Notes and Thank Yous for The Bonded (circa the original publishing, June 2001)
The Bonded is my largest completed project to date, and I received a great deal of help on it. I wish to send the following thanks:
My thanks go out to my friends Lizzie, Mike, Susan, and Lulu, for editing my work and giving advice. Thanks also to my other aids and inspirations. Without any of these individuals, The Bonded never would have been completed.
Also, thank you to my readers. I appreciate every single reply I have gotten and am eternally flattered and grateful.
All original names used in The Bonded are taken from Japanese names and words. If anyone is interested, these are:
Makuno shortened form of Makuno-uchi, meaning "riceball lunch (box)"
Dr. Kudoi Dr. "Clueless"
Nanji "(what) time"
Shotaro the name from which shota-con/shotaro complex is taken
Furthermore, there are some general notes for the story that may help to explain details that do not agree with the show.
Firstly, Piccolo destroyed the moon before the Saiya-jin Saga to prevent Gohan from transforming. However, I rather like the moon and feel it necessary to include it when dealing with saiya-jin. Therefore, it is present in this story.
Secondly, I deviate somewhat from the timeline of DBZ. I discount DBGT completely. I also leave the series just before the end - Goku does not go off to train. Other parts still remain, however, specifically the birth of Marron. This was done purely for my own convenience.
Thirdly and finally, I have not been able to see the entirety of DBZ yet. If there are any minor errors or disagreements with the timeline that I have not mentioned, this is why.
Thank you, everyone, for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I hope the time and effort put into this piece was worth it. As always, my e-mail is if you are interested in contacting me. Until I post again,
Addendum: Editing and reposting this fic has brought to light both its good and bad qualities, making this at once a fun and painful (and often painfully fun) process. While this no longer represents my skills as a writer, this was the first major fanfic that I ever completed, and it was a landmark as such. I hope that you enjoyed reading it, and I promise: much of my other work is more mature and much better.