A/N This is an idea I came up with at...one in the morning, I think. Somewhere around then. Either way, I developed it a bit further, and it kinda sparked my interest. So...yeah. I'm posting it. I feel like it's kinda dragging a bit, but no worries. It gets better. ^^ Set before Season 2, by the way. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer Last night, Robin came to me and announced I owned Young Justice. Then I woke up. ;)
The team stood numbly in the mission hall after receiving Batman's mission. "This is my fault," Aqualad murmured, pressing his forehead into his palm as if to get rid of a head ache. "I should have known something was wrong earlier."
"I-it's not your fault, Kaldur," M'gann sniffled, amber eyes tinged red with tears. She wiped away the salty drops with the back of her hand, but more continued to fall. Artemis stepped closer to the Martian, trying to offer some comfort. M'gann didn't waste any time before burying her face into Artemis's shoulder, her body shaking gently with quiet sobs.
Kid Flash paced around the room, outline beginning to blur slightly as he allowed his nervous impatience to get the best of him. His green eyes were angry, a sure sign something was wrong; Kid Flash could get annoyed, but it wasn't often he was furious. Robin was scowling as he tapped his holo-computer furiously, the white lenses of his mask narrowed into dangerous slits. "Don't worry, Miss M," Robin said, "We'll find him."
They shouldn't have lost him. Everyone was painfully aware of a certain absence in the room. Superboy had been irritated by something; no one was sure what, but probably something having to do with Superman, and the fact that the television was currently playing a monkey documentary M'gann was cooing over. Superboy had stomped out of the Cave to get some fresh air and clear his head. This wasn't unusual, and no one worried much as the first hour ticked away.
But with each passing hour, the team began to grow concerned. Superboy had never failed to come back; even if he came back even more furious than he had been when he left, he always came back. But it was Robin who pointed out that he hadn't just returned to his room when no one was paying attention. Superboy was still gone, and it was nearing midnight.
Robin wasted no time in trying to contact Superboy, but a quick check on the comm link revealed that there was nothing but static from Supey's end. M'gann then tried to telepathically search for him. Tears filled her eyes as she announced she couldn't sense his presence anywhere. Though it was a school night, no one cared, lingering at the Cave. Wally immediately comforted the Martian as she tried not to cry, reminding her he might just be out of her range.
Robin pulled up some sort of program on his holo-computer, a large map of the globe coming up. He frowned as a string of computer code flew across the top of the screen, and he tapped a few keys into his glove. After a second or two, he made the dreaded announcement. "His signal is gone. I can't find him anywhere."
It was then the team really started to worry. As it neared one o' clock, Artemis and Wally were forced to zeta home, and Robin soon left with Batman as well. M'gann curled into a ball in her room, trying not to cry as she repeatedly scanned the area for any sign of Superboy. Nothing. He was gone, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Morning came all too slowly, and it seemed to take far too long for Robin, Wally, and Artemis to return from school. A few seconds later, Batman called them into the mission room, explaining that they had found a lead on Superboy's disappearance; namely, the last signal that his tracker gave off. The signal had come from an abandoned Cadmus warehouse in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. Cadmus…needless to say, everyone grew far more worried when they had heard this. Which brought them to where they were now.
"What are we waiting for?" Kid Flash cried. He stopped pacing, but he was still vibrating, his outline blurred. "Let's go!"
"We can't rush into this," Robin responded. "This may be our only chance to find Superboy."
"But-" The speedster was cut off as Artemis pulled away from M'gann to whack the back of his head. "Hey!" he yelped, glowering at the archer.
"Get your head in the game, Baywatch," she snapped. Kid Flash would've responded, but a glance at M'gann's tear-streaked face stopped him. His vibrations slowed, though he was still fidgeting with nervous energy.
"M'gann, send the coordinates to the bio-ship. We will leave immediately," Kaldur said, already walking out the door. M'gann gave a shaky nod, closing her eyes briefly as she contacted the bio-ship. She then followed Kaldur, the rest of the team filing out. Though none of them would admit it, they were all afraid to some degree. They all knew Superboy hated the thought of ever going back to Cadmus, of ever being trapped in a pod again. The fact that they probably had played a hand in his kidnapping wasn't good at all.
Young Justice wasted no time in boarding the bio-ship, and M'gann began the flight to Nevada, pushing the bio-ship to its limits as she sped her way towards their only hope at finding Superboy. Hold on, Conner, she thought, we're coming.
Finally, after what felt like forever (especially to Kid Flash) they reached the abandoned Cadmus facility. Aqualad was the first one off, gesturing for everyone to wait. "Miss Martian, run a telepathic scan to check for anyone," he instructed. M'gann immediately shut her eyes, placing her fingers to her temples as she extended her consciousness out to encompass the Cadmus grounds. Nothing. Her eyes slid open, and she glanced at the Atlantean. "Nothing," she informed. "No one's there."
She wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"His signal came from sublevel 13," Robin interrupted. "We should check there first."
Aqualad nodded in agreement. "Robin, go in ahead and deactivate any cameras." He turned to glance at the Boy Wonder, but he was already gone, just a fading laugh left behind.
Robin really did enjoy vanishing, and despite the situation, he couldn't help but give his trademark cackle as he disappeared, seemingly into thin air. He wasted no time before finding a small control panel located next to a steel door, most likely for the lock. He quickly hacked it, then used the connection to go through Cadmus's systems, setting the cameras on a loop and deactivating the motion sensors. "We're good to go," Robin informed telepathically, sneaking inside the building.
"Good. Go on ahead; we will meet up with you in a few minutes," Aqualad responded. He felt Robin's acknowledgement through the mental link, and Aqualad turned his attention back to the teammates surrounding him. They all were inside the building quickly, Kid Flash beginning to vibrate again. A gentle reminder from Aqualad stopped the nervous habit, and he grinned sheepishly as they headed down.
Robin made it to sublevel 13 in under a minute. He briefly considered waiting, but decided against it. Each second he spent waiting for the others to catch up was another second wasted; he might as well go on ahead. He snuck through the halls as only a Bat could, feet making no sound as the made contact with the tiled floor. His eyes darted back to the holo-computer in his glove to confirm his position, and he pushed open a door.
His first thought was but M'gann said there was no one here! Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he noticed a distinct lack of Superboy. There were, however, quite a few g-nomes and a few scientists as well. "Ah, Robin. We knew you'd show up," one scientist greeted, stepping forward. His blonde hair had been cut short, only around an inch long. Intelligent, cold brown eyes stared at the teenager, and a g-nome was perched on his shoulder.
Robin tensed, eyes narrowing as he fixed his rather terrifying glare on the scientist in front of him. "Where is Superboy?" he demanded, whipping out a birdarang.
"We knew he'd be perfect bait," the scientist commented, taking another step closer. Robin couldn't help but take a small step backwards as he attempted to contact the team. "Tsk, can't have any of that," the scientist scolded lightly. The g-nome's small horns glowed red for a brief second, and Robin was cut off from the mind-link.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Robin asked, voice taking on an edge that was scarily similar to Batman's.
"My name is Dr. Anthony Lawrence. As for the latter…you'll find out." The last few words were followed by a rather sinister look, and he snapped his fingers. Robin's mind immediately became fuzzy, darkness creeping around the edges of his vision. He gritted his teeth, trying to fight the mind-control.
He sank to the floor, birdarangs falling from his numb fingers. He was vaguely aware of a needle being poked into his skin before he succumbed to the darkness, sinking into oblivion.
M'gann suddenly let out a small gasp. "Guys, I think Robin's in trouble," she said suddenly, amber eyes widening as she pressed her fingers to her temples.
"What happened?" Kid Flash immediately demanded, worry for his best friend sweeping over him. First Superboy, now Robin? No, he wouldn't think like that. Robin would be fine…he was the Boy Wonder, after all.
"I-I'm not sure. I felt a brief flash of alarm and dread, but…now I can't sense him anymore."
"What?" Kid Flash demanded. "That's it; I'm going to help. Catch up with me later," he said determinedly.
"Wait, Baywatch!" Artemis shouted at the same time Aqualad said, "We need a plan!" Both shouts fell upon deaf ears, Kid Flash already gone in a blur of color.
Kid Flash raced through the hallways and stairwells, not bothering with an elevator. He was faster, anyway. He quickly reached sublevel 13, heart pounding loudly in his ears. "Rob?" he called out loudly, acting on impulse. No response, but he did here muffled voices coming from a room down the hallway. The ginger immediately raced towards it, pushing the door open as he skidded to a halt, heart skipping a beat at what he saw.
Robin was unconscious, being dragged into what looked like some sort of escape pod by two scientists. A third stood by, brown eyes appearing triumphant as he stared at the unconscious teenager. G-nomes were clustered by the scientist, a few of their horns glowing a gentle red. "Robin!" Kid Flash shouted.
"Subdue him," the scientist with blonde hair commanded. The g-nomes immediately turned to face Kid Flash, who felt his legs turn to jelly as he resisted the urge to pass out. He collapsed to the ground with a groan as he watched his best friend be dragged away, then he fell unconscious.
Kid Flash woke up when someone shook his shoulder, gently at first, then with growing strength. "Kid Flash," a familiar voice called. That was soon followed by, "Get up, Baywatch." Mustering his strength, the ginger opened his green eyes and sat up, letting out a soft moan as he did so, a headache throbbing behind his eyes. "What happened?" M'gann asked, face as pale as possible with the green color.
"R-robin is gone. They took him," Kid Flash answered, adrenaline coursing through him as he attempted to leap up, only to be brought back to earth by a sudden wave of nausea.
"What?" Artemis practically shouted, grip tightening on her bow. M'gann seemed to be fighting off a fresh round of tears; first her boyfriend, now Robin? How many more people would disappear?
"How did this happen?" Aqualad asked calmly, his voice firm.
"I'm not sure," Kid Flash answered. "I heard voices, so I ran in here. I saw a few g-nomes, and three scientists. They dragged Rob off, and the g-nomes knocked me out before I could do anything." He whacked himself in the head, letting out an angry sound. "It's my fault! I should have done something, I should've been able to save him! Now he's gone with Superboy and-"
"Stop," Aqualad interrupted. "It is not your fault. I should have noticed something was wrong."
"I-it isn't your fault either, Aqualad," M'gann said shakily between tears. Artemis immediately began trying to comfort the Martian girl again, though she wanted to do nothing except tear into a punching bag after she tore the world apart looking for both of them.
"What do we do now?" M'gann asked softly. Kid Flash managed to stand up, a determined, fierce look in his green eyes. "We go after him," he responded firmly.
"We must contact Batman first," Aqualad reminded him. Kid Flash's demeanor fell somewhat, but he nodded anyway. "Fine; but he better hurry. I'm not going to wait long."
"You mean to tell me you let him go in ahead, resulting in his capture?" Batman asked icily, his Batglare morphing into a full out DaddyBats glare. Even through the monitor screen, Aqualad swore the temperature dropped a few degrees. "We believed the building to be secure," he responded as calmly as possible, though he wasn't able to completely hide the tremor in his voice at the last word.
Batman's eyes narrowed further. "I expect a full mission report within the next ten minutes." With that, he ended the connection, turning to the computers in front of him. Immediately, he began typing, searching for Robin, his protégé, his son.
Cadmus was going to regret ever taking him.
A/N Small note; I created Dr. Anthony Lawrence...so, yeah. I guess I do own someone in this story after all. ^^ Anyway, I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this, but feel free to give suggestions if you have any. I may not use them, but I would appreciate the input. :D Oh, and small explanation; the reason M'gann didn't sense anyone in the building was because the g-nomes were blocking them out. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to fit that in, so I thought I should go ahead and explain it here. ^^
Reviews are greatly appreciated!