Reviews for Serendipity
Elisabeth123 chapter 23 . 5/11
Great story. I loved loved loved your Jake.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 23 . 8/2/2019
Somehow I just knew what Quil’s gift would be. And hopefully he won’t let that pretty lady get away. lol. I love when a story comes full circle with its happily ever after but I am surprised about one thing. With Carlisle being Aro’s right hand, second in command, I’m surprised there was nothing to show the Volturi reaction to learning the Cullens were destroyed. Aro would check in on Carlisle at some point surely, would question why they were all suddenly off the radar. This was still a great story. I loved this confident, goofy Jacob.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 22 . 8/2/2019
Oh man, I’m gonna miss Levi! But she’s right, it was time for him to go home. Glad Edward is dead.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 21 . 8/2/2019
In all the chaos, did Jasper have time to burn Emmett? God that phrase leaves a vile taste in my mouth, I love Jasper and it hurts he ended up being a bad guy and is dead. I have a feeling Edward or Carlisle is the one that escaped...
ObsidianDraconis chapter 20 . 8/2/2019
She should go. Leah said that they can feel her, that she helps to calm them. They will need that. Period. Plus the fact that Bella needs Sadie and Sadie needs Bella. She will need to be there. They have to remember they also have at least one ally on the inside. Rose. I’m sure once she’s able she’ll jump ship and help them take down the coven and she might not be alone in that.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 19 . 8/2/2019
Seth, Leah, Sam, and Paul. All imprinted. It’s a big pack though. I’m just glad that Sam’s imprint is starting to break. They don’t need that added stress, not with Embry and Emily married and having a baby, and Sam and Leah married with kids. The others will be just fine though. But Jake needs to get one thing through his head, he’s not Bella’s alpha and if she doesn’t go with them, she’ll find a way to go on her own and that will be worse.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 18 . 8/1/2019
Well shit. At least Jake knows they can break it. If Sam loves Leah enough, if Emily loves Embry enough, they can break it. But it’ll be hard to know for the rest of their lives that Sam and Emily were deemed perfect for one another by the spirits.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 17 . 8/1/2019
I kinda think she knew what she was asking for. They’re in sync to a point so maybe she feels she wants to be claimed and that she’s ready for his baby? Idk. All I know is sex with a shapeshifter has always been hot. God love romance novels with them too. Lol
ObsidianDraconis chapter 16 . 8/1/2019
Whew! That was intense and awesome all at the same time. Now that’s an alpha!
ObsidianDraconis chapter 15 . 8/1/2019
That name was a mouthful. Lmao. So not Levi Uley but Taha Aki’s grandson. I like how they won’t need the vampire scent to phase, that Jake just has to take up his own destiny and call them to theirs.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 14 . 8/1/2019
Well damn. This is going to sound weird but I hope Jasper survives. Lol. Jasper, Rose, and Emmett. I’ve always been team Jasper and I hate when he’s a bad guy or dies in pack/Bella stories. I love him too much. ;)

Perhaps if Rose has finally second guessed shit, the others will too. Sounds like they’re all prisoners in a way. Carlisle is disgusting and I want to see him ripped apart. Perhaps a certain someone should be alerted to his little plan? Aro can be dangerous, but pointed in the proper direction? And he’d be indebted to whichever little birdy warned him. Thank god Bella finally got Jake to change. Sue was going to kill him. But now what about the others?
ObsidianDraconis chapter 13 . 8/1/2019
As soon as Bella said she was the nurse and the sports car was mentioned I knew it was Rose. Is she Bella’s only ally? And how will the other boys phase if they’ve never encountered a vampire? Will Rose coming into the Rez cause them to cross her scent and start a chain reaction? Or is it just the alpha phasing that’ll do it.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 12 . 8/1/2019
I knew the wolf was coming. They need to stop preventing it. Sue needs to stop drugging him. But Levi. I didn’t think about it. Didn’t consider it. There’s only one Levi we know of that was a wolf. Levi Uley
ObsidianDraconis chapter 11 . 8/1/2019
HOLY SHIT! But wait! If Carlisle is a vampire, wouldn’t that make Sadie a hybrid? And if she is a hybrid, then why was she born normally with a normal pregnancy? And is Sadie truly his first? Or is Carlisle another Joham? And Anthony. Anthony is Edward just as I suspected and he’s trying to get those portraits of Sadie either so there’s no proof, or just because Carlisle wants them. And shit! If it’s to get rid of proof, what else will they do to get rid of evidence? Will they kill everyone that knows about that child. Bella, Charlie, any court persons, Jake even? It’s clear they killed Phil and Renee. Man, the Cullens as the bad guys. And Carlisle the rapist. The disgusting prick.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 10 . 8/1/2019
So I was right. There is a child. But why in the hell did Anthony want those paintings?
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