Author has written 14 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Due South, That '70s Show, High School Musical, and Merlin. hello, hope you enjoy the stories I'm 22 and live in England. I am a fan of many things because I tend to get obsessed very easily then get bored very easily. Most of my stories are Stargate SG-1 as it was a big part of my life when I was growing up. I focused on Sam/Jack pairing and every one of my stories as a certain degree of that ship. I haven't posted anything since I was 16 so it is exciting to come back and post my next story. Thanks for showing an interest in my drabbles. Leave a review, I welcome constructive crit. Just keep in mind that I was quite young when I was writing some of my older fics and the embarrassment of people still reading them makes me cringe with agonising pain. So... please be kind. Ta x |