Reviews for Ouroboros
tris chapter 17 . 7/25
Rereading, and both the "moments of clarity" and the whole movie night with an unexpected friend group are both just, so real to me, so raw and reflective of how life feels. i get those moments. it's something amazing to see myself in such beautiful writing. kudos. if this were a book, i'd bend over backwards to buy a signed copy from you.
peoplesw20 chapter 2 . 7/21
so glad this was suggested to me to read! the writing is so spot on, i can hear them saying these words. i love this, thank you!
Guest chapter 64 . 4/7
Damn That foreshadowing about the realities crashing is finally coming into play 36 chapters later
amw.mcgregor chapter 81 . 4/6
Wow, that was one hell of a ride you took me on, read it in one go, only stopping for food, drink and sleep(and even then, i read while eating). It is a well written story, and it leaves me wondering what you have in store for the next chapters to come.

Also: the texts in between the chapters were fun to read, even though 6(66) was a bit too dark for my taste.

Have a good one,

Guest chapter 28 . 4/4
Got actual chills when Max said she never spoke to the homeless woman in that timeline. You are an awesome writer! keep up the good work
Ryan chapter 81 . 3/29
This is the best thing ive ever read. Not just the best fanfiction, but the best story I've ever read. Ever. It truly is a work of art and I love it. I'm looking forward to reading more :)
tris chapter 9 . 3/27
rereading this because.. i really need it tbh. and need to before i read the new chapters. something about this fic is just so emotionally cathartic. i think it has to do with what i wanted to write here; this fic perfectly captures the same feel of the original game. the interactions, the way max thinks and talks to herself, the scenes where she talks to others feels exactly like the optional bits in the game! even the texts and the journal are perfect. life is strange was an emotional and beautiful journey for me and this fic is honestly just all the episodes after 5. thank you for your inspiring and powerful writing 3
FroopyTheTemmie chapter 81 . 3/24
I've spent many a year reading stories on fanfiction. This one takes the cake for the best story I've ever read on this site ever. Mind you, there are plenty of wonderful stories on here, but this one is truly a work of art.

I cannot believe how you expanded upon the lore of Life is Strange and tied everything together so neatly. You have a true talent for storytelling.

I eagerly await more to this story!
Lord Hellwing chapter 81 . 3/14
Wonderfull and amazing story, good job and well done. I applaud you.
Be proud of your work for it is very good.
anotherguest chapter 81 . 3/12
oh you sly fox. March 11th not at all significant. How long have you be sitting on this chapter just to release it on this date.

I haven't even read it yet but I am very glad to celebrate this way.
rolygarcor chapter 81 . 3/11
You are back! Hell Yeah!

I am so glad the story is back and as good as always. The hype for what comes next is unreal.
Proud-Firebrand chapter 80 . 3/10
Holy fuck... I actually just binge read this for weeks straight... Fuck... Well anyway great story, I hope the next chapters wont be too far into the future, but for the sake of quality, and hopefully quantity, TAKE AS LONG AS YA LIKE.

AGAIN, thank you for making this wonderful fanfic/story.
Guest chapter 80 . 2/16
I feel like such a nerd checking back every few days to see if a new chapter has been posted. I started rereading it meanwhile. This is better than anything the creators of the game came up with.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1
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