Reviews for Balance on the knife edge
Guest chapter 16 . 5/24
good story sad you seem to have abandon it
Obi-Nobi chapter 16 . 4/28
Hey there, just had to leave you a review to let you know how much I enjoyed this story and that you did a wonderful job.
For one, I love that you do follow the timeline but at the same time not too strictly, that way the story keeps being interesting. All in all this is just a nicely well thought out story and I do hope you will continue it because I definitely want to know what happens next. All the best xx
AhsokaBonteri chapter 16 . 4/28
I loved it! I really hope they can stop Anakin’s fall to the dark side. Please update soon!
FosterFarms chapter 16 . 3/1
Oh man this was a ride of a story that k you for this
Guest chapter 16 . 2/4
Awesome story! One of the best that I’ve read. Please update soon! Looking forward to it!
Jee Zed of Mars chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
this is the best and most well thought out fan fiction I've read in my entire life.
Henri9897 chapter 16 . 9/3/2019
Oh this is good. I love it please give us more.
JimmyPenguin421 chapter 16 . 8/22/2019
Please update! I am in suspense! This story is great!
Have you seen that movie with Tom Cruise, "Edge of Tomorrow?" That came to my mind as I read this story: someone forced to relive the past to improve the future.
Anyway, great story and I hope you update soon! May the Force be with you!
OldWorldVulture chapter 16 . 8/17/2019

Heck, look at how long it took me to review- and a review is far less than the labour of love that is a single chapter like this one. Life happens, and is often unpredictable.

Overall this chapter feels like a epilogue for the events of Umbara, albeit one with another tense scene of war and with your conspiracy of the knowing has increased to five maybe six, good sentients and true. I suspect Ahsoka and Kenobi will be able to hold onto the darkest secrets for the time being but of course it is a long term liability.

Once again you’ve managed to deliver some sneaky surprises- such as Barris’ recognition of the later version of her own crystal as well as her own dire assessment of the challenges of preventing order 66.

Plus you’ve once again managed add a clever bit of lore to the overall picture, in order to explain why the list of contingency orders managed to pass under the radar until the fatal moment.

Where to from here? I’m not sure, but I know whenever there is more to be read I’ll be here to read it.

Until next time, good luck in all the things you have going on!
scottusa1 chapter 16 . 8/15/2019
Great chapter. Keep it up. Laters.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/14/2019
Cant wait for the next update chapter 16 . 7/13/2019
PLEASE UPDATE! Just re-read this whole thing, it is so well written! Keep writing!
101Asa chapter 16 . 7/11/2019
Idea would be to just tell only Yoda. For this story to go well, I feel as if they really, really need to stop Order 66.
Aalya x Kit fan here, and I feel them dying is very, very bad. You can trust Yoda, Shaak Ti, Kit, and Plo with this, I'm sure. Not people like Mace, however. He got multiple jedi killed.
Just, trying to say what I feel, but the writing here is amazing!
King of Fans chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
Good character and thanks for updating.

That’s all apart of the sith’s plan. War breeds the Darkside. Without any way of coping or expert guidance on the matter many Jedi will fall to war mentally, even if they do survive.

Well it appears that Ahsoka has finally spilt the beans to the clones and her friend.

I really liked how ahsoka and obi-wan combed Barriss done and Assured her that she would not end up on the same road as her other counterpart.

I really like their strategy meeting about the chips. The fact that they cannot remove any mass number of chips or discreetly disarm them dose Bring up some major problems into how to stop order 66.
Likely I have some ideas:
1.) activate a different order- the chips had orders that can be used to remove the chancellor from power. If they can activate some of those orders they can remove Palpatin powers as the supreme Chancellor. Though this is very unlikely considering he programmed the chips.
2.) mess with mass forms of communication. If their group can sabotage the communication channels to glitched out the moment The chancellor activates any of his orders then he would be an able to order 66 affectively.
If you cannot prevent them from receiving the order, then stop the transmission.
3.) they may be on able to prevent order 66 from happening, but they could lessen the impact. If they can remove/ deactivate the chips within a small group of the Jedi‘s closet men then the Jedi can have more of a head up when the clones attacked, and give the Jedi some allies during order 66. This may not stop the mass Jedi genocide, but it Will make sure there are more survivors.
4.) get the Senate to remove the chips. The Jedi and the Clones my not have the tools to stop order 66, but the senate does. If they can create public display that reviles the chips, there purpose, and in a negative light than then the senate could excessively vote in The mass removal of the chips, and any contingency orders they have. This would prevent order 66, and bring attention to the sith’s corruption of the government.

Last why do I have the feeling the council or Anakin we’re going to be the last one to learn about the traveling shenanigans. It would be hilarious if that happened.
ConfortablyNumb chapter 16 . 7/9/2019
Thanks for this new chapter, I was so excited when I saw that the story had been updated! Great chapter, as always :)
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