Author has written 37 stories for Rugrats/All Grown Up!, Phineas and Ferb, Walking Dead, Walking Dead, Elder Scroll series, and Life is Strange. Howdy, there! Thank you so much for taking the time to read over some of my stories, it truly means the world to me. So, as far as future content updates go, Wolves is absolutely my top priority. It's unfortunately the one I have the most time for at the moment, and is the one that I feel I'm able to most put my heart and soul into. Basically, I feel like all the stories that I've written up to this point have cumulated into letting me write this one last hoorah for the Walking Dead, and it's my baby, 'kay? :3 So expect updates for that every once in a while. No real release schedule, unfortunately, but I plan to work and hopefully finish that one before I even consider working on anything else. Anyways, thanks for listening. I hope you all have a great day! Keep being awesome :D The wonderful pieces of cover art for You're the Salvation and Madness were created by the ever-talented Oreo Anarchy! Be sure to check out her stories if you ever get the chance, alright? Go. Do it. Now. |
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