![]() Author has written 3 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Today I was Awesome, but then again when am I not. Hey their everyone! My names Kelsey and I'm seriously enjoying my time here on fanfiction. Big announcement everyone!!! The last chapter to A Daring Night (13 Part 2) Is up!!!! So now the story is officially complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Second complete story, Chasing Tail is also complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far I only have three stories up, but have no fear I have many other ideas I'm currently writing about. I want to get a little farther in 'Yu Yu Night' before I post the others thou. Don't wanna get over whelmed lol. Anyway, stories to look forward to that haven't been posted yet: Sequel to A Daring Night; Past Trouble, (Bleach); Yu Yu Night, (Yu Yu hakusho); No tittle's yet... Monochrome Factor, Blue Exorcist, Naruto, Young Justice, and Rise of the Guardians, Supernatural. So many ideas! So little time to write!!! Well...I guess It's because I have so many ideas that I got a Fan Fiction account in the first place. I would give you summaries of the stories to be, but I'm kinda afraid of someone stealing my ideas. So you'll all just have to wait like 'good' girls and boys. The fan fictions I write are all mainly rated M, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy K and up stuff as well. Also all my stories are Yaoi... accept the Bleach one that only has hints of it. If you guys love long stories... then you're going to love me! Each chapter I write is always a 1000 or more words. Since I love writing back stories to explain how the couples meet and fall in love; more than a chapter or two is always guaranteed. My favorite anime of all time is Yu Yu Hakusho, and character is Hiei... thou I don't have a preference when it comes to the Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei parings. Anyway i'll stop babbling and just hope you'll all enjoy my stories and hopefully are looking forward to the next chapters. :D |