Hi all this is not the sequal to finding imprint that I should be posting, but I decided to post this new Paul and Bella story first, now I will pre-warn you that in this Paul is a bit of an arsehole, but he does get better along the way. My beta is pretty busy right now so this is un-betaed all mistakes are mine.

Chapter One Family

Jason Lahote couldn't understand how his mother could still be with such a pig.

As he watched his own father flirt with another woman whilst his so called uncles and aunts stood by and watched, he wondered why his mother stayed.

He hated the Uley gathering's to him even at a young age they were useless, a waste of time where he could of spent it playing with his mama and his siblings.

Glaring at his father some more he hoped that his mother couldn't see what the arsehole was doing.

Checking to make sure that his sweet mother wasn't in the room, he made a bee line for the kitchen seeing his twin brothers Harry and Charlie sitting at the kitchen table with Samantha Uley and Daniel Cameron made him frown, at ten they caused a lot of trouble, more sometimes then his mother can handle.

Starring out the window, he saw his mother with his other brothers sitting on the seat with her. Harley 7 and Adam 5 were gently swinging the seat as there mother laughed lightly at them.

He couldn't imagine any other person in the world he could depend on then his mother.

His mother put up with a lot, and most of the time he wasn't sure why she even did it.

He knew she wasn't one to walk away, but even at the age of twelve he wandered why she put up with his father.

Frowning when he heard his father's laugh, he knew that the blonde he was with was probably wrapped up under his arm, falling for his charm.

He wandered when his father was at work half the time if he was off seeing another woman, sometimes he wandered if he had any half siblings out there.

"Jason what are you doing in the kitchen?"

Turning he frowned as he saw his aunt Emily, looking back out the window he stated "I was looking for mum, I wish to go home"

"Its only 8" Emily stated

Turning to stare at her, he eyed her round belly, early that night he had watched his Uncle Sam wrap his hands protectively around her belly, and whisper sweet things in her ear.

Out of all of his mother's pregnancies he couldn't ever remember his dad touching his mother's pregnant belly, he couldn't even recall if he opened the door for her, like uncle Embry did Leah or bring her a blanket when she was cold like Quil did Clare.

Looking down at the floor, he walked out of Aunt Emily's kitchen, gripping the back door, he pushed it open, approaching his mother, he sat next to her and watched his brothers tumble on the grass.

"What's wrong baby?" his mother asked as she brushed his locks from his forehead

Leaning into her hand he asked "can we head home? I'm not feeling well"

Placing her hand on to his forehead she frowned "you are a bit warm" she stated, nodding she reached down and squeezed his hand she called softly to Harley an Adam "come on boys lets go say good bye to the pack, then we'll head home" grabbing up Adam she chuckled lightly "and I know someone who needs a bath"

Shuffling my feet I walked up the front porch, Harley just in front of me as we walking into the house.

As soon as mum walked in the room seemed to hold there breath as all of my supposed uncles eyed Paul that was leering at the blonde to my mother who was gathering up Harry and Charlie.

My mother sighed tiredly as she looked over at our father, his hand somewhere up the blonde's shirt.

Clearing her throat she stated "I'm taking the boys home, it was a lovely evening Emily" turning to our father she stated "I'm sure you know where that is Paul, or have you got lost somewhere up the blonde's shirt"

Our father smirked as he sipped the drink that was in his other hand, the blonde had the decency to look embarrassed.

Placing her hand on the back of my neck my mother steered me and my brother's from Aunt Emily's house.

Walking down the road with my mother I couldn't help but wander why she stayed with him.

Walking with my mother, as she watched Charlie, Harry and Harley walk in front of us I wanted to know how her life had turned out like this.

Later that night as I laid in bed I heard my father arrive home, I knew that my mother was sitting up in the lounge room, having her cup of tea as she wrote her latest news article for the magazine she worked for.

As he stumbled up the front porch stairs, slamming the door as he entered, I shifted slightly in the bed, to be able to hear them clearer.

Hearing the silence that followed I know that mum was ignoring him, creeping out of my bed and walking over to my door I tried to listen to what was being said, peaking through the crack I could see where my mother sat, my father standing over her, his arms either side of her on the table as she tried to type.

He nuzzled her as he stated "come to bed Swan"

My mother brushed him off turning to the computer "I have a deadline Paul" she breathed.

Grunting Paul reached over and shut the laptop with a snap.

His mother's sharp in take of breath had him wanting to run to his mother's rescue.

With a deep sigh his mother took a sip from her cup of tea, with patience from dealing with his brother's all day she stated "and what would sleeping with you tonight benefit me?"

His hand ran down her arms and wrapping them around her waist he pulled her out of her chair, spinning her and sitting her on the table top, he invaded her personal space.

Her mother slapped him on the chest "don't you dare Paul Lahote, I am not having sex with you our boys have only gotten to sleep"

"Yours not mine" he spat as he proceeded to left her shirt.

His mother, tugged her shirt down and pushed him away from her "don't you dare" she hissed "don't you start that crap, who's do you think they are this time Paul, I'm your imprint remember I cant cheat on you unless you want me to" breathing deeply he watched his mother stand up from the table and walk towards his door, backing up away from the crack in the door he listened as his mother continued "we have been married thirteen years Paul, when in them have I ever given the thought I was unfaithful, unlike you I dot go out and try to break the imprint, unlike you I stay home and look after our boys, because out of this whole situation, they are the only gifts you have given me"

"Jacob gave you" Paul snarled as he throw his mother's cup of tea at the wall, the sound of the smashing china tore a scream from Jason's throat.

There argument stopped as his mother throw open the door.

Knowing he had been sprung, he waited for his mother to reprimand him for ears dropping, but instead she muttered "it's ok baby, mummy just dropped her cup, everything is fine" as she guided me to the bed and tucked me into bed, her lips lingering on my cheek she stated "go back to sleep baby, everything is fine" her lips brushed my ear as she barely whispered "go to sleep your father's home, baby, its all going to be ok"

Rising she closed his door, making sure it latched.

He could hear her pattering around the kitchen his father silent as he always watched his mother.

Hours later he heard a thump followed by the bed squeaking in his mother's room, followed by his mother's breathy sigh as she whispered "I love you Paul"

Before he dozed off to sleep he swore he heard his father whisper "I love you to Bella"

So…let me know what you think
