Okay I am going to be breaking a promise. I had promised that I would not do a story on death – I kept that promise for some time, but now I am unable to keep that promise anymore. So WARNING! MULTIPLE MAIN CHARACTERS DEATH: Do not continue to read if you cannot face death.

I honestly tried to write other last chapters to Strength but was never able to write more than a page. This is the final chapter that was stuck in my head and demanded to be written.

For those who choose to Read and review please.

Final Chapter: Honour's Price

Inuyasha stood on the deck of the huge space transport, watching as the huge ship made its last corrections to open the wormhole that will lead to their new home planet. Inuyasha had seen pictures of what was to be their new home. The planet had gleamed red and green, the minerals and flora was so thick on the planet that the water was green and not blue. The year 2174 marked their final year on earth. Everyone kept saying that it would be home, but to the Hanyou the world was strange and their home has far as he was concerned no longer existed.

The Hanyou silently contemplated the events that had led to their abandonment of their home planet. His heart ached he had not wanted to leave. But for the future of his children and grandchildren they had to abandon their home planet surrendering it to the overcrowding and mindless greed of the humans.

World War II had marked the beginning of the end. Some humans had discovered the existence of Youkai in European countries just before the beginning of World War I, what had gone unrecorded in World War II was that humans one both sides of the war had used it to almost wipe out the Youkai in their countries. By the end of the War many Youkai had gone extinct in Europe, the North Americas and most colonial countries. The red Communist and red Chinese had gone after the Youkai with a vengeance, wiping them out in the whole of the Soviet Union and China. The Arab nations forced Youkai to convert to Islam, bound them and forced the converted Youkai to serve their human masters as Jinn.

Tiny pockets of Youkai had managed to survive in the deepest jungles of South America and Africa by keeping far away from humans.

The only three countries were Youkai managed to avoid the vast dragnet of execution or slavery created by the humans were in India, Thailand and Japan. In India most Youkai were respected as the guardians of the Hindu Gods and a good number of Youkai had been protected by the Hindus that resisted conversion. Thailand had with the help of the Youkai resisted colonialism and the Elephant Youkai of Thailand flourished under the protection of their king. In Japan, the Shiro Inu Youkai had worked secretly with the Emperor in order to restore the Emperor to power. Once in power the Emperor had granted the Youkai land and wealth and he himself had destroyed any records of the Youkai-human relationship. When Japan had gone into their alliance with Germany, the Japanese rulers had pretended to have wiped out Japanese Youkai a long time ago, the Germans had been happy not to question too deeply. With the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan's defeat in the war, an edict of execution was sent out for any creature discovered to be Youkai as an appeasement to the Alliance. But as long as the Youkai managed to stay hidden the Japanese simply did not go looking for them. And thus the strongest clan of Youkai in Japan, the ShiroInu Youkai and the Wolf Youkai thrived.

By the 1960's the number of surviving Youkai in the whole world were less than five thousand.

Luckily human kind had short lives and even shorter memories. The excitement of the space race and the focus on scientific and rational thinking, allowed the memory of Youkai to once again slip into the arena of superstition and myth.

In 1974 all intelligent Youkai from all over the world met on the remote Volcanic Island of Krakatoa. It was a meeting of all generations, of all free Youkai whom were able to travel (the converted Jinn and Demons who betrayed demons to human were carefully excluded from the meeting.) Having gathered in full force their numbers were heart-breaking.

Unsurprisingly the Asian continent had the largest numbers of Youkai. Indian Youkai were the largest group of tiger, monkey, eagle, snake, elephant, dog, tree and crow Youkai of 1089. The Japanese contingent at 918 was the second largest made up of wolf, fox, badger, hawk, salamander, elemental tortoise and of course Dog Demons. The Thai Demons were made up of Elephant, snake, butterfly, lotus, frog, cat and tiger Youkai numbered at 711.

One great discovery to the Youkai was that having escaped to Nepal from China 18 Phoenix Youkai and 9 Dragon Youkai survived. Similarly escaping Russia to Mongolia a family of 27 White tigers had managed to live in hiding. Since all three had thought to have been extinct this was a great relief. The Dragon and Phoenix families agreed to be be under the protection of the Shiro Inu's, leaving Nepal as the tension mounted between Nepal and China. While the White tigers joined with the other tigers in India.

Outside of Asia, The total numbers of African Youkai were 801, made up of Lion, Wild Dog, Wildebeest and Vulture Youkai from the Savanna and from the jungles areas gorilla, Bonobos, spider and Harpy Eagles. The most shocking part of the African group was the introduction of a family of thirty six Dinosaur Youkai - the Mokolo Mobembes from deep in the Congo Jungles.

The only surviving Youkai from the British Isles the 27 members of the Dinosaur like Nessie family from Loch Ness Scotland were overjoyed to have a similar family to theirs surviving.

In the United States and Mexico the Youkai had been hunted to extinction. However the Nomadic Ape Youkai known to humans as Bigfoot lived in Canada but traveled stealthily throughout the Americans still survives with an impressive family of 162 members. The great forests of Canada sheltered 360 other Youkai made of bear, deer and elemental Youkais.

In South America from the Andean Mountains and the Amazon Jungle emerged 405 Youkai made up of Jaguar, Puma, Alpaca, snake, condor, Cayman and dog demons.

To avoid the humans, seal, walrus and manatee Youkai made a great migration south to the Antarctic Circle, there they lived with dolphin, shark and albatross Youkai numbering at 243 members in total.

The total number of intelligent demons on earth were only 4770, far less the than they had all anticipated. With human numbers increasing the future was not looking any brighter.

The first thing in the agenda had been to establish leadership. It was a contest of will between the Bull elephant from Thailand, the Tigress from India and Sesshoumaru from Japan. It was a long struggle before a tie was mutually declared. All three had led their people through hell and all were strong leaders. So respecting strength they would rule by a council of three. Each taking different leadership roles.

The Youkai meeting lasted for more than a month. With breaking hearts but firm determination they realized that the planet had to be given over to humans and their soulless technology. The humans had to fix their own future, instead the Youkai would seek for a new future, a new planet in the stars that would be free of the plague that was humanity. And so the demons put their considerable ability and focus to achieving this goal.

The Thai Leader most willing to travel, would see to the global increase of Youkai population. For a healthy population an estimated 7000 Youkai were needed. This goal was achieved through concentrated cross nation breeding efforts and from finding a few more individual families in hiding.

The Tigress would look into taking over the Indian space program and setting up a base for The Youkai space program in the remotest islands of the Indian Ocean.

Sesshoumaru would be in charge of slowly penetrating the space programs of Russia and the United States. Not to take it over but to get intelligence and technology from the humans.

It was almost comical, so caught up in their conspiracy theories involving the illuminati and reptile humans, the people of earth never realized that the Demons had actually slowly but surely developed the most advance aerospace industry. Many so called UFO's were Youkai Spaceships returning or going on missions.

While the humans were celebrating sending unmanned space probes to Mars, the Youkai had already landed probes on earth-like planets in two separate solar systems light years away. Combining technology, magic and pure Youki the space crafts of the Youkai were able to open dimensional rifts and travel to places humans could only dream of reaching. Light speed was just another number to beings of magical power - not the almost insurmountable barrier that it was to human physics.

The team of Youkai sent to scout the worlds was headed by Inuyasha's and Kouga's oldest children, now all adults to be reckoned with. The first few planets they found had intelligent beings on them, beings that built dwellings and worked the land. The Youkai had no desire to depose this creatures of their homes and deemed the planets inappropriate. The seventh planet the found, was the planet they would soon call home. They had observed the planet for over ten years before coming to that decision, carefully searching for but not finding even the slightest signs of primitive intelligence. Still they had waited until Kouga's daughter, half demon half goddess Gayathri was finally able to contact the spirit of the new planet. It was a young spirit that had no plans for developing a special species. The planet as such welcomed the demons and asked that in return the demons act as guardians of its sister and brother planets in the solar system. The demons happily agreed.

With their destination in mind the demons focused on building their three colony ships that would take almost the whole Youkai population consisting of 7011 individuals to their new home, Planet Nexz. 200 years after the idea was conceived the Youkai were ready to go.

Inuyasha's heart ached with the loss of those whom had elected not to go or never had the choice to leave.

Kouga and his goddess wife were two that were sorely missed. Her Lake was too close to the city and they had not been able to protect it. With her precious lakes being polluted and drying up, the Goddess had become deadly ill. Kouga had linked his Youki to hers, to give them both a few more precious years. When the Fukushima Nuclear plant had exploded the pair silently stood between the site and the Youkai hidden stronghold. They had absorbed all of the radioactive fallout that may have polluted their home. Together the couple saved their home and crossed over into the next world together.

His beloved divine son, Nao the Hanyou God had elected to stay on earth. With this mate beside him (a Tiger Princess from India) the two had set up a sanctuary for Youkai and Hanyou on the vanishing isle. With the God commanding it, they had less than a dozen years ago discovered that it the Isle could move to different locations around the world. With that discovery Nao had elected to stay on earth and provide some hope and safety for any Youkai or Hanyou undiscovered or left behind. Nothing could change his mind. So they had left Nao leading the group of 198 Youkai and Hanyou that had chosen to stay on earth.

Truth be told Inuyasha had wanted to stay on earth as well, but with his mate as one of the leaders of the evacuation of earth, the option was not on the table. His heart breaking in many, many ways Inuyasha had handed over Tessaiga to Nao. His father's fang was made with protection in mind, with Nao staying on earth it seemed right that the sword stay with him.

In the past 700 years Inuyasha had delivered a total of 16 pups. His final set of twins were delivered in 1975 as per the global initiative to increase Youkai populations. After that the Hanyou just felt too old to have more and left the re-population of Youkai to his children and grandchildren.

Inuyasha felt the ship jerk as they went into the worm hole, it would be a relatively short trip of no more than half an hour. The wormhole would take them into the solar system of their new home planet. The view changed from space to strange blurry pictures. Inuyasha turned away from the view and made his way to his mate.

When Sesshoumaru saw his mate walk into the common room, he stretched out his arms. Inuyasha without hesitation walked into the warm hug. The mated pair held each other for a long moment. They were silent – both had no wish to leave the earth, but there had been no choice. The two took comfort in each other's arms.

The relative peace of the common room was shattered by proximity alarms. The Alpha couple immediately ran to the bridge where the younger generations had taken leadership of their huge Colonial ship.

'Report!' Sesshoumaru commanded.

"It's the humans. Father! I need a minute!' Mee-chan responded from the radar array her hands dancing over the screen as she and her team worked to identify what had managed to enter the wormhole with them.

"Those God-damned idiots! We are fucking leaving. Why can't they leave us alone?" Kishi voiced the frustration they all felt.

"Jealousy and fear." Gayathri said flatly. "More jealousy than anything. NASA is a century behind us in technology. Ever since they found out our intentions two years ago they have tried many times to infiltrate and steal our technology. But they failed."

"We destroy everything when we left, they will have to make their own discoveries. Fuck!" Yuusha's eyes scanned the monitors. "By the Gods!" the InuYoukai stared in horror at the monitors. They had been too nice to the humans, they should have bombed the heck out of NASA before leaving.

"Come on Yuusha, the humans don't have the tech to follow us, what is going on?" Shippo demanded.

"Planet destroyers!" Mee-chan replied in an unnaturally soft tone. "Those blasted humans, they have sent two… no, shit three dozen planet destroyer rockets into the wormhole."

"Computing simulation of expected impact." An Elephant Youkai snapped out, as the monitors began to quickly display numerous scenarios.

In order to carry as many Youkai as possible and have enough to sustain them for six months, the Colonial spaceship itself had limited military capabilities. They could not launch their smaller spaceships inside the wormhole. They would have to come out of the wormhole, before the attack ships could be deployed to destroy the missiles.

"Oh fuck!" Yuusha whispered as the scenarios played out. "We are coming out too close to the outer planets of the solar system. Even if we manage to destroy all of them immediately, we will most likely lose the three planets closest to the wormhole exit."

"Gods no, we promised Nexz that we would look after all the planets in this system." Yuusha twin mates, his younger sisters placed their hands on his tense shoulders. "Is there nothing we can do?"

"There are too many, but we will try to reduce the damage as much as we can." Yuusha's voice was grim. "Kishi, Shippo get ready to scramble your fighter teams as soon as we come out of the wormhole."

"Yuusha!" Inuyasha's quiet call had all of them turning to their Papa. "You and Gayathri as our representatives gave your word."

Sesshoumaru nod was miniscule, "InuYoukai do not break their word so easily."

"Easily? Papa, Father none of us are taking this easily, our scenario program is the best, we will do our best. We are not breaking our word easily." Mee-chan piped in, her concern apparent.

"Your scenarios are meaningless to this Sesshoumaru, your word is my word. This is to be the new home of the Youkai and our first act in this home will not be dishonourable."

The Alpha mates stared at their progeny, wordless they reached out and clasped hands. The decision had been made.

"Keh, if we take out the planet destroyers before they leave the wormhole, we will not have to worry about the blast destroying the planets." Inuyasha said confidently.

"Our fighters cannot fly in the wormhole, Papa" Kishi said innocently.

"No! No, Papa you cannot do this." Yuusha catching his parents' intention went pale.

The Alphas smiled peacefully, Inuyasha reached out and placed a gentle hand on his powerful son's cheek. "I'm a Hanyou son, and my life has been a long one. Growing old is really not something I'm looking forward to and we must honour the promise. This new planet is to be your home, but it has never felt right to me."

"InuYoukai do not break their word, and this universe is meaningless without my mate. We will secure the future of our children. We are proud of all of you and know that you will secure the future of our people. This is our decision and you will honour it." Sesshoumaru's voice was steady and clear.

Tears began to start falling, the younger generation came to their parents, hugging and saying their goodbye. There was little time as the exit of they were nearing the exit of the wormhole.

"Yuusha." Inuyasha drew Junsaiga and presented it, hilt first to his eldest son. Yuusha's eye filled with tears, his hands trembled as he took the sword. Yuusha meeting his Papa's calm and loving gaze, straighten and bowed respectfully. When he raised his head his eyes were dry, determination to be the best leader and do his Papa proud shone clearly. He said nothing as he strapped the sword to his slim hips.

Sesshoumaru mimicking Inuyasha's actions giving Bakunsaiga to Mee-chan and Tessaiga to Kishi.

Then the whole group came together in a final group hug and the without fanfare the couple hand in hand walked off the bridge.

There was a heavy silence on the bridge as they watched their Alpha's leave.

"Switch on the monitors, get pods out so we can see into the wormhole once we leave." Mee-chan ordered her team, they scrambled to follow the sharp commands.

"Prepare to leave the wormhole." Yuusha ordered. "Get back to your positions, order red alert and get everyone to brace for impact. Shippo, Kishi, get to the hangers. Deploy as soon as we get out. Our Alpha's will destroy the missiles, of that there is no doubt. You task is search and rescue. They may be able to survive. Make sure you are in position to pick them up just in case."

Everyone snapped into action. There was no real hope that the Alpha's would be able to survive the blast inside the wormhole but their Alpha's made miracles happen. With any luck another miracle may occur. They had to try.

;) :D :P :(

The Alpha pair went into the airlock. They shared a long, hard kiss. Strapped on breathers. They depressurized the chamber. The second they heard they alarm ring that the Colony Ship was exiting the wormhole, hand in hand they leapt out into the hazy dark silence that was the void of the wormhole. Sesshoumaru with his whip and Inuyasha with blades of blood attacked the planet destroying missiles.

The two may have survived a dozen explosions, but the combined force of the planet destroyers exploding inside the wormhole tore the fabric of space apart. The wormhole itself destabilized and disintegrated. Without the magic of the Youkai the humans on earth would never be able to follow the trail of the Youkai as the main physical bridge connecting the two locations was destroyed.

Hoping beyond hope, the Youkai searched the area for hours, for days. Their fear was that their Alpha's were trapped in the space between. After five futile days of searching they collapsed into sleep, only to receive a clear telepathic message from Nao. Given the distance the contact was hard for even they Hanyou God to maintain.

Similar to the images they had seen when Sesshoumaru had battled the Dragon so long ago, they saw their Alpha's destroy the missiles. They saw the explosions get larger and larger; and finally they saw their Alpha's clasp hands, turn to smile at each other and disintegrate as the final blast tore the area apart.

Tears rolled down many cheeks that night.

Then they past the blinding brightness of the explosion, the area went black, a strange warm black. The darkness seemed to shimmer, blanketing them, warming them against the coldness of grief. As they watched a very handsome figure emerged from the darkness, his dark form seeming to be made up of the stars. The figure smiled gently at the dreamers, the smile comforted them. He stretched out his arms and two figures joined him in the shimmering dark. The figures of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha emerged, they were younger, in their prime. Inuyasha clad in his long discarded fire-rat robe and Sesshoumaru in the white and red armor he had worn in the feudal periods. Sesshoumaru immediately released the hand of the dark being and yanked Inuyasha to his side. While they could hear nothing, they saw the Hanyou mouth move in laughter. A door of light appeared in the darkness and the dream began to fade as they all saw the three walk towards the door.

The last image they had was of Inuyasha turning to look at those dreaming. He mouthed "Love you, now bloody get on with your lives." Then the dream disappeared leaving behind only the intense love the Hanyou had for his family.

Finally when they set foot on their new home of Nexz, they mourned the death of their parents and then celebrated their life and their sacrifice that paved the way for an honorable new beginning.

~~~ ~~~~~~ :( :( :( The end

And that my friends is FINALLY the END. I could write no other story, this story just stuck in my head and blocked all other possible endings. So this was totally written for me. For those who read this – thank you so much for being brave enough to read and please review to say if you feel I messed up or you enjoyed the story.

Cheers Ajj7SunHawk