Author has written 39 stories for One Piece, and Naruto.
WHO AM I!!?1?!
ANO CRAZY ADVENTURER means that insane traveller/adventurer.
You can call me anything you want, even Koyuki-chan though I dont act like that chara.
I have two accounts on this site. The other one is inactive and is used to have fun trolling myself. I have an account at FictionPress. XD And my deviantart account is koyukihazuki. -.-''
* Also, most of the pictures with white or black backgrounds are owned by me. While some which looks too Oda-ish, that's Oda-sensei's. And some others, aren't mine. I think if I'm not too lazy I'll write out the disclaimers and claimers. Lol.
I like cats. I want to travel. I need meat.
Seriously, I'm so into meat especially chicken meat. They taste awesome!
Ah. I have dangerous inners in my head. So .. Be aware.
My Specialties *flowers all around*
Aside that, I am an author who enjoys more writing off canonical fictions and bonding fictions. I am someone who sucks big time at writing romance fictions but at times - as people say - I'm really good at them. Even so, I don't enjoy writing romance fictions as much.
I like making a new story plot, though that habit is not that good. Still, I wish the One Piece fandom is filled with different story plots... People keep on writing off crappy adventures of their OCs though it's actually good since they're just unleashing their imagination. Still! They should try making out a new story plot. An original idea of this and that.
I am not that good myself but I am disappointed bonding fics are not greatly welcomed in this fandom. One Piece is actually more about freedomness and friendship, but people just focus on the characters and not the story plot... *sighs* I support the ideas of pairings but... Tsk, stormy. *no offense yall*
Oh, about pairings, this is a list of pairings I like.
Sanji x Nami ( I always notice that Sanji mentions Nami moe than Robin, in which that is the cause to this shipping... still, LuNa is cute too... )
Zoro x Robin ( Cool but not cute. well, Robin's cute ;) )
Franky x Robin (I just happen to develope the feels of supporting this pair. Admit it. They're cute together too.)
Usopp x Kaya ( Obivously! Right? No? *sobs* )
Usopp x Nami ( Umm... I think I'd prefer their friendship )
Vivi x Kohza ( sweet couple )
Tsuru x Sengoku ( Too cute if you ask me! XD)
Tsuru x Whitebeard ( XD cute wha... )
Shanks x Makino ( damn sweet but not cute, well maybe a bit cute? )
Chopper x Robin ( blame one of the authors for getting me shipping this pair X'D )
Rika x Coby ( so cute ;) )
Shakky x Brook ( plain. ;) )
Rayleigh x Shakky ( it's cute)
Roger x Rogue (I have no other words to describe them! :3)
Sabo x Koala (oh me meat!!! X3)
Luffy x Nami (I have finally see why people like em together.. But I dun like it if they're too lovey dovey!!)
A lot moar actually... :3
Zoro x Luffy ( I'm no fan of yaoi, but they're cute together ;) )
Ace x Law ( I'd prefer brotherhood )
Vergo x Doflamingo ( ... No... Comment. )
Law x Doflamingo (... No comment either. )
Sanji x Zoro ( Kawaii but i don't like they're being too romantic or loving to each other )
Mihawk x Shanks ( simple. coz they're cute! I'd prefer Mihawk blushing while Shanks being feminine! )
Shanks x Ben ( same as Mihawk x Shanks )
Garp x Sengoku ( 0.O How did this get into here? Anyways, of course I'd prefer their younger years before Garp met 'her' )
Coby x Luffy ( between an idol and the inspired one, cool but not cute )
Ace x Sabo (what the... XD)
Sabo x Luffy (Oh I hope Sabo's alive... )
Ace x Sabo x Luffy (hmmm... :3)
... :3
Luffy is my favourite character in this series (One Piece). You see, he had inspired me a lot! Because of him, I have loads of friends!
Because of him! I still want to live!
Pi, mestilah sebab utama kamek gik maok hidup sebab Allah, ya nak?
Because of him, I'm here. In the world of fandom.
I love One Piece. It is great in many aspects but it still have flaws like how some things tend to repeat like in the New World they met a princess like they're first step in Grand Line. The drawing styles (at first sucks) but it improves! Plus they're kinda realistic. Like someone crying. I once read about someone commenting how bad OP is as that individual said the people in that anime cries out weirdly, snots coming out... and blah, blaa.. blahh.
Anime doesn't have to be realistic, nor cute. The first thing WE should judge is the quality, not based on our taste.
Also, One Piece is not the greatest anime existed but it is the greatest anime I've watched. Get that?
I'm not claiming it the best in the world, but the best to me. To me. TO ME! NOT IN ANYONE'S OPINION! I'll skin ya alive if you blame me claiming that One Piece's the greatest and others just suck! I won't say that! *seriously!*
These are my OCs... And I just wanna say that they are not freaking Mary-Sues. One is planned to die already. *sobs*
Name: Col D. Kyla
Age: 20 (same as Nami)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Devil Fruit: Yes. Mizu Mizu no mi (inspired by Mizu Mizu no Luffy lol XD and no. she can't diverge into the sea or lake or river. you want her to commit suicide!? dun worry, shes gonna die anyway)
Family members: Known.
1. Parents, unknown.
2. Brother : Col D. Rayne -a revolutionary o.o- A/N: He's dead.
3. Sister : Col D. Serene -one of the Whitebeard Pirates- how to pronounce her name; Se of sex and i of is and na of nuts. A/N: she's dead.
Note: Kyla is not gonna be paired with anyone. I think the reason's already so obvious.
Name: Yoona
Age: Umm... 7.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Devil Fruit: Umm... None.
Family members: Known.
Third OC! (my first OP OC)
Name: Koyuki Hazuki / Hel D. Shade (there's a really interesting story over here, and you'll be very sick to hear it out)
Age: 19 (same as Luffy but months younger lehh...)
Gender: Female (i doubt this)
Sexuality : Asexual
Devil fruit: Yes. Still can't think of it's name yet.
Family members: Known.
Note: After a few modification, I made her reasonably defeatable but will never die, making her the best subject to sacrifice herself to save anyone. Also, her wounds don't recover magically after a few reconsiderations and let's say if her left arm or any parts of the body is badly injured and the only way to make her not suffer because of the pain is to cut off the injured part of her body. Oh. She was inspired from Shanks's looks. Oh, and no haki. Koyuki is my av OC cause she has all the good and bad that is on a character... So I believe she aint a mary-sue. Ipt you think she is, do PM... I'll appreciate, really! *and probably say thankyou por months*
Also. If you dare take any of my OCs, I'll skin ya alive. I mean it. Don't plaguarize. Your acts will bring the unsupposed darkness surface to this fandom world. We'll probably lose great fics and authors due to your acts. *glares*
Why I write them here while fearing them would be stolen by others? Well because I'm too lazy to open another 'words doc' and save it.
Reposted from Monkey D. Writer and icefox-chan's profiles... :)
Name your favorite characters from your favorite Anime (1-10) and pretend you were in it: (One Piece)
1. Monkey D. Luffy
2. Roronoa Zoro
3. Bon Clay/Bentham
4. Portgas D. Ace
5. Shanks
6. Monkey D. Garp
7. Trafalgar Law
8. Sabo
9. Sanji
10. Marco
1. What would you do if Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? (Luffy)
Luffy: *shakes my shoulders*
ACA: *rubs eyes* Huh? What? Oh, Luffy. Whassup? *smiles tiredly*
Luffy: I'm hungry... *pouts*
ACA: Wake Sanji- oh wait, never mind he'll kill you.
Luffy: Meat... *whines*
ACA: *sighs* Sure. Let's go to the kitchen. Don't make much noise. You won't want to wake anyone up, right? *smiles*
2. Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering? (Bon-chan)
ACA: *hides in the bathtub* This bathroom is in use!
Bon-chan: Oopps! Sorry, Bouken-chan! I didn't notice you! I'll use the other bathroom then!
He walked away, leaving for the other bathroom.
ACA: *blinks* Close the door! Bon-chan!
3. Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? (Ace/Sanji)
ACA: Like seriously. -.-'' Secretly, Ace is... ... Wait. You didn't do anything to Luffy, did ya!
Sanji: ... It's just a frickin' game. It's just a frickin' game. *grits cigar* *glares at Ace deadly*
Luffy: Ew.
Sabo. *laughing out loud, rolling on the floor* XD
4. Number 5 cooked you dinner? (Shanks)
ACA: *stares at the food*
Shanks: It's my first try so... Bon appetite! Is it? No?
ACA: *takes a bite of the meat* Hmm... Delicious! It's great!
Shanks: YEAY!
Benn: Congratulations, captain!
Yasopp: Hmph. I bet I'd be cooking better.
Lucky Roo: Can I have a bite, ACA?
ACA: You already have a piece of meat in your hand! *pouts and greedily covers the food*
Shanks: Don't worry! I'll cook some more! :D
5. Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? (Garp)
ACA: ... *stares*
Garp: *snores*
ACA: He looks as peaceful as Luffy when he's sleeping. *smiles with blushes* I wonder who's Luffy's grandma...
Garp: *mutters a name*
ACA: *widens eyes* Yes! One Piece spoiler! Woohoo!
6. Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? (Law)
ACA: ... Wow. A sadistic surgeon just confessed to be part of my already crazy family!
Law: It was the text, not my own will.
ACA: Yeah,... Hmph. No fun.
Law: ...
ACA: Okay, okay... *looks at the other two elder brothers* Law just wanted to be my brother! *sticks a tongue out*
Law: *sweatdrops*
7. Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? (Sabo)
ACA: *smiles*
Sabo: What's with that... smile?
ACA: What did you get yourself into this time?
Sabo: ... *sighs* I met with Ace and Luffy's grandpa, Garp and he gave me his Fists of Love.
ACA: And...
Sabo: *glares* I avoided it but I was hit by a cart, eventually sending me being hit by other carts. And that old hag left me.
ACA: You know I know there's something you're missing.
Sabo: *vein pops* Okay, okay. I was then rolling into an alley and accidentally disturbed a cat's nap - making the cat scratch my face. And it hurts.
ACA: *laughing out loud, rolling on the floor* But hey, you didn't die leaving Luffy all alone again, right?
Sabo: *smiles*
8. Number 9 made fun of your friends? (Sanji)
ACA: Sanji-kun! Stop it!
Sanji: Yes, my maiden... Anything for a woman.
ACA: And you guys, stop making fun of his cute eyebrow!
Sanji: *dances around happily* She called me eyebrow cute!
9. Number 10 ignored you all the time? (Marco)
ACA: Why!?
Marco: ... *ignoring*
ACA: Stop ignoring me! Waa! I admit it! I love you!
Marco: *smiles* Finally. But I don't love you, unfortunately.
ACA: Just don't ignore me... T.T
Marco: Okay.
10. Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? (Luffy)
ACA: Question. You're too late. Luffy already beat the crap out of them.
Luffy: But why would they want to kill you?
ACA: Well... Unfortunately I don't know myself.
Luffy: *shrugs* You okay?
ACA: *smiles* Yep! :D
11. You're on a vacation with 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? (Zoro)
ACA: *glares*
Zoro: It was an accident!
ACA: Yeah right. Like pushing me, who can't swim into an adult's swimming pool was an accident.
Zoro: Fine. *carries me like a toddler due to my size*
ACA: Waa! I have another brother! Let's play at the arcade zone, Zoro-nii-chan!
Zoro: *grunts* You're enjoying this, aren't ya?
ACA: *winks at the readers and Zoro walked to the arcade area*
12. It's your birthday. What will 3 give you? (Bon Clay)
Bon Clay: *delivered a box of leather jacket with a note: Happy Birthday, Bouken-chan! I'm still at Impel Down if you're wondering, sorry for the lame gift... *
ACA: *cries* This is actually what I had always wanted! Thank you! Bon-chan! Uwaa! T.T
13. You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? (Ace)
ACA: I know! Just save me!
Ace: *uses some technique and the fire was all gone*
ACA: Oh, look. You're on fire.
Ace: Glad you're okay! :)
ACA: Well... Thank you! *smiles with a blush*
14. You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? (Shanks)
ACA: *sniffs* All for Luffy's sake! *glares at that fat man*
Blackbeard: Zehehehehe... Come... and give an heir...
Shanks: *comes into the room*
Blackbeard: *glares at the Red-Haired Pirate captain* What do you want!?
Shanks: I've come here... To stop you!
ACA: *cries* SHANKS!
Blackbeard: Alone? To save this gal?
Shanks: I'm not alone. My crew's already dealed with your crew. Now give me ACA.
Blackbeard: NO WAY! *disappears into the darkness with ACA*
Shanks: ANO!
TO BE CONTINUED (lol, i will surely make an actual story)
15. You're about to marry number 10. What's 1's reaction? (Marco/Luffy)
ACA: *blushes*
Luffy: Well, see... I've told you that he actually will fall for you...
ACA: I never thought about him falling on me, honestly.
Luffy: Congrats, anyways... ACA... *smiles*
Marco: It's not even real, and heck, you two are really into it, aren't ya?
ACA: *pouts* Party-pooper!
Luffy: You no fun!
Marco: And I should care, why?
16. You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? (Law)
ACA: I'm... I'm not sad...
Law: You're not? Okay then. I'm leaving.
ACA: *vein pops* Leave me, then! Then you're the same guy as he was!
Law: Oh. Then I'l be as sexy, hot, and attracting like Marco. .. Hmm... Bye. *leaves*
ACA: ...It wasn't Marco. It was Vergo.
Law: *comes back* Don't ever fall for that kind of guy ever again! He's a mean, badass jerkish meanie!
ACA: *sweatdrops*
Vergo: What was that?
ACA laughed watching the two's chase.
17. You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you? (Sanji)
ACA: *smiles* Saa hajimeyou... Atarashii sekai ga yondeiru... *sings whole-heartedly*
Sanji: Wooohoo! ACA-chwannn!1! *pops the glitter-cone* *everyone else started enjoying the show*
After the result...
ACA: Sanji-kun! I won! I won!
Sanji: Congratulations! ACA-chwan!
Classmates: Yay! Go, ACA!
ACA: *smiles*
Sanji: I'll cook us all dinner!
Everyone including Luffy who appeared out of nowhere: Yay!
18. You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? (Marco)
ACA: *laughing*
Marco: *vein pops* If you're not stopping your laughter, I'm gonna make you do it. In a hard way.
ACA: *stops laughing* H-hard way, huh? *blushes and runs away*
Marco: That's not what I meant! Why you... COME BACK HERE!
19. Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? (Luffy)
ACA: What? I never was expecting this to come!
Luffy: *sneaks from the door*
ACA: I... Actually...It is because... He's a great friend. Irreplaceable, dependable, innocent, caring, understanding and so much more unwordable words. He's cute too. But... I wish just the best for him. I'm not the best so... It depends on Oda-sensei. What am I talking about... *blushes*
Luffy: So, you love me?
Marco: And not me. Good thing. Bye. *left the two alone*
ACA: ... Well... I kinda admire you... You're my idol and one of my support of life... *blushes* It's nothing, REALLY! Wait! Waa!! Lu-
Luffy: *puts his hat on me* Be my nakama. That's what you actually want, right?
ACA: ... *sniffs* Yep...
Luffy: Then welcome aboard. *smiles*
20. Number 2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for number 9. (Zoro/Sanji)
ACA: What the fuck.
Zoro: It's the question! NOT EVEN REAL!
Sanji: I-I... Gotta agree on marimo.
Nami: But you two do look good with each other... *smirks*
ACA: Real or not, I'm gonna answer the question. ... What does this question expecting me to answer?
Luffy: Lol.
21. You're dating 3 and (s)he introduces you to her/his parents. Would you get along? (Bon-chan)
ACA: And I'm finally meeting his parents. But why do I think I know you?
Bon-chan's father: Kuhahahaha...
Robin: You're bad at acting.
Crocodile: Then why ask me to pretend that I'm his father!?
Luffy: Don't hurt Robin! You meanie!
And they fight.
Bon-chan: Sorry... I don't have parents anymore...
ACA: It's okay... This is not even real. *pats his head*
Bon-chan: :D
22. Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean? (Ace/Sanji)
ACA: Well, oh well... Zoro. It's not just you who's been framed by the quest.
Ace: I... I'm not in love!
Haruta: XD Ace is in love! Ace is in love!
Thatch: XD *joins Haruta*
Sanji: I'm too handsome, ain't I? Nami-san? *sweatdropping*
Nami: Guess so. *sweatdropping*
23. Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? (Shanks/Garp)
ACA: ... Pft. Pfft... XDXDXD *laughing out loud, rolling on the floor* AHAHAHAHA!
Garp: WTF!
Shanks: ... *drunken* Hic-cup! Hey, there! *kisses the poor old man*
ACA: ... Oh mak engkau.
Shanks was pulled away by Benn.
Sengoku: And it actually happened. Such coincidence.
Garp: *cries* WAAA! TSURU-CHAN! WASH ME!
ACA: And the mental-image. *shudders*
Luffy: *cries* Shanks' in love with Jii-chan! No! Worst pairing ever!
24. Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? (Garp)
ACA: To be honest. I'll ask him, if he had any other sons other than Dragon. Law's father, maybe?
Garp: I'm no way. No-uh... A player.
ACA: It's just a game.
Garp: Oh, yeah. ... Still, I'm not a player.
25. You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? (Law)
ACA: What?
Law: For the first time, you look cute. *pats head*
ACA: I-I... You can't call me cute! Only girls can! *obviously happy*
26. Number 8 thinks he'll never get a girl/boyfriend. What will you tell him? (Sabo)
ACA: I am so sure, that you'll make a reappearance in the future in the canon, Sabo! Cheer up!
Sabo: ... It's not helping.
ACA: Wasn't having Ace as bromance partner enough?
Sabo: That's- hey!
ACA: Cheer up! *hugs him* There are many fangirls waiting for you out there! :D
Sabo: ... Oh well. :)
after Sabo's debut in canon, two years later*
Sabo: Just.. Thank you for all the hope you all had... *smiles*
ACA: *gives off peace sign* Yo. Nice scar.
Sabo: It's a bad memory, but I have to say, it looks real good... *grins*
ACA: I ship you and Koala. Okay with that?
Sabo: *blushes* Well.. She's kind and all... But we'll see how Oda ends me up as...
ACA: i doubt you'll die before seeing Luffy becoming the Pirate King... I found out about something.. *grins* It's really Oda-ish...
Sabo: Huh? Really? What is it??
ACA: *grins*
27. Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what? (Sanji)
ACA: I love you? From Mr. Prince? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK! ZORO'S GONNA KILL ME!
Zoro: I'm not even in love with him. *glares*
ACA: But you're still gonna kill me, right?
Zoro: *nods*
Chopper: Chopperman to the rescue!
Nami: What's that all about?
Robin: Ufufufu.. This is funny.
Sanji: Wait. Did I really wrote this!? *blushes*
28. You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? (Marco/Luffy)
ACA: ... My heart. Has been broken to millions of pieces. In all honesty, I wanna stop them but nope. Luffy seems enjoying it. Besides, who am I to them? Oh well... Have a great time. *I'll be so sad, to be honest*
Marco: I think someone was here.
Luffy: I think it was ACA.
Marco: Oh no.
Luffy: It's no good! NOO!
29. You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE then a few hours. What are you thinking? (Bon-chan/Ace)
ACA: Nothing. Maybe Bon-chan is having fun dressing Ace up. Ace's narcolepsy might have kicked in.
30. Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? (Luffy/Garp)
ACA: ... To be honest I dunno what soulmates are. Yes, maybe?
One Piece Cast: NOO!
31. Would 2 trust 5? (Zoro/Shanks)
ACA: What do you think? Of course he will, once they meet each other.
32. Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? (Ace/Marco)
ACA: Hmm... Marco will bonk Ace.
Marco: *bonks Ace*
Ace: Owie...
ACA: See.
33. 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick? (Shanks/Luffy)
ACA: Seriously, I think they'll take anything. Wait, maybe ... Okay. Dunno. Cause they won't even be serious in learning.
Shanks/Luffy: Hey...
34. If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make? (Garp/Bon-chan)
ACA: MEAT!! Wait, I think, they'll probably cook... traditional food? Maybe they'll serve sushi, onigiri, umm oden, umm.. I dunno. But I can assure you they'll serve ocha (Japanese tea)! :D
Bon-chan/Garp: *serves food to all*
One Piece Cast: Itadakimasu!!
35. 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? (Law/Sanji)
ACA: Hmmm... Surgeon and cook?
Law: That's easy. What other job do you think we'll apply?
ACA: I think... Acting? With handsome faces like you two have, I don't think you'll have any problem. Besides, as a fictional character, you two already have many scandals - which is wrote by most ff authors. XD
Sanji: that's so sweet of ACA-chann!!!
36. 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? (Sabo/Shanks)
ACA: Absolutely fin- wait. It's Shanks. Of course not. Sabo may be can cut well, but Shanks won't just sit still. Isn't that right?
Shanks: Lemme go!!
Sabo: Would you just stay still!!?
37. What 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like; will 6 be happy? (Garp)
ACA: Hmm... She should look like a girl.
Sengoku: Heck that's not answering the question.
ACA: Fine. Afro-haired, round-glassed, serious, easy to be messed and a bit nice-looking.
Sengoku: Now that's - WAIT! THAT SOUNDS LIKE ME!!!
Tsuru: It sure is.
Garp: Ew.
Luffy: XD
ACA: Lol. I was just kidding. Anyways, I think I would want her to be a cute swordsman, with nice-sized chests, hyper, thinker, wise, and waist-length black hair. She's a marine too, which I can only hope...
Sengoku: ... That's ...
ACA: I warn ya. It's not a frickin' Mary-sue. Neither is Koyuki, Kyla, Yoona, Naikoubara nor Rayne and Serena.
Tsuru: That's a good guess.
38. 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? (Marco/Sanji)
ACA: Probably about women. Y'know... Men. Besides most blonds in One Piece are perverts.
Marco/Sanji: OI!
ACA: To name a few... Rayleigh, Shiki, Sanji, Duval, umm... Dunno more.
Rayleigh: Am I a pervert? I mean, I do like young ladies, but not that explicit.
Shiki: What the...
Duval: Hm? You say something dear? Oh. Me? Handsome?
ACA: Nope. I was saying I'm cute.
Duval: ... You're cute? But I think I'm handsome.
ACA: So?
Duval: Huh? You wanna date me?
ACA: Nope.
Duval: ...
Sanji: Wow. You made him speechless.
ACA: But I like you cause you helped my favourite pirate crew out at Sabaody. :)
Duval: Oh! My heart melts!
One Piece cast: Oi oi oi oi oi.
39. 1 accidentally kicked 10? (Luffy/Marco)
ACA: What were you two doing? That?
Marco/Luffy: ...
Ace: Marco!! Don't you dare touch him!!
Sabo: Luffy!! You're okay, right!?
Marco: *sweatdrops* I was the one who got kicked and now I'm the one who's getting scolded?
ACA: Lol. Words can do almost anything.
Luffy: You bet. XD
Marco being chased by the two elder brothers.
Luffy: Save yourself! It's all the question's fault.
ACA: Yeah, right. You two were kissing earlier. Still think the quest's fault?
Luffy: So you were there.
ACA: ... N.. N-no I wasn't.
40. 2 sent an E-Mail to her/his Bf/GF but 9 got it what would happen? (Zoro/Sanji)
ACA: XD Again!
Zoro: The never-ending conflict. Grr...
Sanji: I am born to the ladies' man!!
Zoro: Yeah, whatever. We all know that already.
ACA: I'm thinking of making a story. This should be fun! XD (i mean it)
One Piece Cast: *facepalm*
If you regret for any wrong-doings you've done in the past and wishes to apologize publicly, then copy and paste this into your profile.
You know what, this is my first time doing such thing. Lol.
If you think Sabo's alive and is damn it happy that it's finally proven to be true, then copy and paste this into your profile.
Oda-sensei's a genius - but also an i*i*t, more like Luffy's alternate version. Copy and paste this into your profile if you agree.
Oda-sensei is the king of trolls. Proof? Read One Piece manga up till chapter 733. And you'll get what I mean.
If you want to meet Oda-sensei or any mangakas you love and thank them in person, then copy and paste this into your profile.
Copy and paste this if you had copy and pasted anything else.
Luffy ain't suck. Copy and paste this into your profile.
Anime comparisons shouldn't exist. Copy and paste if you agree.
Copy and paste this if you think that more bonding fics should be written in OP fandom.
If you're too lazy to copy and paste, then thank you for taking the time to read my profile. *bows*
12 will be updated once I have finally found out why did I wrote it out in the first place. Might be rewritten though.
Stories will be updated whenever I have the free time.. Be aware new followers! I might update just three chapters a year! Ugh, that sounds really bad.. *cries* I really wanna update frequently but that have to wait until I'm eighteen or past seventeen... Which is two more years.. *cries* I've updated chapter 5 tho..
Varied Lives will be updated when I'm feeling like it...(ongoing)
*silence* Anyways!
The majority of my fictions are one-shots and most of them are genred bonding genres (family, friendship, hurt/comfort and such others).. I rarely write romance stuff since I really suck at them... I am intrigued to write a romance about POTC though... Anyways! This is the list of my one-shots! (to those who dunno, one-shots are one-chaptered fic)
1. Signs [ASL fic]
2. An Unexpected Encounter [ASL fic]
3. Just Once [Shanks to Luffy fic]
4. For the Best or The Worst [Shanks centered fic]
5. Together [ASL plus Straw Hats fic]
6. Aku Suka Dia (I Like HimHer) [romance: SanjiXNami]
7. Like You Two [ASL fic]
8. Terlalu Istimewa Too Delicate [Makino to Luffy fic]
9. My Perfect Day [Straw Hat Pirates & Marines fic]
10. Terukir Di Bintang Written in the Stars [ZoroXRobin fic]
11. Dari Dolok Sampelah Kinek Tok [Sarawakian language fic]
12. Mintak Maaf, Luffy! [Sarawakian language fic]
13. Like You Two [Wait, I think I've listed this one up there?]
14. Zoro's Cat [Duh, Zoro & Tashigi fic. You can consider it as a pairing]
15. Wahai Wanita [Malaysian - SanjiXEveryone]
16. Nothing Is Better Than Being with You Guys *hot* [OverallsituationLuffy]
17. You [SanjixNami fic]
18. Taking Turns [Naruto]
19. I Could Really Remember [Naruto]
20. The Worst Nightmare [crack ficXD]
21. Haiku Contest!! [Luffy fic with Law,SHP,Kinemon,Momonosuke&Caesar]
22. Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? [ASLStraw Hat Pirates fic] *hot*
23. Nothing Important [OC fic]
24. I Am Smarter and Wiser [Luffy's lol moments fic]
25. Mugiwara Theatre : Drama Time [everyone fic]
26. Let It Go [Ace&Sabo, ASL slight Whitebeard Pirates and Koala fic]
27. Puh-Lease! [Luffy&Ace one-shot]
Also! I've wrote out a series of one-shots in which is actually my first try... It's called Our Moments and features off our beloved Straw Hat Pirate crew... There will be separate publishes on it's specials.. In which it'll feature Marco, Koala, Shanks and maybe some others...
That's all, I think)
The Paths of Lives is discontinued because I have lost myself...
Mou Ichido... That... I'll update it randomly... Yeah... still ongoing though... Just... hrm..
A paraody of Frozen to One Piece has already been published folks! It's called Blazed and whoa I have a serious plot going in there... I will update it when I really am free and inspired... One day, I'll discipline myself onto updating once a week, or once a month...
Ummm... That's all, I guess...
See ya! ;D!
PS: I really enjoy reviews though I dun really force people to write one.. But leavin a review to one of my fics makes me really happy... Unless it's less than twenty words, I'd be very sad. Still, I just wanna say to all of those reading this on behalf of the authors outside there, dun ever leave a really short review unless you mention that you're just wordless to type out a review. That disappoints us but we're still thankful that you took time to read our work.
PPS: I have changed my writing formats, in which I've shorten my author notes... Starting since the release of the fic Our Moments.