![]() Author has written 35 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Fire Emblem, Professor Layton, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunger Games, and Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン. Hello! It’s nice of you to visit my profile! ...Unfortunately I'm not on here much anymore, so if you want to reach me, you can find me on Reddit under the same username. I'm on r/anime or r/Gundam for the most part. About Me Name: Yeah… not telling. Age: 21 Gender: I’m a girl. Things I like to do in my free time: Read, watch anime, make minimalist/vector art, walk in circles around my kitchen, and occasionally write fanfics. Things I am totally obsessed with right now: Gundam. Specifically of the Unicorn variety because SORE DEMO. My favorite pairings in the things that I like: Gundam: Bright/Mirai, Harry/Kihel, Domon/Rain, Kamille/Four, Garrod/Tiffa, Banagher/Mineva, Witz/Toniya, Mu/Murrue, Akihiro/Lafter, Patrick/Kati, Shinn/Stella, Mikazuki/Atra, Luin/Manny, Allelujah/Marie, Henken/Emma, Reiji/Aila, Athrun/Cagalli, Asemu/Romary, Lockon/Anew, Flit/Yurin, Char/Lalah, Bernie/Chris, Shiro/Aina, Zechs/Noin, Zeheart/Fram. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds - Jack/Carly and Yusei/Aki. Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V - Yuya/Yuzu, Yuto/Ruri, Yugo/Rin, Yuri/Selena, and Zarc/Ray. Fire Emblem Awakening - Chrom/F!Robin, Lissa/Frederick, Lucina/Laurent, Henry/Any Female Character, Ricken/Maribelle. Fire Emblem Fates - Jakob/F!Corrin, Kaze/Azura, Takumi/Oboro (though Takumi/Elise is still adorable). Final Fantasy: Cecil/Rosa (IV), Edge/Rydia (IV), Rydia/Kain (IV (yeah, I’m weird)), Luneth/Refia (III (definitely against the mainstream pairing there)), Ingus/Sara (III), and finally, Onion Knight/Terra (Dissidia). Yeah, I know some of these aren’t the main or even canon pairings, but they’re the ones I somehow started shipping. Ace Attorney - Phoenix/Maya, Apollo/Ema, Edgeworth/Franziska, Apollo/Juniper, oh, and Gumshoe/Maggey. And Mia/Diego. Yes, I am well aware of the fact that the first three pairings are the most under supported ones in the fandom. It just... happened that way. But I'm cool with reading any of the pairings except slash/yaoi/yuri/whatever you want to call it. Code Geass: Lelouch/Shirley *sobs* and Suzaku/Euphemia *sobs harder*. While not my OTPs, I also perfectly respect the pairings of C.C./Lelouch and Kallen/Lelouch, and won't turn away a story because they use those pairings. Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy/Riza, Edward/Winry, Ling/Lan Fan, Alphonse/Mei, and Maes/Gracia. My muses: Lucy - Short, white hair and red eyes. About 4 feet tall. Wears a pink hoodie and matching jeans. The evilest of the evil. Obsessed with fire, and the color pink. Shade - Black hair and black-and-red eyes. About 6 feet tall. Wears a dark grey suit and a striped tie. Likes to set garbage cans on fire. Meri - Dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. 5'7" tall. Wears a long-sleeve white shirt and blue jeans. KEEP HER AWAY FROM SCISSORS!!! Muse-Jack - A male version of Meri. Also keep away from scissors. Joseph - Brown hair and green eyes. Same height as Lucy. Wears a green t-shirt and cargo shorts. Takes the cake for "most insane muse" of mine, and eats it. Then demands more cake. Rudolph - Tiny stuffed dog with light-tan fur. Pink nose and black eyes. About 4 inches long. Apparently looks like an older version of Joseph, dressed in Apollo Justice's clothes, when in human form. Piano - Just Google the Pokémon Flabebe. Apparently looks like a super-blonde Maya Fey when in human form. Faith: A thirteen-year-old girl with Akiza's hair and Yusei's eyes. CONSTANTLY cosplaying some character from some anime/video game. My die-hard shipping muse who will annihilate anything and everything that gets in the way of our OTPs. Current Stories, full summaries: Again: Experience, memories both painful and joyful, consciousness of the present, and anticipation for the future. These are the gifts of Time, apportioned to every human. But what happens when our time has come to an end? What exchange can be equivalent to the gift of a second chance? (Roy-centric, AU, Brotherhood spoilers. Co-written with Donjusticia.) -FMA- Unending Fates: (I: The Other Path) "The fallen princess opened her eyes to what had to be a dream. After all, she was dead. So then why was she reliving the moment when she had to choose which country to side with?" A twist in fate leaves Sky with a second chance to face the war between Hoshido and Nohr. But maybe the other choice has its own problems, and fate just wants to screw her over... -FE- Code-V: Rebirth: Even a demon deserves a second chance at life. (AU, post-Code Geass, mostly follows the Arc-V timeline.) Chapter 21 Summary: "All in all, he felt alone in the place he should call 'home'." Reizo is not adapting to life in Maiami as well as he hopes. But will he even let someone in to help him out of his solitude? Chapter 20 Summary: "Mother…? What… happened? I can't… see… can barely move…" Reizo wakes to find himself horribly injured after losing the Duel with Masaki. So then what is going on in the Xyz Dimension…? Chapter 19 Summary: "Nii-sama… we're not gonna win this, are we?" Backed into a corner by Masaki's cards, Reizo falls into despair. Will a miracle happen to save them…? Chapter 18 Summary: That's just too bad, one second earlier and you would've been able to go home!" Someone interrupts Reizo's reunion with his brother, and now the two find themselves fighting for their lives. Chapter 17 Summary: "K.K., I want to form a contract with you." Reizo's discussion with K.K. takes an unexpected turn. Later, Yuto finds someone he'd been missing. Chapter 16 Summary: "We really are just… monsters…" The Resistance forms in the midst of despair. Chapter 15 Summary: "…You go see if you see if you can wake up your friends, I'll take care of Kaito." Not one, but two familiar faces arrive to help Ruri and her friends. But then, Naomi's sister…! Chapter 14 Summary: "Death... to all in my path..." As the Duel comes to a sudden close, Ruri's bracelet shines, and a stranger watches the events unfold from the shadows. But what is wrong with Yuto...? Chapter 13 Summary: "New player joining. Turn prioritized." Even with two new participants in the Duel, it does not look like it will end soon. But then, Yuto...! Chapter 12 Summary: "Maybe they're right… I really am just a monster…" In a panicked breakdown, one girl flees from her friends. While trying to fix the mess she left behind, they run into a girl in white… and she has a peculiar interest in Reizo, Yuto, and Ruri. Chapter 11 Summary: "My God... They're turning everyone into cards!" The invasion has begun. A familiar face appears, while another knows far more than she should... Chapter 10 Summary: "W-WAH! LOOK OUT BELOW!" The first day at HDS is particularly eventful for Akaba Reizo... Chapter 9 Summary: "S-Sakaki Yusho!" The Duel between Reizo and Shun comes to a stunning close. Afterwards, a man Reizo recognizes from Standard approaches him. But how is he here? Chapter 8 Summary: "And just because you're Ruri's brother doesn't mean I'll let you beat me!" Reizo's opponent for his exhibition match is none other than Kurosaki Shun. How well can he fair against the Raidraptor Duelist? Chapter 7 Summary: "It's showtime!" Ruri takes her friends to come watch some sort of performance after school one day. And the entertainer is...? Chapter 6 Summary: "Those cards you used, Synchro and Fusion, what are they and why do you have them?" It's time Reizo tells his new friends about his past, but what happens when someone new shows up? Chapter 5 Summary: "You looked like that card could do something just a second ago. A true Duelist should fight without holding anything back." Backed up against the wall, Reizo has to decide between losing or Summoning a monster that shouldn't exist. What should he do? Chapter 4 Summary: "Sorry again for running into you!" Reizo meets a curious girl after school, one who looks almost exactly like Selena. But how can that be? Chapter 3 Summary: "I want to go home—and I don't even know how I got here." That is the only thing guiding Reizo now. He just wishes he could be home in Maiami, instead of trapped in Heartland. Chapter 2 Summary: "A world separate from the one Lelouch and I are from… Standard would certainly fit that bill." A truth that Reizo does not want to hear is revealed, sending him into despair... Chapter 1 Summary: "'I'm sure you remember something, Lelouch. You certainly remember more than almost everyone else.'" A mysterious woman who knows things she should not appears in front of the Akaba brothers. Just who is she...? Prologue summary: "As soon as he breathed his (true) last, in another world, Akaba Reizo's life began." The world was wrong and he was living a lie. Reizo had yet to find out how to turn that lie into truth. -CG/ARC-V crossover- Code-V: Recollections: A series of one-shots connected to my story "Code-V: Rebirth". Number 6 - "White". It was every student's dream to make it into the fabled Horakhty White class. Number 5 - "Brothers". Reiji is always there for his brothers, because isn't that what a good big brother does? Number 4 - "Drugs and Demons". The last of Reizo's sessions with Ishikuma Daichi comes to an unforeseeable end… Number 3 - "Cranes and Cards". The doctor that came to see Reizo couldn't be that bad… right? Number 2 - "Milk and Money". Himika worries about her youngest son in the wake of Leo's disappearance, and turns to an unlikely source for help. Number 1 - "Rain". Their most important days spent together were rainy. It was only fitting that he lost her on a rainy day as well. -CG/ARC-V crossover- Parasite: AU. The methods used to create the Parasite Fusioners was horrifying. Haruto Tenjo learns that the hard way. -ARC-V- Code Geass: Memories of Destruction: All his life, Lelouch has been haunted by nightmares. They seem too real to not mean something, but they had to be nothing more than dreams. At least, that was what he convinced himself... When his nightmares start coming true, how far will he go to stop them? And just who are the two strangers who claim to be the ones sending him these nightmares? (Initially only a slight AU, then turns into a massive one.) -CG- Crimson Fall: Sequel to Crimson Feathers. It's been twelve years since the Signer-Dark Signer war ended… but the peace is not to last. Seven humans from the future show up. In their time, the Crimson Dragon and her Signers were all dead, powerless to stop the Queen of the Netherworld and her forces. Can those seven succeed in changing the past? Or will fate favor its original course? -5Ds- Midnight Sun: Sequel to Blue Sky. A simple reunion turns into a struggle between light and darkness. This time, the shadows are determined to staunch out the light, using any means necessary to destroy their opponent, Sky. Will she succumb to the terrors forced on her? Or will she be able to push through them and defeat the darkness, even if it means killing one—or more—of her loved ones? -5Ds- Crimson Games: The rebellion failed. One hundred years late, and the Games have still not been abolished. One young woman is determined to win, and with her best friend/adopted brother as the male tribute for her district, she has nothing to fear. Right? -5Ds/Hunger Games crossover- Crimson Blade Online: Thousands of people have logged onto the new VRMMORPG known as Sword Art Online. Unbeknownst to them, they were trapped in the game, including those with the power of the Crimson Dragon: Signers, Crimson Star Guardians, and an Envoy. Will these people use their powers and escape this game, or does death await them? Co-written with mcdinh! -5Ds/SAO crossover- Shimmer: What this is about can be summed up in three simple words. Truth. Or. Dare. Oh yeah, there's another one. Watch as I submit the characters to the horrors (and the humor that results from that) of whatever anyone can come up with! -5Ds- Blazing Shadows: The fell dragon Grima devises a spell to travel across dimensions, though he did not expect resistance. However, even with new powers, the Signers fail to stop his conquest. In another world, the Shepherds take in an amnesiac woman with nothing other than a sword and a tome. What lies in her past? Are their others like her? -5Ds/Fire Emblem Crossover- Completed Stories/One-Shots: Missing They're all missing something important after the war, but life still goes on. (AU. Yuya/Yuzu, Yuto/Ruri, Yuri/Selena, Yugo/Rin, Zarc/Ray. VERY SAD.) -ARC-V- You Belong By My Side: "I'm so sorry, Zarc. I hope someday, in another life, you can be right by my side, where you belong." (A Zarc/Ray one-shot, with hints of Yuya/Yuzu, Yuto/Ruri, Yugo/Rin, and Yuri/Selena at the end. For CorinnetheAnime.) -ARC-V- Reasons: Anyone that would work to protect the devil had to be defeated. Even his own son. (Inspired by the end of episode 127/parts of 128.) -ARC-V- Rage: EPISODE 118 SPOILERS. "His entire body shook with… anger. Anger, not grief. It was rage coursing through his veins that made his body burn, made his eyes shine an eerie blood-red." Yuya doesn't just shed a tear for his fallen comrade. The darkness inside him responds to his rage, and… -ARC-V- Crimson Feathers: When she was three, she lost her father. A year later, her mother died and her brother nearly did. When she was fourteen, she watched two of her best friends get murdered. A week later, she was kidnapped by Sayer and forced to serve the Arcadia Movement. When she was fifteen, she accidentally killed one of her two friends in the Arcadia Movement. Sacrifice: AU, in which Z-ONE doesn't stop Yusei from plunging into the Reactor on the Ark Cradle. This is how his death affects the other Signers, and his sister. Loose ties to my story Blue Sky. -5Ds- Blue Sky: Sky Fudo has never lived an 'ordinary' life. From living through Zero Reverse, to finding out her younger brother is a Signer; from battling Dark Signer and Yliaster alike, 'ordinary' isn't even in her dictionary. Still, it is her life, and she is proud of it. This is the story of how she helped her brother and the Signers save the world (twice). -5Ds- Rewind: Set in the world of my story Blue Sky. While unconscious, Sky gets transported to a strange diner with an even stranger reason-people from her past are going to show her a life she could have had. But this other world has its own issues. What could the different world mean for the Signers? -5Ds- 5Ds Prank War: Sequel to Trouble With Soda. It's the middle of summer, and it's hotter than heck out. Jack and Crow start a prank war and everyone else gets caught in the crossfire. They decide to join. Includes my OC Sky! -5Ds- Brighter Future: For a few moments, Aurora was the only one alive in the Azran Sanctuary. What thoughts were running through her mind at that time? A one-shot, with Azran Legacy spoilers. -Professor Layton- Trouble With Soda: Set in the era of The Enforcers/Team Satisfaction. When The Enforcers are running low on supplies, Yusei leaves to get more. Jack and Kalin argue over the last can of soda, but Crow drinks it. Chaos ensues. Includes my OC Sky! -5Ds- Story of My Life: So really, the point of a profile is to talk about yourself. Here's the corner where I divulge the craziest, funniest, or most depressing parts of my life (mostly funniest, though). - I've managed to accidentally give a girl in my dance class a concussion while doing a fan kick. The thing is, my foot was going down at the time... and my foot hit her head going up. Physics, anyone? - I almost broke my toe by slamming the side of my left foot on doorframes twice in the same weekend. I couldn't walk normally for about two weeks. During this time, I discovered that I can limp-run faster than most people can normally run. - I play the clarinet in marching and concert band. I actually like the taste of wood. - Speaking of marching band, one time I nearly got my instrument destroyed by a color guard flag. Instead, one of my teeth was chipped. - Also on the subject of marching band, you want to know how you're SUPER dedicated to being a part of it? When you get into a serious car accident while on your way to practice (two days before preview, mind you), can barely stand because one of your knees was super injured, refuse to go to the hospital out of fear that they would ban you from marching the entire season, then one the police and EMTs are gone, still want to go to practice. Then you manage to SOMEHOW do this stupid sixteen-count running set across the entire field with said injured knee. Every. Single. Time. - I suck miserably at playing open-world games. I can never find the right place to go to get to the next part of the story, or know what to do and just fail miserably at doing the right thing to get to the next part. - Things that bother other people don't seem to bother me. For example, a majority of anime fans seem to utterly despise Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds and Sword Art Online for one reason or another. Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds was the first anime I ever watched in its entirety, both dubbed and subbed, MULTIPLE times (and as you can see from my stories, most of my fanfics revolve around this fandom), and I loved it. Sword Art Online was great as well - my literal only issue with it is the pacing issues during the Aincrad arc (yes, I actually ENJOYED the second half of season 1). - For the list of anime I have seen, am currently watching, or intend to watch at some point, find me on MyAnimeList. I am there under the same name, Shimmering-Sky. If you must know, my favorites include Gundam (honestly just about the entire franchise, excluding F91, 0083, Twilight Axis, and MS IGLOO 2), Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka?, Casshern Sins, Code Geass, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds - Back to the humorous things, I no longer have any shame in front of my first period class. I had to dress up as a fairy for a field trip that I would leave to go to in the middle of first period, and decided I was too lazy to just change into the costume after leaving for the trip. So I wore the costume not only to first period, but also around my entire school. - I was challenged to read at least 57 books during one summer. I succeeded. |