A/N: I'm so indecisive about what secondary category this story really falls under. Is it drama, tragedy, hurt/comfort? I'm open to suggestions. This chapter didn't end quite the way I had intended, you can blame Bunny. I'd like to thank everyone for their encouraging reviews and emails, they've really helped to move this story along. I'm hoping to have it completed by New Years, so please stay tuned as updates are frequent and only a few days apart. Again, be aware that the POVs will change from chapter to chapter, however, it's a smooth transition, and no one should be confused or feel put off. Enjoy!

Author: Zorra Reed
Moonrise Inn Publications

Paradise – Part 5

Never before had my tunnels seemed so foreboding. They carried me deep beneath the earth and far beneath the sea. Only to rise up onto the island paradise where Wind claimed Jack was captive. I emerged from their darkness beneath the cover of palm trees, and tucked myself into the foliage where I could observe, unseen.

It was beautiful! The tropical plants, ripe with plump fruits, breathed out a fragrance so tantalizing it left me thirsting for the cool spring splashing nearby. My ears twitched, taking in the sounds around me; the buzzing of the insects, the laughter of humans playing in the surf, the rush and folding of waves as they swelled and broke upon the white sand. Sandy would love this beach. It truly was something out of a dream.

Carefully I tested the air, my whiskers sensitive to the changing vibrations in the wind. Jacks scent was not among the coconuts and berries nor was it twisted with the salty sea. He was not here. Vexed by the islands creative illusion, this blissful escape from the troubles and worries of daily life whilst somewhere hidden and suffering was the child of winter, enslaved by the unrelenting heat and invisible to all, left me with a growing longing for the comforting protection of my warren. Dismayed that I'd not found the one I sought, I tapped the ground with my hind leg and sank back into the tunnel I'd emerged from. Momentarily indulging in the cool air that brushed the Autumn heat from my thick fur.

Again and again I followed this routine of pop and drop. Sniffing at the air in hopes of catching a whiff of my fallen comrade as I scoured the island. Always with the knowledge that Pitch (our suspected kidnapper), might be lurking in the next shadow I myself was hiding in.

Rising up from the tunnel inside a tight ring of reefs, I wondered why I bothered to search an area that would momentarily be underwater. Sniffing at the air my demeanor turned sour, nothing. Again. Turning about, a bright flash of light drew my attention towards the unblemished sky marking the arrival of North's sleigh as it emerged from the snow globe portal.

"About ruddy time," I muttered darkly, even though my search had begun only minutes before. I swept my gaze across the landscape, using the moment to truly take it all in. I knew my way about this place. As the Easter Rabbit, a master at hide and seek, I'd been to this island before hiding eggs for the children; on that note, "I really should have found Jack by now." With an aggravated breath I ripped my gaze from the sky where the North Wind had begun rocking the sleigh rather impatiently and re-summoned my tunnel.


There was a scent, something…uncouth. Hoisting myself high, I inhaled the precious scent, grimacing at the coppery taste it left in my mouth. Blood was mingled with the faint hint of frost and pine I knew to be Jack. He was nearby, over the ridge where the tide was beginning to drown the reef. I'd found him!

My legs carried me forward over the sharp stone as I leapt towards the repulsive stench. I smelt Pitch deeply entwined with Jacks scent and knew our hunch had been correct, he'd been the kidnapper. The question of why seemed a mute one. Considering the events surrounding the boogieman's recent rise and fall from power centered largely on the frost spirit, revenge seemed only natural. Even so, our history with Pitch stretched back beyond the Dark Ages, revenge seemed more…complete, if he were to attack a holiday. Then again, was it not that very course of action which lead to Jacks birth? The Man in Moon foresaw Pitches plan and set things into place so when the time came…"we'd have a weapon."

I froze inside, unwittingly drawing a parallel between our situation and the story of Harry Potter that had swept the globe, much to the delight of the Halloween spirits. Shaking off the wayward thoughts with irritation I reigned in my focus. Now was not the time to ponder the whys and what ifs of recent events. Besides, I already had the answer. We all did. We were just unwilling to admit it to ourselves. What better revenge could Pitch possible enact then to take the one who'd touched our souls with his joy? Jack was more than a guardian…he was family. We loved him. The real question was...did he still love us?

By the time the sleigh had skidded to a halt upon the beach, and her crew made their way over the reefs, I was nested in a foot of sea water with Jacks unconscious form raised in my lap.