Author's Notes: Hopefully this one goes over better than the second story I posted. Here's the low-down: No reviews means no new chapters. I love to write, and I won't stop just 'cause I don't get reviews, but it is nice to know that people are reading my stuff. Flame if you want, but I should warn you: depending on what is in the flame, it might result it my blocking you. However, constructive criticism is a different story; I do encourage that^_^
Anyway, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter One - A Hidden Past
"I'm fine, Akiza, really," Yusei stated as he headed for the steps. "I just have a little headache; that's all." Before another word could be spoken, the raven-haired male was up the steps and out of sight.
"He's hiding something; I can feel it," Akiza mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Having a headache right this instant is just a little too convenient."
"Crow," Luna started from where she sat at the table, working on an end-of-the-year school project with her brother, "Why is it that Yusei is so good at hiding his emotions? I mean, it's not natural for anyone to hide them as well as he does..."
"Well, uhm... uh..." The young signer's question had caught Crow quite by surprise - and he wasn't used to not knowing the answer. "It's... uh... because... uhm..." He sighed. "I really have no idea, Luna."
"No, but I do." Everyone turned in surprise to look at the blond-haired man across the room.
"Whadaya mean, Jack?" Crow asked, completely confused. How could Jack know something about Yusei that he himself didn't? They had all known each other for years. Unless...
As if reading the orange-haired teen's mind, Jack responded, "So much happened before we met you, Crow; this would be on of those things."
"Well, what happened?" Luna prompted.
"I'm not sure I should say," the blonde responded. "It's one of those things where if Yusei wanted you to know, he'd have told you by now. I'm not sure it's my place to tell this story."
"Ah, c'mon, Jack," Akiza pleaded. "There's a reason for this and I want to know what it is."
Jack scoffed. "No; like I said, it's not my place to tell it."
"Can't ya at least give us a hint?" Crow asked.
"Well, I suppose I could tell you what he told me some time later, but I'm afraid it wouldn't make an ounce of sense unless I told you the whole story."
"I'll take it," Crow stated. "'Cause now I'm really curious."
"Alright, then," Jack stated. "Yusei once told me that he learned to hide his emotions because when he showed emotion, it made everything worse for him."
"That's our big hint?" the bird duelist questioned flatly.
"I told you it wouldn't make much sense."
"Then tell us the rest of the story! Please?" Leo begged.
Jack let out an impatient sigh. "Must I reiterate for the third time that it's simply not my story to tell?"
"It's alright, Jack," a baritone voice spoke from the top of the steps. Everyone turned in surprise; no one had known Yusei was listening. "I know which story it is they wish to hear; you have my permission to tell it. Though I won't stay, and I hate to tell of it myself, I don't mind." Without another word, Yusei turned and softly returned to his room.
"Well," Jack murmured, "I guess that settles it. But I feel I should warn you: It's not a pretty picture. There's a lot none of you know about his past, and about as much that I almost wish I didn't know.
"This is the story of how I met Yusei..."
"Some secrets are meant to be kept
Some stories should never be told
Some reasons shouldn't be understood
They just might turn your blood cold"
~Hilary Duff: Dangerous to Know
Author's Notes: This is probably the shortest thing I've ever written...
Anyway... More coming soon if you people review^_^