![]() Author has written 34 stories for Naruto, Bleach, iCarly, X-overs, Victorious, Dragon Age, and Star Wars. What's up people of the fanfiction universe (that's right. I gave us our own universe. deal wit it.) I of course will not give you guys my real name or birthday but I can give you some other little tidbits about myself. My PenName: My name is not Leon nor am I a king or 21. I am a bleach fan. In one episode (can't remeber which) Ichigo had to battle his inner hollow. The inner hollow refered to Ichigo as King and when the inner hollow lost he was talking to Zangetsu (Ichigo's Sword) and he said "I had to let him win. He is the king of this world (refering to Ichigo's mind) for now..." And that is why I call myself King. Leon comes from me liking lions. they are my favorite animal one of the few thing in my life that has been consistant throughout my life (ohers being my love for TV and Video Games and my hatred of reality tv). anyways while i like lions writing KingxLion seemed a little stupid so i decided to look up lion in different languages and I found Leon and I was hooked and while KingxLeon may sound stupid i like it a lot better it seems to roll right off the tongue. the 21 is my business no offense but I'd rather keep it to myself personal reasons for it. My Interest: I am what you would call an everyman. I don't really hate anything (except reality tv). so what I'm gonna do is tell you the things that will affect what I write. of course, as I've previously stated, i like anime: Bleach and Naruto are tied for my favorite anime i also liked inuyasha and of course DBZ. I've been known to occasionally watch pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. As far as non anime tv i am a big kid so of course I watch Nickelodeon (Don't Judge ME) anything on that station is at risk for being turned into a FanFic by yours truly. as well as anything on tv in general. if the plot bunny comes you better catch it at least thats what I always say (Sometimes). Couples that I ship: NaruSaku (Naruto and Sakura) Naruto Seddie (Sam and Freddie) iCarly IchiRuki (Ichigo and Freddie) Bleach There are couples that I do imply in my fics but if i haven't writen a fic especially for them then I dont' consider myself to be shipping them Writing Progress: Recent uploads: (complete list of stories at the bottom of the page) Chapter 11/12: War Games - iCarly Coming Soon: (When my computer starts to act stupid stories will end up here once they are complete) In-Progress: (Ranges from unfinshed story to solid idea) Chapter 13 (12): War Games - iCarly Recent Epiphany: (Just random silliness) Mo' Money, Mo' Porblems. So all of my favorite industries have succumbed to money grabs. the Video Game industry is perhaps the most gross violator of money grabbing. it all started with the announcement of a gaming system that would allow you to be on the internet while you wer playing. Understandably... myself and the rest of the gaming world went absolutely bonkers. The only thing preventing a riot in the streets was the gamer's instinctual need to remain indoors unless absolutely necessary (necessities vary from gamer to gamer but that's for another set of ramblings). But while the gamers saw a new and innovative way of interacting with more people like us, the gaming developers saw something entirely different. The internet connectivity allowed us to download things directly to our gaming consoles. This meant new gaming content without making an entirely new game. That's fine... gamers understand the need to save a buck or two. So they'll give us new content at a cheaper price than a whole new game. We can deal with that... but they couldn't stop there... Now that games were online they didn't have to spend money on game testers. No... in fact... their games didn't even have to be finished before they shipped them. Instead they could get us to pay 60 dollars for game and when we found their glitches they'd sell us patches to fix the glitches for anywhere from 10 to 25 to even 40 dollars. so now instead of paying 60 dollars for a complete game now we end up paying 100 for a game that is marginally acceptable. Sadly, this won't stop until gamers stop buying games... and that won't happen because it goes against our very nature as gamers... and what else will we do... go outside? play sports? That'll give us an outlet for our violence and we could make millions doing it and we could escape the corruption of giant companies... right? right? not exactly... or at all for that matter. you see the NFL is currently in the midst of determining a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. which, in short, determines how many millions that players can get paid all at once. Football players decided that their millions weren't enough and that the owners' and rookies' millions were too much. Can't have that so instead they'll fight "The Man" and get the wages that they "deserve". Now the whole thing has devolved into rich young people saying "we don't make enough money" and old rich people saying "You can't make more money because then we'll make less money". but they seem to have come to a consensus that the new guys are making too much money. At the end of it all they decided that hey we'll go on strike (technically) and we just won't play until you give us what we want (basically a temper tantrum). But who really suffers... the owners have their millions to fall back on and the players have their millions to fall back on... they're apparently still going to have the draft so the top picks will have their guaranteed money to fall back on. So who is losing out here? The fans... we're losing out because they have their millions and nothing to lose from losing a season while we're stuck watching what ever other nonsense they decided to show on tv on Sundays... I guess baseball (ugh)... well at least they don't have any major problems... right? right?... ... I think you see where I'm going with this. the corruption was for all intents and purposes inevitable i suppose. and In some cases ever prevalent. But when thier in fighting and money scheming interfere with my ability to enjoy these things it brings all of their problems to the forefront. All in all... its very disconcerting. Deuces. These are the ramblings of the King. Good day to you sires and madams. Random Quote: When I los my self-control I'll borrow yours - Yellowcard. You can also follow me on the Twitters for more quotes and other ridiculousness, or just pop in to say hi. you can also find me on the Facebooks... but i'm rarely doing anything there A Work by yours truly Spirit Of An Eagle this is something I wrote while being bored to death in History With the spirt of and eagle I use my free will I decide where I go until I decide to stay still when I tire of my resting place I spread my wings and fly away No one can tell me when to wait They must keep up or get outta my way No border can stop me I go where I please No dead ends. No road blosks. No boundaries No mountain to high I reach it with ease Many watch in envy as I reach the peak I can do what I want My limit's the sky no one can stop me Hard as they may try My wings are my strength and with them I fly with my spirit I soar with the light as my guide. So thats me in a nutshell; a very small nut shell I wil update as i feel information is needed (that includes any questions you may have). Thank you for takin' the time to read about lil ol' me. I feel so honored (No sarcasm intended) I'm seriously honored. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Deuces (that means se ya later). |