First I would like to say sorry for the very long delay and thanks for the reviews. Its just been one of those months. I went to the New Jersey and Chicago convention which was nice. I've had absolutely no time since then to write anything though because in between a family member ended up in the hospital with serious medical problems. Now we have her 8 yr. old daughter. So my days are spent watching a very hiper 8 yr. old and my nights watching 2 babies under 18 months. NOT how I was planning my summer vacation. Anyway - hopefully I will get time to write (even if I have to lock myself in my room). This chapter might not be the best but I wrote it to hold you over until I can seriously write some more chapters to get to the part that's already written. I might re-write this chapter a little, I really don't like it, but I'm very critical of myself. Let me know what you all think. Again, sorry for the delay.

Part 10

Exhausted by everything that she had been through, she fell asleep on the couch listening to Jack talk about aimless things. He picked her up and took her into the spare room.

"Jack?" she whispered.


"I'm scared."

"You don't need to be. Everything will work out."

"How can you be so sure?"

"We love each other. That has to mean something."

"My dad can't know I'm pregnant. You'll get kicked out of the Air Force."

"He's going to notice in a few months."

"I wasn't going back to his house. I was skipping town."


"Put yourself in my shoes. You met him last month and seen how pissed he got about me just being here. Imagine what he would do if he found out I was pregnant."

"Get some sleep. I'll wake you when he gets here."

"Promise me you won't tell him."


"Just promise me. If you don't lie for my sake then lie for your career."

"How do I explain you're here?"

"Tell him you seen me running and stopped to give me a lift because of the rain." Jack briefly thought if she planed one of the scenarios and had the lies planned out.

"Get some rest. I'll worry about it when it happens." he said walking out of the room.

Three hours later there was a knock at the door. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up General Carter's daughter."

"Sure, come on in." he closed the door and went into the living room.

"Sara could you go get Sam from the spare room?"

"Sure." A minute later Sara came back down. "She's not there."


"The window was open. She must have left."

"Sir?" The Lieutenant asked.

"I don't know where she went."

"I'm ordered to stay here until I retrieve the General's daughter."

"Call the General and see if he'll get his ass down here if he doesn't believe us." Jack watched him as the Lieutenant walked out of his house dialing on his cell phone.

"Jack." Sara said, once they reached the living room.

"Yeah?" Jack answered, still not taking his eyes off the Lietuenant from the living room window.

"She left this on the bed for you." Jack took the envelope from Sara.

He seen the Lieutenant returning so he stuffed it under a couch cushion.

"Sir, I'll be leaving now."

"Why isn't he coming?"

"He received a phone call about 15 minutes ago from his daughter. That's all I know."

Before Jack could reply the Lieutenant left. He went back to the couch and grabbed the envelope.

"I'll leave you alone."

He nodded absent mindedly towards Sara as he opened it. He pulled out a sheet of paper and a little picture. He read what was on the paper.

'Jack, I thought you'd like a picture of your child. Sorry to just run off, but it's for the best. I'll be happy to bring him by when he's born. Sam.'

He looked at the baby that was growing inside Sam.

He woke up with the pictures still in his hand. He looked at the clock and noticed he was only asleep for a couple of hours. He stayed up until the early hours thinking about what he wanted to do. He threw out the note and the picture on the way to the bathroom. He decided to let Sam live her life and let her move on. He realized that he loved her months ago, but was he ready for a family? He knew nothing about babies or children. Also if her father even found out about him getting Sam pregnant his career would be over. He kept telling himself that it was for the best.

TBC.........hopefully sooner rather than later!