![]() Author has written 32 stories for Ronin Warriors, Harry Potter, She-Ra, Princess of Power, Lord of the Rings, Sailor Moon, Vampire Knight, Rise of the Guardians, Gundam Wing/AC, and Rainbow Brite. Zorra Reed, a friendly sporadic neighborhood storyteller and poet at your service! *Bows* I enjoy a wide range of anime and cartoons. My favorite voice actors are Dan Green and Matt Hill. Ryo of the Wildfire from Ronin Warriors, Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh, Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings, Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, and Sebastian from Black Butler are my obsessions. *Seriously, you should see my collection.* I cosplay, volunteer, and staff at conventions across the Midwest; where I have had the honor of meeting with some fellow Fan Fiction writers and many voice actors. I enjoy RPGs, reading, writing, web design, videography, and photography. Otherwise, I live a perfectly anime-free life...on most days. I am also the founder of Arcane Wizards - a Cosplay performance group. Since I don't normally leave long updates and bios - face it, who's going to take the time to read them? I'll bid you all adieu! As always, your reviews have been a fantastic inspiration! Thank you! News Corner: May 2020 Arcane Wizards: All events canceled due to Covid-19. Upcoming Conventions: Planet Comicon in Aug. Moonrise Inn Publications: Currently updating the new website to CSS style-sheets and HTML5. I hope to have it launched in July. *holding my breath* Personal Life: Just finished season 4 of the 2018 She-Ra series!!! Going through my old She-Ra fanfic and discovered some unfinished stories. So working on that. Still getting google adds in the middle of stories on this site. WTF?! Ad blockers are useless. I'm currently recovering from a back injury, been working on the website, and doing side jobs to put food on the table. This shut down hasn't been bad except I'm out of work until the worst of it passes. As I generally work 9-15 hours a day 24x7 I truly am enjoying my time off and making the most of it - NETFLIX BINGE WATCHING! I finally saw the new Dark Crystal series. My review...WOW!! See below for fiction updates. Fiction Projects & News Where are the promised updates? Once upon a time, I was known for frequent updates...then my friends sucked the stories out of my soul. Life happens. The good news is, I am writing again and have been for two years. So where are they? Good question. They are in several notebooks scattered throughout my basement and overflowing my file cabinet. In an expensive and time-consuming effort to organize my digital life, I have recovered my old hard-drives, purged five dated computers, and purchased a new desktop and laptop. For those that don't remember, I was without a reliable computer for three/four years. That has all changed now. I've upgraded everything and now have a 6tb backup driver. Sadly, I filled it up in a day. Organizing is going to take more time, I have several 'untitled' chapters to ronin warrior fics that are posted, but no idea what goes to what. *sweatdrop* When will you post new stories? My fandoms on FFN are very limited, with Harry Potter, Ronin Warriors, and Sailor Moon dominating my selections. For the record, I don't limit myself to only reading fiction in those fandoms. What you don't know is that I write for Lady Lovely Locks, Thundercats, Beauty and the Beast, Inuyasha, Gargoyles, and many more, all of which are unposted. My hope is to expand into those fandoms online. I would like to maintain a frequent update schedule for new stories and reduce the time between chapter updates. To accomplish this goal, all stories will be outlined beginning to end, and each chapter drafted. Once completed in full, I'll begin the editing process and start posting. Thus why Harry Potter is taking so long. Normally, I have a random idea and run with it. I can develop a story around that idea until it has run its course, then comes the brick wall. Works great in Rps, not so much with drawn-out plots. On the plus, I'm great at brainstorming. Beta Request! I am actively seeking beta readers. I've been to the forms but never receive replies in most categories. I may look to other websites like AO3. PM me if you would like to be considered. Be sure to include which fandom you are interested in reading for, any content you refuse to work with such as MxM or gun usage, exc., and if anime your preference for English/Japenese or both. This can make a difference with things like Sailor Moon or Ronin Warriors. I tend to write for both versions. I also ask that you be very familiar with the fandom and very good with grammar, spelling, and Tenses. I drove Valandra nuts back in the day because of switching Tenses and it killed my RotG fic. Still trying to resolve that one. Yes, I can recognize when I do it most of the time but am unable to fix it. We all have to suck at something. *shurgs* Elsewise, I'm rather good at recognizing plot holes, blunders, and general stuff wrong with the story itself. I'm easy to work with and have a simple editing system in place that will work for both of us. I also credit my betas, having been on the flip side several times for others. What will happen to existing stories already posted? Many of my stories were incomplete...I prefer to do one-shots for this reason. All the fiction currently posted should be the revised version. Revisions are simple corrections of mistakes and small content changes that do not impact the story beyond flow. Stories that have been rebooted will contain new or removed content that impacts the story plot or characters. If the story is on-going you will want to re-read any previous chapters before continuing with the new updates. In some cases, the new chapters may have been uploaded in place of existing chapters to preserve the original post date and the reviews. Please read the author's note at the top of each chapter for detailed information on if/how that story has been impacted. Some stories receiving a reboot are Storm Clouds, Submitting to the Future, and Captive. Reboots will take longer as they will fallow the new story policy listed above. (Sorry Captive Fans). Be kind. Remember I have no beta and it has been years since I had to be hardcore about writing and other grammar details. Mistakes happen...a lot. I review my work several times before and after posting. If you locate a mistake...or three... which I may have missed, please inform me. Most errors are corrected thanks to my reader's comments. This will help me to improve your reading experience and my writing skills. Do you abandon fics? As a rule, I do not abandon fics. The exception to the rule is co-authored fiction. Tormented Hearts has been discontinued at the author's request but will remain posted. Currently, I think it's posted on another account but will be transferred here eventually. Regarding Ronin Warriors: In North America, fan-cannon was gold in the early years. It wasn't until the program was released on DVD that we started to learn about the YST differences and the origins of the armors and characters. There was a verity of stereotypes and styles to select from if you wanted to do a story with that atmosphere. There was also a big Yuli/Mia love/hate movement that I think is mostly dismissed or overlooked these days. Anyone familiar long-term with my work will know that I like to use these still from time to time. However, upon review I found some to be horribly over the top or overly cheesy with their dialogue to the point of *cringe*. I have revised what was salvageable and recycled some of the content or plot into new fics. So in a sense, I did abandon a few stories, but they were incomplete fics that were just forever 'stuck' in place. The fan world thanks me. The Muses Corner: Muses are essential to my writing at this point. I blame the fact that I don't read fanfiction daily after doing so for most of my life. But geez they are a pain at times. I had a nightmare- I say nightmare because my cat suffered a horrific death in my dream that had me sitting up in bed crying out his name- and for the past two days my muses -bazaarly inspired by this- have decided to place me into the headspace of a character I am not currently working with, on a story I am not working on, writing a death scene that will likely never happen. I have been tearing up for two days. If only I had that sort of experience with everything I write. *sighs* Let's face the facts: I have a running theme of abuse in my fiction, not gonna change. But I've expanded into other areas more frequently. I torment more than just the main character and there are fewer character deaths. *yippi* said with no enthusiasm. All doings of the muses. So they get their own content and yes...a blog. That'll be available to the public once the website is updated. Moral of the story...treat your muses well or they will betray you in horrific ways. Summer 2020 - Actively working on: Untitled - Chapter 1 outline [Sailor Moon] Cartoons Lady Lovely Locks: Abandon Innocence
On Hold: Tangled Webs We Weave - When Worlds Collide - Storm Clouds (in revision) - Mouse Trap (in revision) - Captive (In revision chapters 1-7) Previous Updates Updates 2018 Ronin Warriors (YST) "A Families Love" - Chapter 1 - co-authored with Cousin D. Updates 2017 Ronin Warriors (YST): Empathic Issues by Valandra! Updates 2016 Ronin Warriors (YST): Vampire Series: "Gathering of the Muses" - Complete & corrected Updates 2015 Harry Potter: "Evil Rhythm of the Soul" - Part 1 Updates 2014 Rainbow Brite: [1980s] "Spirit of the Rainbow" - Chapter 1 Updates 2013 Rise of the Guardians: "Mouse Trap" - Chapter 1 Feel free to message me at FFN, FPC, or through my email: MoonriseInn@. Also, a big thanks to Valandra for past beta efforts. |