Yugioh 5ds: Between Life and Death
(I don't own Yugioh 5ds, all characters and concepts belong to their respective owners.)
"Professor Fudo, it seems you misunderstand the true purpose of this reactor." Roman said calmly. "We won't be shutting it down, instead leadership of the project has been handed over to me. You're services are no longer required."
"What are you talking about, continuing is far too dangerous." professor Fudo said nervously. "You've seen the effects yourself."
"All great achievements have risks, you know as well as I do that we were aware of that going into this project. You have one hour to leave the premises or the guards have authorization to arrest you on sight." Roman said coldly.
"Roman you're making a huge mistake, we need to shut down the reactor before something even worse happens." professor Fudo said as Roman fired a pistol at him.
"This is the future professor Fudo, you won't stand in the way of humanity's destiny." Roman said with a smirk.
He's gone mad, I need to make sure Yusei is safe, professor Fudo thought shoving past Roman and running out of the room.
"Professor Fudo, what's going on?" Goodwin asked. "I heard a gunshot from the reactor room."
"Rex, get out of here quickly." professor Fudo said. "I don't know what's gotten into Roman but he's gone mad, he's trying to continue the experiments."
"What do you mean, you have seniority over him." Goodwin said. "You should be able to stop him from continuing the experiment."
"He's been put in charge of the project, but the ener-D reactor is far too volatile." professor Fudo said nervously. "Please tell me those cards are still with you."
"Yes, I held onto them in case we would need to stop the experiment prematurely again." Goodwin said revealing four synchro monsters.
"Good, keep them away from Roman he's…" professor Fudo started to say before an explosion enveloped the hall sending him and Goodwin flying out of the building.
"What happened, professor Fudo where are you?" Goodwin asked weakly.
"Rex, take this and the four dragons and run." said a figure obscured by smoke.
"Roman, what is this?" Goodwin asked nervously.
"The one thing that could ensure humanity's survival brother, the forces of darkness are soon going to awaken. You need to find the signers and stop the darkness before the end of the world." Roman said.
"Wait, what about you?" Goodwin asked.
"My destiny is to lead those dark forces, and when the time comes we will meet again as enemies." Roman said as he entered the crumbling building.
Roman, what happened to you, Goodwin thought sadly as he ran from the building.
"Professor Goodwin, your arm." said a guard in the building. "You need immediate medical attention."
"No, I'll be fine." Roman said.
"Sir your arm has been severed, you could die if that isn't taken care of." the guard said.
"I said I'd be fine." Roman said coldly. Very soon this injury won't make any difference, the forces of the Netherworld will fuel my life, he thought before walking to the ener-D reactor control panel and damaging it.
"What are you doing?" the guard asked fearfully.
"Something that was destined to happen, and with this I will be reborn as a dark signer." Roman said just as a flash of rainbow light enveloped the building killing everyone inside and splitting the city in half.
"What an interesting situation, this human is fighting for its life even here in the Netherworld." said a voice.
"Perhaps there's a reason for this, my king it may be this is the opportunity I have been waiting for to unleash my full potential." said a second voice.
"You want to join with his soul and return to that world. Very well just know that his destiny is to fall alongside the rest of his world." the first voice said.
"I understand, however I haven't been allowed to unleash my true power in five hundred thousand years." the second voice said.
"Just know that the others will emerge into the human world soon, and then the Crimson Dragon will finally perish." the first voice said.
"I understand, perhaps when the time comes I will be able to aid you in this war." the second voice said before a flash of black light enveloped the small baby and it vanished from the Netherworld.
"Hey Yusei, what do you say to having a quick duel? Jack asked. "We need to stay at the top of our game if we're going to beat the other duel gangs."
"You're right Jack, and I'm always up for a match." Yusei said.
"Maybe you'll finally decide to bring out that special card you keep talking about instead of just Stardust Dragon." Jack said with a smirk.
"Maybe, I haven't needed it so far though." Yusei said activating his duel disc.
"Let's duel." said Yusei and Jack simultaneously.
Yusei 4000 Jack 4000: "I'll go first Jack, so I'll summon Sonic Chick in defense mode and play two cards facedown." Yusei said.
"In that case it's my turn Yusei so I'll start with my Twin Sword Marauder in attack mode, and next I'll play one card facedown." Jack said. "Now I'll attack."
"Not quite Jack, I reveal my trap card Scrap-Iron Scarecrow." Yusei said. "This negates your attack and then I can set it back on the field."
"In that case I'll end my turn." Jack said.
"I hate to interrupt a good duel you guys, but we have work to do." Kalin said quickly.
"Another duel gang the Enforcers need to take down?" Yusei asked.
"What else, let's take them down just like all the others." Crow said walking into the up to the others.
"This should be fun." Jack said deactivating his duel disc. "So which gang are we going after this time?"
"Does it matter?" Crow asked. "No matter who we're up against the Enforcers can take them out no problem."
"Exactly, that's why we're going to make the Satellite safe for everyone." Kalin said. "Let's head out."
"Right." Yusei, Jack, and Crow said simultaneously.
(Roman sabotaged the ener-D reactor, but in doing so bonded a human to a creature of the Netherworld, and now the Enforcers are working to free the Satellite from the duel gangs. Next chapter Yusei will reveal his special card. As always any reviews or critique is appreciated.)