So, here is the final extra chapter!

Fwew, this chapter is way longer than any other chapter in the series, but it was definitely fun to write ^-^

Thanks for checking this chapter out! Enjoy!

Shortly after Luffy returned from his pointless job, Nami called the entire crew out to the lawn deck.

"Oi, what's up girly?" Franky asked when he saw her face.

Nami grimaced at him. Before they knew what was coming, Nami struck each Mugiwara on their head. (excluding Robin)

Each crewmember held the large bumps on their heads with mixed reactions.



"Nami is so beautiful when she's mad,"

"What was that for?"

Nami took a deep breath to try and control herself enough so she wouldn't kill them. "You guys all failed! Robin was the only person who actually got us a bunch of money!" She scolded them.

"What do we do then? It's not like we can get our jobs back," Chopper said.

Nami held the bridge of her nose and tried to think.

"We could try a group heist," Robin suggested.

Nami looked at her and grinned. "That's perfect onee-san!"

"Where would we steal from?" Usopp asked

"While I was working at the mansion party, I heard from others that there was a bank throwing a fancy party in honor of their hundredth branch," Robin offered. "Employees are allowed inside with friends,"

Everyone gaped and switched their glance at Nami, who was equally surprised.

"I can easily get a job there," Nami grinned. "And when we rob the bank clean-" Nami didn't finish her sentence. Her eyes erupted into shiny belli symbols which made the crew squint.

"Aww, I want to go too, it sounds fun," Luffy stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

"We are all going to need to pitch in for this heist, it's going to be a bit of a challenge," Robin guessed.

"Yosh, a group heist!" Luffy yelled with a large smile.

"We need to do a bit of recon first, so I'll get a job there," Nami said.

"Do you really think they will just hire a random witch?" Zoro asked. He received a kick from Sanji and another punch on the head from said witch.

"I'll be fine, you'll see," Nami said cunningly.

Nami was at her job interview, and she was very confident that she was going to win.

"Please?" She asked sweetly to the man who was interviewing her.

"I- I d-don't think…" He stuttered as Nami reached over the desk and held his chin.

"But I love money, and I had a very beautiful black dress picked out for the party," She coaxed with a flirtatious voice.

"I- I'm really so-sorry," He choked out.

"I just want some fun, I can even go with you if you'd like and we could dance together, please? It will be Sfun," She emphasized the last word and whispered in his ear.

The man gave in. With a small sigh of reluctance, he said "Oh alright, how many passes would you like?"

"four," Nami stated flatly.

"four?! That's way too many ma'am," He protested. Nami gave her best bambi face. He sighed again and pulled out the passes and gave it to her along with a uniform and badge.

"Thank you!" Nami smiled and quickly left him.

The man slumped against his chair, his cheeks developed a pink tint to them.

The next day, Nami arrived to work in her less-than comfortable uniform.

It was definitely a large bank. It appeared to have four stories, why it needed to be so big was a mystery to her.

Inside, the building seemed three times bigger, and it made Nami gasp.

The polished floors accented the many stainless glass windows. This floor already showed signs of preparation for the upcoming party. Many tables and chairs where set out, and to the far right, a small stage with several musical instruments and stands were set.

"Hello, Nami. Your new here aren't you?" a woman in a similar uniform asked. Nami walked a crossed the floor and passed through a door attached to the counters. She greeted the other woman with a friendly hand shake.

"Yup, I'm the newest edition," She mustered enough enthusiasm. She read the other woman's name tag. It said "Trista"

"Well, welcome aboard, and don't worry about the uniform, it gets softer after awhile," Trista said while watching Nami scratch her shoulder again.

"Good, I can't stand wearing this ugly thing," Nami grimaced as she moved her hands to her back and scratched.

The other woman giggled, "Will you come with me? I need to show you a few things," She gestured for Nami to follow her.

Nami walked behind her as Trista showed her everything around the bank. She showed her how to use the computers during a transaction, and how the money counters worked.

After an hour, Trista walked toward an elevator. "If you thought that was a lot to deal with, then wait until we get to the other three floors." She said with fake enthusiasm as she pressed the up button attached to the wall.

Nami stifled a groan.

After several hours of this informational tour, the two women got back on to the elevator and prepared to go up to the top floor.

"Up on the fourth floor, there is the main safe, and it's huge," Trista said with admiration. Nami smiled.

Finally, this is what I came here for!

The elevator opened to a large room. It was mildly plain, but Nami noticed the several security den den mushis and guards. Trista looked to her left and typed in a code on a number pad. There was a beep.

"What was that?" Nami asked.

"I typed in a code that turned off the lasers in front of us," She pointed to the floor directly in front of their feet.

"Wow, nice security," Nami said, trying to cover up the dread in her voice.

"I agree, it would be nearly impossible for some thief to steal from this bank,"

"Who would be dumb enough to do that anyways?" Nami laughed nervously.

Trista walked toward the far side of the room and showed the two security guards her badge.

"She's also with me," Trista gestured to Nami.

Nami gasped as they approached the oversized safe. It stretched along the wall and Nami could only imagine how deep it was.

"This big guy contains almost all of the money for this bank, I would let you see, but only specific people are allowed to open it," Trista sighed with wistfulness. Clearly she wasn't allowed access either.

The work day ended and Nami headed home with some enthusiasm.

When she climbed on to the Thousand Sunny, she was greeted by Zoro who was napping against the railing.

"Did you get us any information?" He asked, watching her from the corner of his eye.

"Yup, we can come up with a plan during dinner," She grinned evilly.

The night of the party finally arrived.

The nine crew members walked toward the large bank with their mission in mind.

"This'll be fun," Luffy grinned with his boundless enthusiasm.

"Indeed," Robin agreed.

"I can't believe I get to attend the party with Nami as my date!" Sanji swooned as he stared at Robin and Nami in their elegant dresses.

"I don't know how I got dragged into this," Zoro groveled to himself. He peered down at his black suit. It was borrowed from Sanji, -much to his irritation – He then peered at Robin who was his undercover "date" and grimaced.

"Why I have to go inside?" Zoro complained to Nami.

"In case something happened, like if anyone notices that were pirates" She stressed the last word to make it sound obvious.

Zoro sighed bitterly to himself.

"You better not get my suit dirty," Sanji threatened.

"It would be an improvement, suits are too hard to fight in," Zoro growled.

"Guys, pay attention, were close," Nami warned them. "Okay, you guys know what to do, Usopp, go around the corner and set up your stuff," She ordered Usopp.

Usopp nodded and walked around the building and into an alley way. He hid in the shadows away from the setting sun and opened his large suitcase.

Inside was a laptop along with several chords.

"Okay, were set, I'll have control of the cameras in a few minutes, so be sure to give me time." He informed.

"Alright, the rest of you need to wait here, well tell Usopp where you need to go so we can let you in." Nami looked at Luffy, Franky, and Chopper. They all nodded.

The two "couples" Nami and Sanji and Zoro and Robin walked toward the entrance of the Bank with brook.

Inside, they looked over a large crowd of people who were all dressed formally and conversed with each other.

"Nami, you look lovely tonight," A man said behind her. Nami turned around.

It was the man that interviewed her earlier, the guy she promised a dance with.

"Thank you, you don't look half bad either," She complimented smoothly.

"Nami-san, who's this guy?" Sanji whispered to her alarmingly, she waved him off.

"I remember promising you a dance, didn't I?" She said to the man.

"Well, you did, but I can see you have a date with you, am I right?" He gestured to Sanji.

Sanji couldn't help but blush.

"He is, I'm sorry, but one dance won't hurt, am I right?" Nami asked Sanji, with a hint of a threat in her voice.

"Yes, I guess…" Sanji said hesitantly. He couldn't go against her wishes.

"Why thank you sir," The other man smiled and offered his hand to Nami.

"Whatever just don't take long," Sanji gave the man a death glare.

"Right," He gulped and walked away toward the dance floor.

"Yoho, your date has been stolen Sanji-san," Brook mocked. "I guess that's my cue," He proceeded to where the small stage was.

Other musicians were prepared to play. Brook found a violin case and opened it. He stood by the other musicians and prepared to play.

The music was elegant and played at a slow tempo, a perfect song for a waltz.

"Shall we go, Swordsman-san?" Robin offered her hand to her "date".

Zoro took it hesitantly and walked toward the dancing crowd.

Zoro gave a smug grin at Sanji, who was sitting alone in a chair. He grimaced back at him.

They stopped at a far corner in the dance floor and held each other awkwardly.

Robin knew Zoro had never bothered to dance, so when they began, she simply led him to step from side to side, front and back, side to side in that order, rarely spinning along with the crowd.

Among the band, Brook stepped forward and stood in front of a microphone.

The rest of the band looked confused, but improvised to allow the song to be carried off in a violin solo.

Without missing a beat, Brook began to play, slowing down the tempo by a beat.

The dancers adjusted their timing with ease, save the undercover "couple" who almost never danced.

Zoro bumped into another man and tried to adjust his timing.

"Like this swordsman-san," Robin said and moved her feet in a slow easy movement.

Zoro became frustrated and let go of Robin. "I doesn't matter anymore, here, take the earplugs."

Robin, Nami, Sanji and Zoro put ear plugs inside their ears.

"Nami, what are you doing?" The man who was previously dancing with her asked with concern.

Brook continued playing, and waited for the signal.

Outside, Usopp hacked the main floor's den den mushis and shut them off.

Elsewhere, a security office with several screens began flickering and finally went blank. The one officer who was supposed to be watching the screens was fast asleep.

"Say the signal Franky," Usopp yelled to him.

Franky cupped his hands around his mouth and inhaled deeply. "My, what lovely music," He yelled.

Brook heard it and drifted into a long high note.

People looked around in confusion. Then it all hit at once.

Slowly, people began to sway, and eventually, fall over.

Back outside, Luffy heard Brook's high note and fell asleep.

"Oi, you were supposed to put the ear plugs on!" Franky yelled and shook his captain awake.

The crowd of people all dropped to the floor and fell asleep. When only four people remained standing, Brook stopped playing and set the violin down.

"Yoho, that worked pretty well," He commented. The other four removed their ear plugs.

"Nice job Brook, will you stay here, in case someone wakes up?" Nami asked.

"Yes Nami-san," He answered.

"Good, come on guys," She called after the other three. They proceeded to the back counters, where guards and employees were asleep.

"Okay guys, I think it's safe to go now," Usopp told the waiting group.

Franky ran into the bank and glanced at all the unconscious people.

"That's some powerful music skeleton-bro," Franky complimented.

"Thank you, maybe some time we can duet," Brook suggested while sipping on tea that he got from a snack table.

The three advanced past Brook and met up with the other group.

"Shoot, the elevator has a code lock for tonight," Nami said as she button mashed the up arrow in frustration.

"Aren't there any stairs?" Chopper asked.

Nami thought back. "I think so, follow me," She said and jumped back over the counter.

The others mimicked her movements and ran with her to a couple of large doors. Nami yanked on the handle, but they didn't budge.

"It's locked," She pounded her fist on the door.

"Hang on, I think I got something," Chopper said as he slid his medical bag off his back and on the ground. He searched through it for a few minutes and found what he was looking for.

Chopper pulled out a glass bottle that contained a strange orange liquid. He took off the cork and approached the door.

"Stand back," Chopper warned and began pouring the contents around the door handles. The liquid made a sizzling sound and began eating away the metal. The crew gasped as the handles dissolved and left a burning hole in the middle of the doors. Chopper pushed the door and it opened with a creek.

"There, now we can go," Chopper smiled.

"Great job Chopper,"

"That was so cool!"

"Idiots, praising me won't make me happy at all!" Chopper wiggled with joy.

The crew ran up eight flights of stairs, winding back and forth. At the fourth floor, Nami tried to pull open the door again, and failed.

"This one is locked too, got anymore acid Chopper?" Nami asked.

"I don't,"

"Then I guess we just have beat the door down," Luffy grinned and cracked his knuckles.

In the shadows, Usopp watched his screen. The crew was in the stair well, and the door they faced led to the fourth floor. Usopp switched his view to the inside of the fourth floor. It was absolutely empty.

"Good, they shouldn't have a problem getting in,"

Luffy stretched his arms back as far as possible. "Gomu Gomu no, bazooka!" He roared and hit the door.

The door dented and gave way easily and crashed inside.

Nami gasped when she realized that the when the door touched ground, it began to burn.

"The lasers," She groaned.

"What are you talking about, Nami-san?" Sanji asked.

"Yosh! Now let's go!" Luffy, who didn't hear Nami, began running inside.

"Wait, Luffy!" Nami grabbed his shirt collar and stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you see the door over there? The lasers are burning it!" Nami yelled at him and pointed at the previously beaten door that had several burned holes in it.

Luffy cocked his head to one side, "Are they mystery lasers? I don't see them,"

"There invisible," Zoro explained.

Luffy stiffened.

"Luffy, are you alright?"

He didn't answer.


Suddenly Luffy inhaled sharply. "Atchoo!"

A spray came from the captain's nose and flew over the lasers. Momentarily, the lasers were revealed and faded away after a few seconds.

The crew gasped.

"We need something to spray on them," Nami said.

The crew glanced at each other.

Sanji sighed, "I guess this will work," He said as he pulled some cologne out of his pocket.

"Why do you have that?" Luffy asked.

"I thought Nami-Swan and Robin-chwan would like the smell," He flustered.


Sanji glared at Zoro and began spraying the floor in every possible spot. Eventually the lasers were completely revealed.

"Nice job Sanji-kun, now can you cross them?" Nami asked.

"Hai, anything for you Nami-swan," Sanji exclaimed. He walked toward the confusing twist of deadly lasers. Sanji moved his legs with ease over one, and ducked another. He jumped over another and landed on his hands, then let his legs fall over one and lift himself back in a standing position.

He moved gracefully, and after a few times, Sanji showed off a bit with flips and rolls. Finally he reached the other side with only a small burn mark on the corner of his jacket.

"Curly cook has some skills," Franky commented.

"Is there some sort of off switch over there?" Nami called.

Sanji looked around the darkened room and found a switch. He pulled the lever down and the lasers disappeared.

The crew cheered and crossed the room.

They approached the safe.

"Wow, how are we supposed to get inside that?" Chopper looked up at it with bewilderment.

"Zoro," Nami said. He nodded and approached the safe.

Everyone fell to silence and Zoro took a deep breath. He began clearing his mind.

"Don't lose your focus, marimo." Sanji taunted.

Zoro twitched with annoyance but regained focus. He took another deep breath and-

"Your dancing sucked by the way," Sanji added on. Zoro whirled around and swung his swords at him. Sanji blocked the attack with his foot.

"Stop fighting, Zoro, open the safe!" Nami punched the two men on the head.

Zoro walked back to the safe and breathed a few times. Eventually he calmed himself and cleared his mind. He raised his swords and slashed at the safe with two quick swipes.

For a few seconds, it seemed as if nothing happened. Zoro opened his eyes and waited. Suddenly the safe cracked and fell to large chunks.

Inside, there were two men who lay on the ground unconscious.

"How did that happen?" Nami asked.

"I figured it would be better if they didn't disrupt swordsman-san's focus," Robin said. The others grinned at her.

They proceeded inside the safe.

Nami could tell what was inside. Even in the pitch darkness of the safe, she could tell what riches were waiting at the end.

Her eyes switched into Belli symbols, and gave of a small light. The light bounced off of something at the end of the safe and glittered. Nami rushed forward and practically died of happiness. In front of her were several large blocks of gold, neatly stacked in huge piles.

"Wow, were going to be so rich!" Chopper exclaimed.

"I don't think we'll be able to take all of this, gold is really heavy," Robin said to the reindeer.

"We can still take a super lot," Franky said as he prepared to pick some up and put it in duffle bags Nami gave him.

"It's going to be a pain carrying them down the stairs," Zoro complained.

"No worries swordsman-bro," Franky said and set the large bag of gold down. He faced the wall to his left and held out both arms.

"Coup de vent!" he yelled and blew a ball of compressed air at the wall. It busted a gaping hole in the wall.

"Nice one Franky," Luffy cheered.

The crew gathered as much gold they could carry, plus some extra bags for Brook and Usopp. They jumped out of the hole and landed on the ground unscathed.

They rushed toward the front of the bank and got to Usopp. "Here, take these," Nami told him and gave a bag of gold to Usopp.

Brook came out of the bank and rushed after them, grabbing an extra bag of gold.

The entire crew ran quietly back to the Thousand Sunny, where they could load the gold and sail away from the island.

Sirens wailed behind them at the bank.

Wow, I can't believe it's finished! It sure was fun!

Thank you to all of the people out there who decided to even glance at my humble drabbles *bows*

hehe, I couldn't help making Zoro dance XD

and another note, I read on one piece wikia that Brook had put some of the crew asleep while fighting with his music sooooo...

I know this chapter could probably be a story of it's own, but I wanted to go out with a bang!

Thanks to Silverstar94 for suggesting an extra part with Nami stealing from a bank, but I wanted the rest of the crew to redeem themselves, so I added them to the mix.