A/N: Aww... Only one review... Honestly, I'm totally sad... But, thanks for taking time to read this! ^^ Okie dokie! This is chapter 4! Bwuohohoho!

Last chapter's preview,

While Zoro was talking with Sanji, Chopper rushed into the class and told everyone in 2 Topaz a terrrifying news... Nami made the whole school sat in fear before the recess during their class with Mihawk. However, later in the evening, Sanji and Nami's date went out smoothly. But, in the theme park, they bumped into Luffy who was running without even looking back. What was up with him?

"Good morning, Shanks sensei!"

"Good morning, class. You may sit down."

"Thank you, sensei!"

Shanks sat down on the chair gently and made sure, that Luffy didn't put anything on the seat. But, as he sits, he felt strange.

Then, he realized that two of his students were not in the class.

He raised an eyebrow before asking Coby, "Coby! Where are the two troublemakers?"

"Two troublemakers?"

"Who else... Koyuffy," the red-haired teacher continued with a naughty grin plastered on his face.

Zoro was sleeping soundly while Sanji was trying to flirt with Vivi, much to Nami's and Kohza's 'pleasure'.

"I don't know, teacher. They're absent. That's all I know," Coby explained with his charming voice.

Shanks raised his eyebrows again. "Hm? That's not their habbit to be absent unless they're working for money. And if they want to work, they should've asked me first," he uttered before sighing and took out his drawing block.

"Oh well... Class, take out your drawing block and today, we are going to draw ..."

"Those three should be captured by now," uttered a golden mane-line - haired aged man. He was smoking a cigar while wearing the traditional Japanese wear. When we zoom to his legs, you'll be surprised to see the legs are replaced with swords.

"I'm sorry, boss. That straw hatted boy is just too strong for us. But indeed, of course you're stronger," explained the big black haired man. He bowed so low to beg for forgiveness but the blond old man shot his chest.

"What? Of course I forgive you. But you've already given me multiple false informations and you have not yet succeded in any of you missions. You're useless and if you live, you'll just cause problems," the old man explained to the dead body.

"Get rid of this body before it stinks," ordered the old man to his other subordinates.

While the others carried the dead body the way out, an indigo-haired clown walked to the boss with farting sounds coming out with every steps he make.

A vein popped on the old man's forehead.

"Couldn't you do anything to your stupid shoes' sounds!" he blurted.

The clown showed him some signs. Probably trying to tell his boss something.

After a few moments, the boss gave up.

"What are you trying to say?" he sighed.

"It's about the straw hatted boy," he replied, making everyone in the royal room shocked.

"YOU CAN TALK!" the old man shrieked with his dead cigar fell from his mouth.

"What is it about the boy?" immediately, he turned serious as it involved his rival's brother's son.

"You know. We should get out of here. Anytime soon, they'll find us."

"You mean... We need to keep on moving from places to places. Right?"

"Urr... But where are we going next?"


"Koyuffy's absent? Why?" asked the principal, Sengoku and his right assistant, Garp. Both were making worried faces.

"I'm afraid so," Shanks replied.

"None of their friends knew where were they," Shanks continued.

"Maybe we should ask, the other members of We're Still Kids company. Ur.. The Naughty Club members," Garp said. He didn't quite memorized the details but his memories of the past are strong.

As they were thinking, a knock could be heard from the door.

"Come in," Sengoku said.

The person came in and the person revealed to be Kalifa. The vice head prefect of the school.

"Yes? What is it Kalifa?" asked the principal, in a worried tone. He was quite worried, maybe his students were involved with the Kin Jishi street gang. Kalifa might tell any bad news in any second.

Shanks waited anxiously as Kalifa nervously opened her mouth to say something.

Garp gulped loudly, followed by Shanks.

Kalifa took a deep breath. She sighed before saying something important.

"Umm.. Sir Sengoku. It's past 2 now. You should be ringing the bell?" she said.

With that, Shanks, Garp and Sengoku blasted off to the moon.

Kalifa sweatdropped at them. She sighed in frustration.

"Huh... Sexual harrassment! Now who's gonna ring the bell!" she folded her hands and snorted.

"Koyuffy was absent today, why?" Mihawk asked to his nephew while reading the newspaper he didn't managed to read that morning. He was loaded with paper works earlier this morning.

Zoro took a bite from the onigiri given by his beloved Robin chan before answering, "I'm not sure."

"You should go and search for them instead of busy with your girlfriend, Zoro," Kuina and Tashigi said at the same time, before sipping their milk tea, at the same time.

"Honestly! That's annoying!" Zoro grumbled as his sister took a bite from Robin's onigiri at another exact same time.

Mihawk shook his head before continuing reading his newspaper.

Said I'd move on and I'd leave alone But before I-

Zoro's cell phone rang in his jeans' pocket. He quickly answwered the call from his so called best friend, Sanji.

"Hello? What's up?"

"Zoro? Come to the hospital, quick! Law's in the ICU!"

"By who!?"

"Kin Jishi street gang!"

"You don't mean, Luffy and Koyuki's involved too?"

By that, Kuina and Tashigi took notice of Zoro. Mihawk removed his eyes from the newspaper and listened carefully to the conversation.

"Just get your ass here! There are some other things that I want to tell you!"

"Okay. On my way," Zoro kept his phone back and threw the plate into the sink.


"Zoro... ," Mihawk threatened but, his green-haired nephew had disappeared.

"What did he meant by Luffy and Koyuki's involved too?" Tashigi asked to Kuina.

"Get your sweaters on. We're gonna find out the answer ourselves," Mihawk asked and carefully placed the precious plates into the sink. He left the pieces of the broken plate earlier on the ground so that if thieves come in, they'll be injured and couldn't move and they'll stay in the house waiting Mihawk's punishment.

Zoro arrived to the place where Sanji was waiting patiently outside the ICU room.

"How's he?"

"I'm not pretty sure of myself..."

"I'm worried that they'll target our beloved ones next. We should look out each other more from now on," as they were having their secret conversation, a dark green coated man was listening to their conversation.

Sanji took a seat.

Zoro took a seat too, before noticing the man behind them.

"Probably waiting for someone. But he looks too calm... Don't you think?" Sanji whispered to Zoro.

Zoro nodded before glancing to the man who got up to leave.

"I think he's Luffy;s dad," Zoro whispered back.

Sanji fell into a great shock.

"But he's-"

"I heard from Law and Ace that they sometimes met with him in the town. But probably Ace's father disguising as him," Zoro explained.

"Yeah. That's quite possible," Sanji replied.

"What? Law's been beaten by the street gang?" Sabo asked, as the news came out from Ace's mouth.

"Yep. And I heard, today, he's going home. The 2 Topazians planned to escort him home. Why about we go too?" Ace suggested. Sabo was from 5 Topaz while he himself was from 5 Sapphire.

Although the school sometimes a bit troubled, but their acdemics, socials, all of it are perfect. A week has passed after Law's incident.

"Hey, now... If you're going, then, I'm going too!" Nami shrieked to Usopp, who was protesting that should the girls follow?

"Let them go, Usopp. Besides, I heard that the whole school is going to go visit Law," Helmeppo said.

"Okay then... ," Usopp gave up with a sigh.

With that, everyone decided to go visit the school's number one hottest and sexiest and most handsome boy in the school.

Unfortunately for the fangirls, they couldn't go because they had a meeting that evening. Including the other year students because Sakazuki forced them to attend the classes during the evening. Luckily for 2 Topaz, 5 Sapphire and 5 Topaz, they're not trapped as Sakazuki knew that there's no way the three classes would be listening to him.

"Sakura! Did you know? Law kun's in the hospital!" Ino said while making a troubled face.

Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Serves him right. He is a pervert, for your information... ," Sakura replied.

"I thought he was only perverting around Koyuki," Gaara replied as his best friend was accused of being pervert.

"Well, that makes him labelled pervert," Sasuke continued.

"Oi, oi. How come we're in this fic? I thought this is a One Piece fanfic," Shikamaru said.

"Well... We're from 5 Diamond... ," Gaara replied recklessly.

"But, seriously, how come Law's being beaten up?" Naruto finally voiced out.

"Who knows... ," everyone in the class answered.

The bell rang, and probably, the principal, Sengoku, Garp and Shanks had gone back from the moon.

Hancock, Ace, Sabo, Jinbe, Franky, Robin and the 2 Topazians went to the hospital with Sengoku, Garp, Mihawk, Brook and Shanks.

As they were about to enter the hospital, a group of man who wear black jackets with golden patches got into their way.

Zoro and Sanji looked at each other. They nodded in a silent agreement. Mihawk, as fierce as he was during his teenage years, gave a deadly glare before getting into his fighting stance. Shanks did the same, so did Garp and Sengoku and Brook.

"Now, now. We'll let you go if you let us beat your asses," the leader of the gang said.

Zoro and Sanji quickly took the front line, leaving the five teachers behind, in confuseness.

"And like hell we'll let that happen," Sanji said and lit his cigarette.

Zoro cracked his bones in pleasure andgave out a playful evil grin.

Robin and Nami swallowed hard.

A/N: Let's see...





Next time, more stories will be unfold! Wait up, and please review~ ^^

See ya later.. ;D!