I sighed and wiped my eyes. I thinks it's been three hours since I hand to point my gun at Lee and put a bullet through his brain. Three hours? it feels an awful lot more like years. I sighed again and sat on a nearby log. I looked at the gun I got from that walker back at the jewelry store. My eyes scanned the ground and I found bullets. I picked one up. It doesn't look like the ones that go into this gun and its lighter than it should be. These ones must have already been used. I looked at the gun again. Lee taught me how to use one back on the train.

Shooting him was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I dare say that it was harder than leaving my undead parents to wonder aimlessly around. I let my mind wonder. I remember when Duck was bitten. I wonder if I feel the same way Kenny felt. Kenny got angry after Duck died. He started yelling more and he even wanted Ben to die back in Crawford. I'm sad, and angry, but unlike Kenny I'm not angry at somebody else.

I'm angry that I left with that man in a stupid hope that he knew where my parents were. My mom and dad told me to never talk to strangers. I thought they meant that strangers were bad, that all of them were bad. Then I met Lee. Lee wasn't bad. Neither was Katjaa or Carly. I met more good people than bad people and that led me to believe that this man was good. He was nice to me. He told me that everything would be okay and that I'd have a family again. He didn't even hurt me, but he did hurt me at the same time.

He never made me feel physical pain. Not like Andy St. John at the dairy. Andy grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back. The stranger was nice however. When I first saw him he gave me a candy bar and took my hand. He didn't let me go back for my hat, but he said that I would get it back. He did lock me in a room, but he never hurt me. He called me, 'sweetie,' and, 'darling,' and fed me. He didn't physically hurt me, but because he wouldn't let Lee take me back he started to attack him. Lee only had one arm so it must have been hard to fight back. When Lee was pinned and the man was choking him I picked up the gun and shot him in the head. He made me kill him, and that made me sad. Was I a bad person now?

Lee killed somebody for selfish reasons, but he was still a good man. He taught me how to defend myself and he saved my life on many occasions. He killed somebody before the monsters came. I killed somebody because he was hurting my friend. He wasn't hurting me, but he was hurting someone else. Did that mean it was okay? Was killing that man okay? It didn't feel okay. It was different from shooting the walker that tried to bite Molly in Crawford. Was that because the walker was already dead? I feel as if I don't know wrong from right anymore.

I looked up and saw two figures on the hill. I immediately stood up and looked at them. More people? Are they good? Lee told me to meet Omid and Christa by the train. Is this them? I took five steps forward. one of the people turned and pointed. Did they see me? What if it's not Omid and Christa?! oh no. Not knowing whether to run away or walk to them I stayed put. What if they're bad? What if they're not? Maybe they've seen Omid and Christa. Hesitantly I walked they walked too. When I was halfway to them I regretted that I began walking. Clementine have you not learned your lesson?! I turned to walk away but it was too late now.

"Hey!" One of them called out. I didn't recognize the voice. I began to feel afraid. Unwillingly I stopped and I could feel my breathing quicken. I tried to take a deep breath in and control my shaking, but I couldn't. I could feel myself panic, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I said and it came out only a little more than I whisper. the owner if the voice must not have heard me.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked again. I turned around and saw a man. He was young. Younger than Lee and older than Ben. He had brown hair and a weapon on his back. I looked and saw the other person with his back turned. I recognized that hair and cap, I think. The only person I know who has hair like that...

"KENNY!" I yelled and without thinking ran to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"What the hell!" The person I was hugging said. I heard his voice and knew that this wasn't Kenny. I probably burned into a red shade and I quickly took my arms off the man. I looked up at him. He has blue eyes and his hair is the same color as a raven. The other man with brown hair chuckled.

"She's cute," He commented. He kneeled down to look at me, "What's your name?" I looked at him blankly. I remembered that I had a gun in my hands. I don't have any bullets, but if things get bad maybe I can pretend. With some of my fear gone I thought about whether or not I should tell this man my name. I have learned that you shouldn't just trust people

"Lilly," I lied. Mom always told me it was bad to lie.

"Don't worry, alright? We're not going to hurt you," He must have noticed that I was uncomfortable, "My names Luke," He greeted.

"I'm Nick," The other man took a step back from me, "Where are the people you're with?"

One again I hesitated. Do I really want to tell these men I'm alone? I'm only a little girl and I cant look that scary. maybe they can help, "I'm by myself," I was honest. Lukes eyes widened.

"No shit?" He asked

"Swear!" I said out of reflex. Why do I still call people out on that? I've heard worse and in the long run it's not that big of a deal. Luke chuckled.

"Sorry kid," He smiled, "You're really out here by yourself?"

"There is no possible way!" Nick said and I heard something in his voice that scared me a little, "She couldn't have survived on her own!"

"I didn't," I said sadly and Nicks eyes softened.

"how long have you been alone?" He asked

"What time is it?" I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Noon?" Nick looked at Luke

"About three hours." I looked behind me.

"Damn," Nick cursed



"What happened," Luke looked at me. I couldn't answer. The tears that were once small turned into a small river that was trailing down my face. soon I couldn't feel my legs any more so I sat down on the ground and let my tears mix in with the blood on my face, "hey kid, it's okay. you don't need to talk about it." Luke put a hand on my shoulder.

I did my best to stop tears from coming out of my eyes. After many moments I was able to control my sobs. I wiped my eyes to get rid of the remaining tears. I took a deep breath in and out. I looked at the two men in front of me and decided to ask, "Have you seen a woman and her boyfriend around?"

Luke and Nick exchanged glances, "No, no I'm sorry Lilly. who were they?"

"Omid and Christa," I answered, "I came from Savannah and was told to come find them."

"You came from Savannah!" Luke looked at me wide eyed.


"Wow, Kid you must be tough as nails!"

"Have you seen a train?" I asked, changing the subject.

"A little while ago, but it's unsafe."


"Is that what you call them?"


"Yeah, it's over run." I sighed. I have no idea where my friends are. Maybe they're dead. Maybe I shouldn't look for them, but where do I go? I wont survive out here on my own. I closed my eyes and one more tear fell down my face. I stood up and began to walk, "Hey, where are you going?!"

"Somewhere else," I replied

"You can come with us!" Nick called out. I turned around and looked at them

"Rebecca wont be happy about this," Luke muttered, "Come on, we wont hurt you," I smiled. They didn't seem bad. Maybe they're nice. I turned back around.

"Okay," I smiled, "Thank you."