Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly
Chapter 11: Confessions
Sam's POV:
"DARN IT SHAY!" I chucked my pencil across the room, hitting a certain tech producer straight in the chest with perfect aim.
"Sam! What did I do?" he looked at me bewildered.
"It's not what you did, it's who you are" I reasoned with sarcastic comfort. He just rolled his eyes and readjusted in his chair.
"Another game?" Carly offered cheery and bright, as if I hadn't just flipped over a lost tic-tac-toe match.
"NO! I just want to get OUT OF HERE!" I erupted at my innocent friend. I didn't mean to yell at her, but I hated this place. Being stuck in bed… not allowed to eat, it was a little too much to handle.
"I'm going to have to clear some things up with you first, Ms. Puckett" the doctor appeared just as he had so annoyingly before.
"Stop doing that!" I yelled at him now as Carly recovered from her share of my outrage.
The doctor paused slightly, then continued like I hadn't said anything to interrupt his moment, "we took the canister you provided back to our lab and we found traces of the 'goo' you spoke of" it annoyed me when he talked all doctor-y. But it annoyed me even more that he found something, I always lick the plate spotlessly clean. It's one of the main things I'm proud of.
"and?" Carly prompted.
"And it's been classified as an unidentifiable substance" the doctor answered.
"Well, that clears EVERYTHING up!" I shot sarcasm at him.
"I'm not finished quite yet" he scolded before going on, "we did find that its atomic compounds matched those of… well, have you kids seen the news lately?" did he think that he had to dumb it down for us?
"Yes…?" Carly kept him going, buying into the whole doctor image.
"Well there was a man on it, lately, in Seattle he got arrested for the use of nuclear energy… his name was… Cal –something" all three of our eyes grew to the size of saucers as we remembered the crazy guy who used an illegal power source to help with Carly's Going-Green science project.
We both silently decided not to mention that we were involved with him.
"Yes, I think I might remember him" Carly answered. "… f-from the news. I heard it on the news, the television, as it NOT real life. I never met him in real life." She proceeded to laugh guiltily till I nudged her in the ribs. The doc seemed to shrug it off as 'kid' stuff.
"That canister belonged to him, the police cleared his apartment of all substances but he must have hidden some in that trash can you told us about. But don't worry, the rest of the cans are being removed as we speak"
I felt my head reel with all the new information. But the most important thing: there was more goop.
The doctor continued talking to Carly but it was just a distant mumble now. I focused on Freddie who was listening to the man as well.
Freddie. I wanted to be with him, I never thought I would admit to that, but there it is. Yet it would never, ever, work with us without the mind-reading. I just know I would do or say something stupid, like always. I didn't want our old relationship, the one where he thought about me only with hate. I needed that goo. Then I remembered something, 'the rest of the cans are being removed as we speak'…
I didn't think. "Well, this has been great… but, I gotta go!" I called over my shoulder as I bolted out the door. All three people in the room called after me, but I didn't listen. I would explain later, right now I was on a mission, and I was running out of time.
I soared past all the nurses and even the security guard that was sent after me. He was a fat man and I was Sam, no contest. Pretty soon I was running bare foot and in a hospital gown (closed securely in back, thank goodness) down the street. Yeah, I got a lot of weird looks.
I passed by the arcade and spotted the bench I had been to that infamous night. Next to it was the trash can. THE trash can. My legs kicked it into turbo-gear as I sprinted towards my destination.
"SAM!" I heard someone yell in the distance. Crap. They were coming for me. I dove into the trash can, pawing through days' worth of random garbage. I was starved of the rewarding clink of my hand hitting the canister. There was nothing. No Can. No goo. No chance. By that point it was obvious the canisters had already been cleared, but I was desperate. My face heated up as I concentrated on the hopeless. This couldn't be happening, I was so close!
"Sam!" the voice came nearer. I didn't have any time. I dug in deeper, leaning over the garbage can so far that my feet no longer touched the ground. I was losing it all and there was nothing I could do. Wrappers and bottles and newspapers and packaging and gum and folders and… the bottom of the trash can. No. No no no NO! I clawed and clawed ruthlessly, more out of anger than actually searching. My desperation reached a peak as I felt two arms snake around me waist. They pulled. NO! I hadn't found it yet!
"NO!" I yelled, clinging to the side of the trash can as the pull grew stronger.
"Sam! Let it go! It's not there!" Freddie's voice shocked me so much I lost my grip, coming tumbling backwards. I fell on top of him in a tangled mess. Once I opened my eyes I realized what position we were in. He had his arms still snug around my waist and his head around my left shoulder so I could hear his breathing. I pretty much sunk into his side for a second before coming to my senses and pulling away.
I breathed harshly since I had forgotten to before.
"Sam, you okay?" his comforting voice floated over to me from behind. I turned around, still sitting as he was too. Even though he was a little frazzled, he looked… great. I wanted to crawl over and just have him… hold me. But that wouldn't happen. I couldn't find the goop. I failed.
"It's all gone." I moaned, more to myself than to him. "No more cans…" I looked up into his eyes, "no more you." I decided to just get this out there.
"What? What do you mean?" he watched me confused and concerned.
"I'm gunna say this now. So just listen and don't you dare interrupt!" I pointed a threatening finger at him, he nodded slightly amused but he quickly caught onto the seriousness of the conversation. "You don't like me anymore. Or, at least, you won't. Before that goop…" I pointed towards the disturbed trash can, "you hated me. You hated me, frankly, because I was myself. And when I had that goop, something happened. I'm not going to try to explain that part of it, but, I changed. I listened to you more and I figured out a few things for myself. And you liked the new me. But the goo is gone, old me is back, and whatever it is I started is over." I looked down at the grass and started fiddling with it absentmindedly.
An unexpected hand came out and took mine. I looked up. He had moved over to me, rewarding himself grass stains on the knees of his jeans.
"I liked you for a year Sam."
I just sat there staring at him, blinking scarcely as my only form of action.
"I didn't know that." I told him. He just smiled knowingly.
"Yeah, I was kind of… scared to tell you" he wasn't ashamed; he just looked like it was our own little joke. I liked that.
"I'm not gunna say the right thing all the time. Or… ever" I reminded him, challengingly.
"I can handle that." He told me, moving closer. My heart started thumping wildly in my chest.
"Y-You can't handle me" I laughed shakily as he came closer, taking both my hands now and leaning slightly forward so he was at my eye level.
"Wanna bet?" he asked, be he didn't give me time to answer, or to think. He kissed me, short but meaningful. It was like the seal on our agreement.
He pulled away and we just sat there, hands together, smiling like idiots.
I didn't need to read his mind: I knew he was thinking exactly what I was thinking right now. That this moment was perfect, and it didn't have to end.
DONE! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! So, to quote a certain little piggy, that's all folks! How'd you like it? Was it corny? I hope not! Tell me what you think! REVIEW!
THANX TO ALL WHO READ THIS! YOU GUYS ARE SOOOO DRY ICE! I'm thinking that maybe I'll do an epilogue, in Freddie's POV, it'll show how Sam and him get along now that they're together without mind-reading! Do you think it needs it? Or do you think that I should just leave it how it is?
Soooo… read my other stuff! Right now I have iThink I'm Dreaming going, I haven't updated in a while, but I will. The one I'm really proud of right now is Laughing Gas Love, so if you aren't going with that one please check it out!
Also, if you haven't read it yet, I have finished iSecret, a twenty chapter story that has been the most well received by you guys ;) Enjoy!