Hello everyone! This is my first request fic from jameis. This is just a prologue, and the story will begin in the next chapter.

What if I told you that there are things and creatures out there that live outside of folklore? Creatures that have been spoken of only as figments of our imagination?

What if I told you that they were real? Werewolves, vampires, demons and devils, and angels, all existing just as you and I, though this story is only concerned with two of those creatures.

They live among us completely undetected, the demons. They are not here to destroy us or take over the world. Their presence are to assure that other more sinister creatures don't crawl from the pits of hell raise it for all of you. And now you're thinking about everyone you know, trying to figure out which looks devilish. What do you think a devil looks like?


A tail?



Well, you'd be right.

With those sorts of features, and more that aren't mentioned, it seems like it would be easy to pick them out of crowd. It would be, if they couldn't suppress and hide them. It's easy, and they do it all the time.

They do it for our protection, and our well-being. They are not here to harm us or to cause mischief. They are here to guard us against the monsters from their world, and we should not fear them.

What you should fear are the werewolves. You know those people who say they're real? The one who say they've been cut or bitten by one?

They were probably right.

These are not the werewolves in folklore. No, these are much worse. You want the werewolves to be like the ones you imagine in your nightmares. Those are tame and mild compared to the real thing. The real thing is the stuff of your most terrifying nightmares.

They're morbid, horrid looking things whose sole desire is to hunt and to kill.

But only at night of course. They can't risk being out in broad daylight.

So as long as you stay inside, you're safe. Besides, no one goes outside at night.
