Me: Um… I guess the only excuse I have is that I was really busy, and had some writer's block.

Sky: *Shakes head* This is worse than the four month break you took from Blue Sky.

Me: I know… But now that I'm back, you guys can listen to me rant again! Seriously, I freakishly hate hate hate despise with all of my being the episode of Criminal Minds called Zugzwang.

Yusei: That isn't good…

Me: I mean, come on! It's a recurring thing that happens in Criminal Minds, too! They killed off Gideon's girlfriend, Hotch's ex-wife, one of Rossi's ex-wives, so why couldn't they leave Reid's girlfriend alone?! I mean, he got to meet her in person for all of like, three minutes! What's going to happen next, they kill off Garcia? (Because it's totally obvious that Morgan likes her, and they haven't killed of one of Morgan's girlfriends yet.) GAH!

Sky: Calm down! You need to upload the next chapter!

Me: But I didn't even… never mind. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds, but I do own my OCs. Enjoy!

Chapter 6

Sky's POV

I wake up at midnight, surrounded by clocks. I'm serious—there had to be at least fifty different clocks in my room, all of them ringing whatever alarm they were set to.

The noise from all the clocks is almost deafening, and each DONG or BEEP of their alarms drives a shot of pain through my head. Ignoring the pain, I go around and turn off the clocks, a process which takes me around five minutes.

Even so, I can still hear the ringing. It takes me a few second to realize the sound isn't just my head echoing it—the sound is coming from someone else's room.

I grab the blanket off my bed and turn it into a make-shift robe. Exiting my room, I find that there are even more clocks in the hallway, down the stairs, and also in my friends' rooms.

Everyone else is outside their rooms as well. Crow rubs his eyes in an effort to stay awake, and says angrily, "Whoever thought this was a good prank, you're cleaning this up."

"Who did this anyways?" I ask. I let loose a very long yawn. "You know what, I don't care. Let's all just turn off these clocks and go back to sleep."

"Good idea," Yusei says.

Turns out, the whole of the downstairs was also filled with clocks, and we spent thirty minutes getting all of them off. Deciding it's too late to do anything, I head back to my room and get the little sleep I still could.

Whoever put those clocks here is definitely going to pay, very dearly, I think, before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning…

When I wake up again, it's hardly any different from before. What I had failed to realize was that there was a second set of clocks everywhere, and they were set to a different time.

I groan, rub my eyes, and go around to turn off all the clocks. Again. Needless to say, my friends and I are seriously ticked off.

"Who the *h-word* is the one that did this?"

"I don't know, maybe it was you!"

"I'm going back to bed."

With my ears still ringing, I couldn't tell exactly who was talking. I collapse on the couch and cover my face with a pillow, hoping to get rid of my growing headache. Unfortunately, the door flies open and Leo runs in, shouting, "What did I miss?!"

"Someone filled the apartment with clocks, that's what," I snap, dropping the pillow. "I think we should take a day off of the prank war."

"Aw…" Leo says. He looks at me, and then snickers. "Um, when's the last time you looked in a mirror?"

"Yesterday," I reply. My gaze passes to the window, where there is writing in marker.


I raise a hand to my face and dash to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, expecting the worst. That was a good assumption.

My face looks like a toddler decided to use it as a drawing board. Even worse than that, though, is the fact that the markers used in the doodles were permanent markers.

Well, I think, is there anything else that will go wrong today?

I reach under the cabinet for some hand sanitizer—this wasn't my first run-in with permanent marker—and checked to make sure it had some alcohol in it. It did, so I lather it everywhere there were marks. I also tried not to gag on the smell, and once I was certain I was done, I used some normal soap and washed my face.

I look back in the mirror after I finish. There were bags under my eyes, but at least the marker was gone. I leave the bathroom, and it seems like the apartment is empty. I assume everyone decided to take a break, so I head to my room, and somehow manage to fall asleep.

Of course, I should have known that wouldn't last long.


I almost literally fly out of bed, and run downstairs to see what this was about. In my haste, I may not have seen the rope rigged to the bottom of the stairs. I end up hanging upside-down, slowly spinning. All of my friends are in similar situations.

Shoshan coughs multiple times. "What in the *cough* world *cough* was that?"

"You clearly fell for a trap that exploded in your face," Sydney laughs.

"Yeah, but someone set rope traps for all of us," Yusei states. "Since all of us fell for them, that must mean none of us set the traps."

"Are you saying someone sabotaged our prank war?" Jack shouts in frustration.

"That," a new voice interrupts, "would be correct."

Everyone twists themselves in order to see the newcomer. It's… Zora.

"No way!" Crow shouts.

"You did this?" Akiza asks.

Zora nods. "All of you have taken the prank war too far, and you're damaging property." She glances at the hole in the wall that we had covered with duct tape (which was covered in penguins, so I dubbed it penguin tape instead) and cardboard.

She went on to scold all of us, and then she finally let us down, after we promised not to pull anymore pranks the rest of the year. Everyone else scattered as soon as she left.

I smile, as I think about pranks that I could pull next year. And as I walk away, Nyan Cat started playing at the desk.

Well, I think, we had our share of laughs for now. I can't wait until next year. Still…

I turn around, reach under the desk, and remove Leo's phone from under it. I flip it over, pull up the Pikachu Song instead of Nyan Cat, and let that play as Jack and Crow shout, "Turn it off!"


…Because who says I'm not allowed to get back at those two once in a while for always annoying the heck out of everyone?


Me: There you guys go! This is the last chapter now, so I'd like to know what you guys think of the whole story.

Sky: At least it's finally done. Wait, have you actually had to do that thing with the hand sanitizer?

Me: Yeah, twice. Once on a person, and the second time on a Smart Board. My five year old sister can get into so much trouble… So then, please review!

Crow: My offer to flame it for you is still up!

Me: Crow, I'm really just going to laugh at the flames for this story. It's kind of pointless. You've also offered to flame almost everything I write. You're being redundant. And also, what would you use to set fire to my work.

Crow: *Sulks* This. *Hands over a blowtorch*

Me: Of course… Well, review and tell me what you think! I hope all of you enjoyed this story, and I can't wait for your feedback. Thanks for reading!

*Note—the line with the markers was told to me by a friend of mine. This friend doesn't have very good grammar.*