Okay, so I'm just posting here to let you know that in a few minutes I'm about to post the first chapter of the sequel to "Noticing Adam." I wanted to let you know here just in case any of you were interested in reading the continuation of the story. Below I have given a small snippet of the chapter. There is more written on the actual story!
Obviously, it's called "Noticing Adam: The Uprising".
Noticing Adam: The Uprising Chapter 1
Adam had known leaving home would be hard. He had never done so for an extended amount of time and now that he was doing it, he actually felt pain. And, it wasn't just emotional pain—no, it was a physical pain as well. His chest had tightened almost to the point where it burned as he told his father good-bye one last time and stepped through the dimensional gate.
But he wouldn't cry anymore. He couldn't. He had to be strong for the people of Etheria and his sister. They were on a mission and he couldn't very well perform if he was wallowing in self-pity.
As soon as he stepped onto Etheria, both Adora and Teela moved to hug him. He slung his bag on his back and slipped an arm around their shoulders. They leaned on him slightly for a moment. He wasn't too sure if they were trying to comfort him or if they were the ones who needed comfort. Regardless, the moment was over all too soon when Adora pulled back and said, "We better get to camp. There's no telling when the Horde will show up, and we need to find out exactly what happened right away."
He nodded his agreement, and as Adora began to walk away, he glanced over at Teela. She was looking around, observing their surroundings, with her eyes wide open. "Welcome to Etheria, Teela," he whispered in her ear.
She smiled lightly, even though he was quite sure she wasn't too happy, and nodded. "It certainly is different…" she replied, "…pretty, but different."
"That it is," he agreed. As Adora climbed onto Spirit, he glanced over at Cringer and winked at him, because the tiger had made a similar observation about the planet in the past. When he looked back, he noticed his sister was biting her lip lightly as she looked back and forth from him to Teela.
"I'm afraid Spirit can handle all three of us," she said.
That explained her look. He shrugged and replied, "Don't worry about it, sis. I'm fine with walking."
"Me, too," said Teela grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently. Adora turned around abruptly and she and Spirit headed for the forest.
Within no time, they were in the Whispering Woods and on their way to camp. Teela looked around constantly as they walked. He grinned when he realized she was memorizing landmarks to know how to get back there if she was ever on her own. He let go of her hand, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her to him as they continued to walk. "You know memorizing landmarks is kind of pointless," he whispered so Adora wouldn't hear.
More is available on the actual story. I hope you join me there!