A/N: Chapters 1-5 have been revised! This story is written in first person and told through the eyes of several different characters. It contains abusive themes of a mature and lustful nature. Thank you to all who read and review. You're an inspiration!

[Rise of the Guardians]
Author: Zorra Reed
Moonrise Inn Publications

Part 1 – Perspective

I am pinned upon my belly in the darkness of a great cavern; my eyes squeezed tight against the sting of steam billowing from fissures in the scarred walls. I am helpless. My feverish face pressed to the rock, seeking the remnants of a chill once inerasable from my person. If only I could find some hint of cool in this damned stone cradling my sprawled form. Even some faint fragment, no matter how remote, might be enough to ease the pain of its loss from my body; a body which lies bare to the night, un-clothed, un-iced.

I do not suffer this shame alone; there is one other with me, the warmth from his physique overwhelming me in my defrosted condition. He, like I, am burning. While I burn with fever he burns with fire. His lithe form wriggling with desire as he covers me, flesh against flesh. I scream out. His lips silence my cry as they claim dominion over my own. Heat seeps from them into my person. My mouth floods with his fire. My throat is raw from this endless struggle. Reluctantly, I surrender. My tongue all but rolling about his, inviting him to sear me from the inside out as liquid tears dampen our kiss.

My legs spread outward at his commanding touch, my body reacting without my mind understanding the implications of my actions. His manhood presses against my cheeks and I wonder at the cooless chill that races through my blood, seizing my heart in a fearful grip. I can feel him throbbing against me, my skin over sensitized and aflame. His fingers splay playfully against my wounded back, his long nails traversing gingerly over the bloody lashes where his whip struck more times than I could count. I feel their gleeful tap dance against my shoulders, the only warning he'll grant.

Once…then twice again.

I suck in my breath, terror paralyzing my lungs. The nails curl. With a gleeful laugh he rips his claws through the gashes crisscrossing my shoulder blades. I arch and buck. His throbbing flesh pressed between my legs now arches upward and enters inside me. My body squeezes against the intrusion. My mind cries out in denial. I am so confused. Why is this happening to me?

The heat of the cavern becomes too much. The steam fogs my sight. Pain fogs my mind. I am somehow flipped over, nausea twisting my stomach, pain tearing my rear! Oh Heaven! My back! Dear God, my back! The stone is as unkind to it as the heat is to me. Pebbles and black sand mesh into the cuts as I unwittingly squirm beneath his frame. He bellows out a brutal laugh, the sound of which roars like a buzz saw in my ears. Louder it grows until I am consumed. All that's left is pain, darkness and fear. Everything has become pitch…

…Pitch Black.