he'd be too busy thinking about junior and wife-to-be he wouldn't even look at her. Earlier she'd seen him staring, but maybe he'd been looking at the whole Santa thing and thinking how much his young son would love to sit on Santa's lap…

'NO! Stop! Now! Stop thinking about it!'

Almost an hour later, Penny lifted a boy onto Chris's knee as he said, "Ho Ho Ho! Well, what's your name little boy?"


Sam looked up at the child knowing instinctively it was the boy. She stared for a moment until Penny gave her a small nudge and widened her grin slightly as if telling her to. She then said through gritted teeth, "Sam, keep your grin on and stop day-dreaming!"

Sam put her grin on as her eyes rose to the man stood before her. He was blushing slightly and staring at the kid. Before Sam could stop herself she spoke, "Great kid, you've got there. What's his name?"

Jack looked up at her and she saw a small smile appear on his lips, "Nathan," he replied staring at the little boy sat on the Santa's lap.

Sam's smile had disappeared quickly and she just stared at the kid whispering in Chris's ear. He looked very surprised by what the boy was saying. He glanced up at Jack and then answered the boy with a nod and said, "Anything else you want for Christmas, Nathan?"

Sam stared at Jack as he looked back at her. He then stared at Nathan again, as she spoke sadly, "He looks a lot like his Dad."

Jack spoke, "Nah, Greg has blonde hair…" As if suddenly realising what she'd meant he looked at her in surprise. He spoke quietly, "You didn't think…?"

Jack felt a hand tugging his sleeve and glanced down at the boy, "Mom's waiting down there! She has candy cane!"

Jack gave a small snort and put a hand on the boy's shoulder as he smiled at the shocked woman and said, "Merry Christmas."

A real smile appeared on her lips for the first time during their conversation, "You too." She crouched slightly and smiled at the little boy, "Merry Christmas, Nathan, and have a happy new year."

"I will. Tell Santa I've been a VERY good boy this year and…" the smiling boy whispered, "Remind Santa about my Christmas wish." Sam just smiled wider and gave a small nod.

"I'll tell him. Bye."

"Bye!" Nathan said giving an enthusiastic wave as Jack just smiled at her shyly and made his way down the stairs.

Sam walked up to Chris. He looked quite surprised still, frowning slightly in confusion, as Sam murmured, "What did he wish for?"

Suddenly another little boy stepped up and Sam immediately stopped speaking. She put on her huge grin and helped him up onto Santa's lap and then found herself staring after the duo.

Jack's 'lover' bent down and lifted up her child. She gave him the stick of candy and then gave one to Jack.

"You sure know a way to a guy's heart!" Jack's usual banter was the reply to her gesture.

She laughed, "It's tradition, you have to have candy cane at Christmas. Didn't think I'd leave you out, did you?"

"Now, if I remember since I was eight years old you used to steal all my candy cane and whenever I told anyone they said I was being greedy and that lying was bad!"

She laughed merrily and linked arms with him, "Well, now I'm paying you back!"

It was then Jack glanced up at Sam again, brown eyes fixing with blue. He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment and spoke gently, "You two go. Give me a sec." He took his truck keys and gave them to the woman, "Here. Let yourself in."

The woman looked at him in confusion and then followed his gaze and stared up at Sam. She gasped and a smile came to her face as she walked away with the little boy a grin of wonder on his face.

As they left she heard Nathan say, "My Christmas Wish! Santa gave me my Wish!

An announcement from the speakers told them the mall was closing in ten minutes. Penny spoke, "Oh dear, Santa! Look at the time. It's time to put the reindeer to bed."

"You're right, Holly!" Santa stood and then raised his voice slightly, speaking hintingly, "Mistletoe, we better go and look after the reindeer."

Sam jolted back to reality and continued to grin like a maniac as she said, "Yes, you're right Santa. Santa will be back next year, but now he has to go and wrap presents for all the little boys and girls. Bye everyone and have a Merry Christmas."

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!"

Santa opened the door and stepped into the house as Sam made a small signal with her hands and followed. The other woman stepped in after them, staring at Jack suspiciously and closed the door behind them.

She'd said, 'Back door.'

Jack felt a small thrill as he moved to the back of the house. He saw a concealed door that was open slightly and a pair of blue eyes could be seen staring out at him.

Jack ran up the steps and inside the room as Sam closed the door before anyone saw him.

Sam smiled slightly and stared at the floor embarrassed by her costume. He shook his head and murmured, "You remembered?"

Sam looked at him in surprise, "Of course I remembered."

Jack didn't say anything for a while before he murmured, "You thought Nathan was my kid?"

"Colonel, there is a huge resemblance and well, the woman…"

Jack nodded, "He does look a lot like me. Gets it from his mother's side." Sam was confused as Jack pulled a hand through his hair, "She's my kid sister, Carter."

"I never knew you had a sister!"

"Well, some of us don't like to talk about family. I seem to have some kind of jinx when it comes to family…"

Sam just shook her head in silent surprise, as Jack watched her and she glanced up to see him staring at her. A small smile came to his face as he murmured, "Mistletoe?"

"Oh please! Don't remind me!"

He turned to her grinning, "Do you do birthday parties, Carter? Nathan's seven in another seven months."

Sam felt a grin on her lips, "No, Sir. It's a Christmas thing!"

"A Christmas thing? I think it's slightly more than a thing, Carter. You've been doing this for years!"

Sam just nodded slightly and gave a small smile, "Yeah. Just don't let anyone know about my alias!"

"Mistletoe…" Jack murmured and Sam felt herself staring into his eyes. From outside she could hear 'Lonely this Christmas' playing over the intercom. As the words began to register with her brain Sam felt her heart beat faster. She took a hesitant step forward so she was stood before him. Her arms fell on his, his body only her forearms length away. She realised what he was thinking and knew she was thinking the same thing.

It'll be lonely this Christmas,

Without you to hold.

It'll be lonely this Christmas

Lonely and cold.

It'll be cold, so cold without you to hold

This Christmas.

Jack heard the words as well and Sam could see some familiar pain in his eyes. It was the pain she felt. The pain that was caused by not being allowed to love and yet you do with all your heart and there is no way for you to let out the feeling.

She felt his breath tickling her cheek, as she stood transfixed by his eyes, "Isn't there some Christmas tradition to do with Mistletoe?"

"I've drawn a blank," Sam whispered as his arms enclosed around her waist, "You'll have to tell me what that is…"

Jack stared at her and was about to kiss her when he stopped. What was he doing? She was his 2IC! At that instance Sam realised as well. She suddenly looked away bashfully and took a step back, his arms disentangling from her waist, "You better go. Your sister and Nathan will be waiting and it's cold out there."

Jack coughed awkwardly and stammered hurriedly, "Yeah. See you around… Sam."

With that he hurried out the back door and Sam sighed. The pain returned as she heard the song continue slowly and softly, increasing the pain in her heart.

I just breakdown as I look around,

And the only things I see,

Are emptiness and loneliness,

And an unlit Christmas tree.

It'll be lonely this Christmas,

Without you to hold. It'll be lonely this Christmas

Lonely and cold.

It'll be cold, so cold without you to hold

This Christmas.

Sam sighed miserably and decided to get ready to go home. She opened the other door, as Penny and Chris tumbled into the room.

"You were spying on me!" Sam said quite angrily at the sheepish expressions on her friends' faces as they looked up at her from the small heap they'd created on the floor.

Penny spoke defensively, getting to her feet, helping Chris up beside her, "Thank God we were." She grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, "What are you playing at?"


Chris spoke passionately, "You just let him go! He was stood in that queue and never took his eyes off you once! He's crazy about you! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see it!"

Penny cleared her throat and then murmured to him, "Chris, she is a rocket scientist." He glared at her and then Penny turned to Sam again, "You're not the only one who remembers that day, Sam! When you were staring at him, I knew you were someone who'd just realised they'd met the person they were meant for," Sam stared at her in surprise as Penny murmured again, "It's quite common, but the special bit was the fact he had the exact same look on his face. Another reason I remember it is because a few months later I read something in the paper. A reporter was telling the tragic story of a man whose son shot himself with his gun."

Sam gasped, "They didn't?!? I can't believe any person would do that to him!"

Penny continued, "I know he would've sued them if he'd known, but they got a picture of the funeral and I recognised him and the picture they had of his son. God, it was horrible! I knew that it had barely been half a year before that I had helped that boy onto Chris's knee..." Penny gulped, her eyes glazing in her tearful way. She sniffed and let it pass, "Anyway, the moment he looked back at you on that stage I knew somehow you two would end up together. And you should be together," Penny spoke hushing Sam, who was about to protest, "Yes, I know he's your boss, but come on, Sam! You haven't had any serious action in years! Finally a guy shows serious interest in you, a lot more than serious interest, and you..."

"What Penny is trying to say, and taking forever in doing, is 'what the hell are you standing here for'? That man damn well wants to kiss you and don't pretend you don't want him to, Major Samantha Carter!" Chris said with a laugh pushing her towards the door slightly.

"I can't go looking like this!!"

"She's right," Penny said as she hurried out of the room and came back with Sam's leather jacket and clothes. Sam just gawped, as Penny said, "Get changed, take off that make up and chase after him!"

"I can't! You know it's against regulations."

Penny spoke forcefully, "Sam, it's Christmas! Stuff the damn regulations!"

Sam almost laughed at Penny's nearest thing to swearing, "Help me," Penny began to undo the back of Sam's dress, a huge excited grin on her face, as Chris stepped into the other room also smiling satisfied.

Sam pulled off her ears and hat; she hurriedly pulled on her jeans, t-shirt, sweater and leather jacket. Penny grabbed all her stuff and put in her backpack. She gave it to Sam hurriedly and as Sam pulled on bike gloves, Penny used one of her ever-present baby wipes to remove the face paint and make up very much like the mom she should be.

Chris knocked and came back in with Sam's helmet. He had decided to de-Santa while they got Sam back into her normal clothes and when he came back in he grinned and held out her helmet. She grabbed it, as Chris murmured, "Sam's metamorphosis! From Astrophysicist to Christmas elf to Hell's Angel in a matter of minutes!"

Sam laughed and then asked curiously, suddenly remembering something, "Chris, what did Nathan ask?"

Chris grinned, "I can't tell you otherwise it won't come true!"


"I'll tell you that this is working towards it. If you want to know ask 'Uncle Jack'."

Sam was confused, but she just shook her head. She gave Penny and Chris a quick hug each before nodding as Penny said, "Go and get that guy already!"

Sam just took a deep breath and sped out of the door. Suddenly, she poked her head around the door, "I'm getting my guy, now if I don't find out you two are married or engaged by the next time we see each other there will be hell to pay!"

Sam left the changing room for a second time, leaving Penny and Chris both as red as holly berries. Sam sprinted through the mall and the minute she stepped through the automatic doors, she stopped.

The car park and all the cars within it were covered in a thick blanket of white. In sudden realisation Sam stared up as small snowflakes fell from the sky and touched her, the icy tingling sensation of them melting against her skin making her shiver slightly. It was so beautiful and Sam felt herself grinning at the sky. Then her grin disappeared as she glanced at her snow-covered motorcycle. There was no way on a snowy day in Colorado she'd be able to drive it!

She sighed, half-angry with herself for letting him go, half-angry with him for letting her let him go. She'd lost him. By the time she saw him after Christmas he would've forgotten entirely or pretended to at least. She thumped her balled fist on her bike seat as she collapsed beside it. She felt tears prickling behind her eyes as she shivered slightly in the cold and growled, "Dammit!"

She dropped her helmet to the ground and sighed, before she heard a crunching of snow nearby, "Problem, Ma'am?"

She looked up in surprise to see Jack O'Neill stood a few metres away from her, hands stuffed in his leather jacket pockets. She gave a small smile as he stepped forward and held his hand out. She gripped his fingers and stood up.

He was staring at her as she murmured, "Why…?"

"…am I here?" He supplied as Sam nodded shocked, "I got home and Nathan was telling us about his Christmas wish. Katie said if I didn't fulfil it, she'd kill me and I'm not kidding!"

Sam continued to look absolutely confused, "What was Nathan's wish?"

Sam found that they were at the same proximity as in the dressing room. Jack stroked a lock of golden hair from her face almost absentmindedly although there was a look of utter serious and right-mindedness on his face as he said, "That his Uncle Jack wouldn't be miserable any more and that he'd have a very Happy Christmas."

Sam realised with a shock why he was here then and it sent a private joy to her heart. He smiled slightly at the look on her face as she murmured, "And what does that entail?"

"Not much," he replied, his eyes dropping to the snowy floor embarrassed, "No, that's not true. A whole hell of a lot, actually."

Sam spoke softly as her face neared his, "You need to be slightly more specific…"

He whispered huskily, his eyes meeting hers again, "One thing…"

"And what might that be?" Sam said with a smile as her eyes slid shut.

He replied on a breath, "You."

Before Sam really thought about what she was doing her lips met his. The sensation caused her to gasp inwardly. He held her face gently in his hands as Sam felt the snow dusting her hair and her cheeks. She took a small step closer and pulled her arms around him slowly. How long had she wanted to do this? It had to be said it was a long time. She savoured the moment and it was only when they both got slightly breathless did he pull back.

He just stared at her face as she whispered, "I think I remember that tradition to do with Mistletoe…"

He chuckled as he murmured, his forehead lightly touching hers, his nose bumping into hers gently, "Yeah, it's all coming back to me now."

Sam stared at him and never wanted to move, but they had to be practical. It would be dark within the hour. She spoke softly, "Can I get a lift?"

Jack smiled, "Sure," he nodded to his truck, "We'll put the bike in the back."

She grinned at him, "Thanks."

She kicked the bike off its stand and with Jack's help, she managed to lift the bike into the back of his truck and fasten it down.

During this time the wind had picked up and the snow was getting heavier and heavier as the sky began to darken. Her military boots were almost completely beneath the layer of thick snow that blanketed the tarmac. She hurriedly climbed into the passenger seat of Jack's truck closing the door. She was beginning to feel the chill in her fingers. She removed her gloves and displayed her white fingers, splaying them on her legs in front of her.

Jack climbed into the driver's seat. The minute he did, he turned up the heating and gave a visible shiver. He glanced at her hands. She tried to hide them in her jacket, but Jack was quicker. He clasped them in his fingers. For some reason they were much warmer and Sam felt a tingle as he rubbed her fingers between his palms.

"Jesus, Sam! Your fingers are freezing."

He rubbed her digits in his hand and blew on them until Sam began to feel them again. He planted a kiss on her hand and then placed them back in her lap.

"Thank you," Sam said with a large smile, as Jack just nodded and gave her a tiny smile in return as he murmured a reply.

"You're welcome."

It wasn't a lot for him to say, but Sam knew that that meant so much more than if he'd gone into a speech about something. Jack was always brief when he was showing emotions, strong emotions. And that fact alone was enough to make Sam wish that this little 'couple' fantasy they were playing out at this moment could last forever.

Jack clasped the steering wheel and began to drive, leaving the mall car park. The windscreen wipers were working on over time to clear the continuous falling of snow. Jack began driving towards Sam's house when Sam noticed up ahead a red sign.

Jack cursed under his breath, "Damn, the road's blocked!" He parked for a moment and looked at her, "Any other ways around?"

"Not unless you want to be driving for another hour," Sam said with a small wince.

"Look's like it's my place then, doesn't it?"

Sam shook her head, "Oh no, Colonel! You have family around! I couldn't intrude…"

Jack smiled, "You aren't intruding, Carter. Your house is still a long way away. It's freezing, getting dark and there is no way I'm going to let you walk alone in either conditions. It's either come to my place or stay in this freezing truck and the latter is not an option."

Sam gave a small chuckle, "You can take the Colonel away from the air force for some down time, but you can't take the air force away from the Colonel."

"Oh really," Jack said with fake indignation, "So what do you call what happened in the car park?"

"A fling?" Sam offered with a grin.

Jack was serious when he said, "I hope not." Jack shook his head and put on a small smile, "You are right though. I always sound like I'm conducting a mission." Sam just smiled as Jack said, "So…?"

"Your place."

Jack smiled and turned the truck around, driving back the way they'd come. He turned on the radio and Christmas music began to play. Extremely familiar Christmas music…

Try to imagine

A house that's not a home,

Try to imagine

A Christmas all alone.

That's where I'll be since you left me

My tears could melt the snow

What will I do without you?

I've got no place, no place to go.

It'll be lonely this Christmas,

Without you to hold. It'll be lonely thi...

Sam switched off the radio as she felt herself blushing and muttering hurriedly in explanation, "Never did like that song…"

"No, me neither…" He mumbled blushing equally red as he blurted an agreeing reason. After a few moments of awkward silence, Jack cleared his throat, "So... You going to Fraiser's Christmas Party?"

"Well, yes," she gave a small cough, "Was she serious about the fancy dress?"

"Well, Daniel hired out a costume. Teal'c's going with a red nose saying he's Rudolph. I know Cassie and Fraiser were working on their costumes all last weekend. So I think it is…"

Sam gave a small laugh, "At least I've got a costume…"

Jack gave her a smile, "Let's just hope no one recognises you!"

"You did and that's embarrassing enough. Hopefully, none of them will ever know about my part-time Christmas job!"

"That's if I don't tell them!"

Sam glared at him, "You wouldn't dare!"

Jack said with a grin, "You obviously don't know me that well…"


"OK. OK. I won't tell anyone!"

Sam laughed, "Yeah well you better not! No one really knows how... dangerous Christmas elves are!"

He looked at her surprised by her tone of voice. She just winked at him and opened the door to the truck. She stepped onto Jack's snow covered drive. Parked on the road was a posh black car and Sam whistled, "Nice Car. I assume your sister quite well off?"

"Are you kidding? She has me for a brother!"

Sam just laughed as Jack knocked on his front door, "I meant in the money sense!"

The door opened and Jack was thrown a few steps backwards by a flying six-year-old and landed in the snow that covered his lawn.

"Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack! Can we open the presents? Can we? Can we? Can we? PLEASE!"

Jack laughed warmly in a way Sam had barely ever heard him laugh before, "Yes! Yes! Just let me get up, will you?!?"

"Jack?" The woman came to the front door and hurried outside. She grabbed her little son and said, "Nathan!" She then turned to Jack, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just let me get up! This snow is f-freezing."

Sam stood there feeling slightly awkward as the woman helped Jack to his feet. She turned and went to walk inside when she noticed Sam stood by the doorway.

She gave a small jump of surprise and exclaimed, "Oh!"

"Hi," Sam said with a small smile before wincing. 'Great,' she thought, 'How unintelligent and guilty did I just sound?!?'

"Ladies, can we?" Jack pointed to the door, "Pleasantries once we're inside!"

They hurried indoors and Jack stood on the doorstep wiping the snow off him before following them.

Jack's sister sat down with Nathan and began to try and take the boy's coat off, but he was so excited he wouldn't sit still for a moment.

Sam smiled as Jack entered the room and swiftly grabbed the little boy by the ankles and hung him upside down for about twenty seconds. Nathan was screaming with laughter as Jack finally set him the right way up and he sat still, as Jack removed the boy's jacket.

"How do you do that?" the woman asked in awe.

Jack spoke matter-of-factly, "They get so dizzy that they won't get up and run off for about thirty seconds giving you enough time to take of their coat or shoes."

The woman laughed cheerfully as the boy stood up and began running around excitedly again. She shook her head, "He can't possibly get it from Greg! Was I ever that hyperactive when I was kid?"

"Not that I remember," Jack said as he walked out of the room to hang Nathan's jacket up. When he came back in he continued, "You used to just read books all the time. I don't know how you girls can do that?"

Katie suddenly remembered that she hadn't been introduced to the woman sat on the sofa. She had gorgeous blue eyes Katie couldn't help but envy, not to mention a beautiful face and short golden hair. She was wearing jeans and had a large black sweater on which from the ends of the sleeves could be seen the dainty tips of her fingers. She was no longer wearing boots and blue and white stripy snowman socks could be seen beneath her jean leg.

She had been wearing the most hideous boots and Katie realised they were identical to the ones Jack had to wear for work. Military regulation boots.

When the blonde woman realised Katie was staring at her socks, she blushed and said sheepishly, "Christmas present."

Katie smiled, "We've not been introduced. I'm Katie. Jack's little sister."

"Samantha Carter. Just call me Sam," the woman said with a small smile, "Me and the Colonel work together."

Jack interrupted the conversation, "Carter's an astrophysicist."

"Really?" Katie said with a large smile, "I did Astrophysics in college."

Sam and Katie began talking astrophysics and Jack smiled to himself as he stood and walked into the kitchen to make coffee. As Jack was about to boil the water, the phone rang.

He picked up and said down the phone, "Jack O'Neill."

"O'Neill, it is I."

Jack smiled at the familiar low voice, "Hey Teal'c!"

"Myself and Daniel Jackson were returning to our abodes and the road has been obstructed. We wish to enquire into your authorisation of our company at your residence."

Jack was confused as to what Teal'c was trying to say. Jack spoke again, "Put Daniel on."

After a second another voice came down the phone, "Jack?"

"Translation, please."

Daniel paused for a second then said, "Teal'c means: Can we come to your place?"

Jack shook his head, "Sure. I already have quite a circus around here. I'm making coffee. How long will you be?"

"Five minutes."

"See you in five."

Jack put down the phone and walked into the living room. Sam looked up at him as he said, "Looks like we're going for a full house."


"Daniel and Teal'c got blocked off as well so they're coming here to join in the party."

"Now all we need is Janet and Ca…"

The phone began to ring again as Jack shot Sam a look. He picked it up and walked into the living room.

"Jack O'Neill."

"Hey, Colonel. It's Janet."

"Hey Doc," Jack glared at Sam as she mouthed, 'Sorry!'

"I know this is kind of unexpected, but there's been a road blockage and Cassie's complaining about the cold and I thought…"

"Come on over, Doc."

"Thank you, Colonel."

"No problem, Doc. See you soon."

He put the phone down again.

Sam bit her lip, "Sorry, my fault!"

"Well, don't do it any more! Next thing we know General Hammond will be stood on the doorstep!"

The doorbell rang as Katie burst into chuckles as Sam joined her.

Jack stood up and muttered, "Oh for crying out loud!"

He walked to the front door and opened it. He observed a rather cold and wet looking General Hammond. He was drenched to the bone, his remaining ginger hair plastered to his head. He was dripping and if Jack hadn't noticed to slightly pissed look on his CO he would've made some comment about 'Drowned rodents on his doorstep'.


He looked kind of awkward, "Colonel. My car broke down and I was wondering if you had any jump leads?"

"Sir, I'm warning you. The main road's blocked and you will have to go the long way round. Besides, if your cars playing up you might not make it back."

"Damn," the General muttered causing Jack to grin slightly.

"Come on in, George. You're not the only one who's here."

His CO spoke gratefully, "Thank you, Son."

He stepped inside and Jack shut the door, "Take off your boots and your coat and sit in the living room."

General Hammond nodded, as Major Carter stepped out of the living room. Both of them froze staring at each other in utter shock.

"Major Carter!"


Hammond wondered what Major Carter was doing in Colonel O'Neill's house and began to get slightly suspicious. The word 'fraternisation' spun in his head.

He continued to think that until another woman with bobbed brown hair stepped out of the living room and gave him a small smile before walking into the kitchen, as she said, "Jack, do you need a hand?"

"No. I'm OK," Jack poked his head out from the kitchen, "Coffee, Sir?"

"Uh…" General Hammond said surprised and confused by the young woman, "Yes, Please, Colonel."

Major Carter smiled at him, "Come on into the living room, General. It's much warmer than here…"

There was another knock on the door, as a little boy sped out of the living room and ran to open the front door.

General Hammond followed Major Carter into the living room and sat down, as the little boy could be heard saying, "Come in! Take off your shoes and coats!"

The boy sped past the doorway into the kitchen and after a few seconds passed again dragging Colonel O'Neill along with him.

"Hey Guys!"

"O'Neill. We are grateful for your hospitality," Teal'c's low voice could be heard.

"Yes, Sir. It's very kind."

"No problem, Doc."

Dr. Jackson spoke, "Jack, who's the little boy?"

"I'll tell you in a minute, just go and sit in there."

Jack hurried back past to the kitchen and General Hammond turned to Major Carter bewildered, "Major?"

"Colonel O'Neill's kid sister made a surprise visit. The boy is his nephew. I was at the mall and because I drove there on my motorbike I couldn't go home on it. They were at the mall and I got a lift, but the road was blocked. So the Colonel brought me here instead. A few minutes ago the Colonel got phone calls from Daniel and Teal'c and then from Janet and Cassie saying that they couldn't get home because of the roadblock. So they were coming over. Then you turned up."

"It's a full house."

"Yes, Sir."

Suddenly, the latest guests entered the living room. Janet gasped, "General! What are you doing here, Sir?"

"Same reason you are apparently, Doctor."


Sam stood up and hugged the sixteen-year-old, "Hey Cassie! How's school?"

"Well, that's a stupid question!" Cassie said in a tone that reminded everyone of Colonel O'Neill and they all chuckled softly.

Daniel was the next one to speak, "Why are you here, Sam?"

"It's a LONG story and I'd rather not go over it, again."

"OK," Daniel said and then said, "Sam, I think you've got some lip stick on your cheek."

Sam rubbed the side of her face with her hand and found that some of the pink face paint had been missed by Penny's hurried make up removal. She blushed as everyone looked at her confused, but no one mentioned it afterwards.

Once everyone was finally settled in the living room each with a steaming mug of coffee, Jack began the introductions, "OK. Everyone I'd like you to meet Katie, my kid sister, and you've already met my nephew, Nathan, who seems to have run off somewhere!"

"I never knew you had a sister, Jack!" Daniel said in surprised.

Jack gave him an exasperated look that said, 'Well Done, Daniel!'

Katie spoke seriously, "Oh don't worry. I don't talk about him either!"

Jack frowned at her, both in surprise and then in offence. He cleared his throat, "Katie, this is Dr. Daniel Jackson…"

"Pleased to meet you." Daniel said politely obviously trying to repair his previous comment.

"You too, Doctor."

Daniel smiled, "Don't call me Doctor! No one does!"

"Alright, Daniel."

Jack motioned towards two more of his guests, "…Doc. Fraiser and her daughter…"

Janet smiled, "I'm Janet."

"Are you a medical Doctor?"

"Yes," Janet said with a confused smile.

The woman put on a frown and said seriously, "Then, why are you friends with Jack?"

Jack glared at his sister as everyone laughed. Janet spoke with a grin, "I'll admit he is the most annoying patient I ever get in the infirmary… and one of the most frequent!"

Katie grinned and then said to Cassie, "And you are?"

"My name's Cassandra, but its just Cassie," Cassie smiled, as Jack turned to the next person perched on the couch.

"This is Teal'c."

"It is an honour to be in conference with O'Neill's sibling," the Jaffa replied inclining his head respectfully.

Katie smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Teal'c."

"…And finally, General Hammond."

"Ma'am," he said with a small nod.

"You're Jack's CO?"


Katie put a hand at the side of her mouth as she spoke in a stage whisper, "Well think yourself lucky! You can send him on a dangerous mission whenever he's annoying you!"

General Hammond laughed, as Jack turned to his sister, "Hey, will you quit it!"

"Don't worry, Jack," Katie said with a grin, "I'm not going to get out baby photos or anything!"

Jack just blushed as everyone laughed again and then pointed a thumb to the door, "I'll go see if I can find Nathan."

When he'd left Katie whispered, "He's actually gone to hide the box with all our baby photos in. I'll see if I can find it later!"


Yet more Author's Notes: That's the end of Part One! Part Two will be here shortly, but as I only have today to think how to end it, you might have to give me a day or two! Wish me luck in my Pantomime because the first showing is tomorrow evening and it's my first main part! Have a Happy New Year! Luv, Hugz and Jelly Babiez, Sam xxx

Copyright (C) Sam I Am 2004