The Dueling Shadows

By Ulrich 362

"This is perfect bro, all we had to do was pretend to get robbed, and Sector Security left us all these sweet cards." said a young teenager with a leather jacket and a criminal mark in the shape of a diamond on his left cheek.

"Of course, what did you expect Tony, I told you everything would work out fine." said another teenager who was wearing a skull shirt and had no criminal markings.

"Yeah, I guess you're right Kevin, I shouldn't have worried." Tony said.

"Yeah, now why don't you…" Kevin began to say when he suddenly glanced behind him. "Did you hear something?" he asked.

"What a bunch of brats, honestly what should we do Sky?" asked a girl as they walked into the alley where Toby and Kevin were.

"Well, if they think they're so good I think the usual deal Angel, although I am interested if they'll last more than a turn." Sky said.

"Who are you two? I've never seen you around the city." Kevin said.

"Us, oh nothing much, just two girls with an offer for you boys, what would you say to a tag duel, win and we'll give you some rare cards, but if you lose, well let's just say the facility will look like paradise." Angel said.

"You did mention sweet cards, so are you up for a game or not?" Sky said before both girls nodded at each other.

"What do you think Kevin?" Tony asked.

"Why not, consider our test drive for these cards." Kevin said before facing the girls. "Alright, you have a deal."

"Duel." said Sky, Angel, Kevin, and Tony simultaneously.

Sky/Angel 4000 Kevin/Tony 4000: "I'll start things off by activating my magic card, Angel Baton, so I get to draw two cards, and next I send my Gusto Griffin to the graveyard." Angel said.

"I know what that card does, you don't need to explain it." Kevin said.

"Oh, well when I send him to my graveyard from my hand, my Griffin let's me summon a Gusto monster from my deck, so meet my Gusto Thunbolt." Angel said. "Next I set two cards facedown and that ends my move."

"Fine, in that case I'll go." Tony said. "I summon Command Knight in attack mode, and next I play Axe of Despair to give him 1000 extra attack points."

"2600 points, not to bad, not good but not to bad." Sky said.

"I'll show you, attack her Gusto Thunbolt." Tony said.

"I play a facedown card, Negate Attack, looks like your attack is null and void." Angel said. "This is so easy."

"Why you, I end my move." Tony said angrily.

"Alright, in that case it's my move, so I start by summoning Celestial Knight-Star in attack mode, Angel, do you mind if I play your card?" Sky asked.

"No problem, that's why I set it for you." Angel said.

"Alright, in that case I play the trap card Celestial Ascension, now Gusto Thunbolt is considered a Celestial monster, and that means this magic card is fair game, Celestial Comet Shower, this card destroys one card you control for every Celestial monster on my side of the field, which means both your cards are destroyed." Sky said as two comets struck the Command Knight and the Axe of Despair destroying them both. "Now, I could attack you, but I have something else in mind, I tune my level four Celstial Knight-Star, with level four Gusto Thunbolt, in order to synchro summon Celestial Dragon-Quasar."

"No way, that thing has 3000 attack points." Kevin said.

"Yes, my dragon does, and now I attack you boys directly." Sky said calmly.

"This is far from over, we still have a chance to beat that thing." Kevin said. All I need to do is play Betrayal, that way as soon as that girl Angel summons a monster, I can take control of that dragon, and blow away whatever she summons, he thought.

"Alright, I think I'll end with one facedown card." Sky said. "Angel, everything is set."

Sky/Angel 4000 Kevin/Tony 1000: "My move, I set one card and end my turn. Let's see what you can do with that dragon." Kevin said with a smirk.

"Well let me see here, I think I'll start by using a magic card, I play Double Summon, and now I summon Gusto Griffin, and Caam, Serenity of Gusto." Angel said.

"I reveal my trap card, Betrayal, now your Celestial Dragon-Quasar is my monster, and I can attack Gusto Griffin." Kevin said. "Looks like we're the ones with the powerful monster on the field now."

"My turn to play a trap card, Urgent Tuning, now I tune level four Caam, Serenity of Gusto with level two Gusto Griffin in order to synchro summon Daigusto Sphreeze." Angel said. "Now are you sure you want to attack me?" she asked.

"Your new monster only has 2000 points, I can still destroy it. Celestial Dragon-Quasar attack Daigusto Sphreeze." Kevin said.

"You lose." Sky said with a smile. "Whenever you attack Daigusto Sphreeze, it isn't destroyed, and all damage is redirected to you, in other words you two lose."

"Looks like we won, so you need to come with us." Angel said.

"Not going to happen, let's get out of here." Tony said.

"Freeze, Sector Security you're coming with us." an officer said.

"You have to be kidding me." Kevin said. "This is the worst day of my life."

"This is way to easy, you have to wonder when someone worth dueling will show up." Sky said.

"Yeah, Goodwin did say we'd get a challenge one day, I'm still waiting." Angel said.

"Well, knowing him it has something to do with them." Sky said.

"Good point, well hopefully the signers are as skilled as he said they are, because if not I might have to duel you." Angel said before the two girls started to laugh.

"Yeah, at least that will be a good duel, you're the only person with any skill in this city." Sky said.

(Angel Hogan, and Sky Fudo, these two are the best duelists in New Domino City, and appear to know the legend of the Crimson Dragon. Next chapter will begin to explain their backstory, and a familiar face will make an appearance. As always any reviews or critique is appreciated.)

(Author's Note: Sky Fudo and Angel Hogan belong to Shimmering-Sky.)