Author has written 4 stories for Twilight. 3/31/15 - So, I'm going to attempt to write some stories again. Not sure if it will happen, but I just wrote a very rough outline for a story so I feel good about it. So this is what I'm thinking. If anybody is still out there following me PM with any ideas you'd like to see. 1st possible story - Prequel/Sequel of MUE...I think I'm going to title as a sequel, but there will be many flashbacks. Many readers wanted to see a prequel as much as a sequel, so I'm going to combine the two. Yay or nay...? 2nd possible story- I really want to do a Paul/Bella story, but I have no ideas. It will probably be very generic and done to death, but I have to get it off my chest. About me...I am 32 and a homebody! I am married to my highschool sweetheart (yes, it does happen) and I have 2 children; a boy and a girl. I love romance and smutty goodness. I'm into Bella/Paul or Bella/Jacob, but there is not much of that out that I haven't read. PLAGIARISM: : the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. Cultural Dictionary: Literary theft. Plagiarism occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas and then calls the work his or her own. Copyright laws protect writers' words as their legal property. To avoid the charge of plagiarism, writers take care to credit those from whom they borrow and quote. Encyclopedia: the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as one's own. The fraudulence is closely related to forgery and piracy-practices generally in violation of copyright laws. Credit due to: "God of War" belongs to IdreamofEddy [I have used this term repeatedly in TWOL, and in MUE. "God of War was so good that I forgot it wasn't part of the original works of SM.] The use of the song "Anywhere" belongs to a wonderful story: EverClear Revamped by Chandler1200 [I used her concept in TWOL, and it played out lovely, plus it's one of my favorite songs because of her story.] Much thanks to Jadiona for the awesome banners that she is doing for me! :) MUE: http:///albums/ac250/jadionanoish/imagry-Scrapblog/imagry1-1.jpg Banner by: Jadiona TWOL: http:///albums/ac250/jadionanoish/MUE/TWOL-Scrapblog/TWOL-1.jpg Banner by: Jadiona Translated to Spanish by: dianitamosh-withlock Located: CHAPTER 6 Necklace Jasper wanted to get Bella: http:///diamond-eternity-necklace_5287 Necklace Jasper got Bella for Christmas: http:///products/178745.html&?cm_mmc=Feeds-_-Become-_-null-_-null&mr:referralID=f798ac8c-e2d2-11de-bb10-000423bb4e95 CHAPTER 8 Bella's dress for book signing: http:///images/products/L11997099.jpg CHAPTER 13 Lingerie for Jasper: http:///corsets/reversible-corset CHAPTER 18 Present Bella gets for Jasper at the mall in Chapter 16: http:///_2dJQxEtZAVo/SAzhB8q9XbI/AAAAAAAAAaE/8CKKM0ReeZQ/s1600-h/CivilWarRing.jpg TWOL TEXAS OUTTAKE: http:///albums/ac250/jadionanoish/New/IMG-Scrapblog/IMG-2.jpg Banner by: Jadiona TWOL JASPER'S VISIT II: http:///albums/ac250/jadionanoish/New/IMG-Scrapblog/IMG-3.jpg Banner by: Jadiona DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement in intended. SM owns everything, and is responsible for inspiring the author in all of us. |
Chandler1200 (6) CourtneyHowlett (15) | heavyinfinity (3) kissa621 (9) | monksmama (2) |