Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, and Cross Game/クロスゲーム. I am currently working on Babymaking for Beginners right now, and would like to apologize to those who would like to see a new Memento Vivere chapter. I honestly have a serious problem writing a lemon between Neji and Tenten, and would like to use Babymaking for Beginners as practice. To those who reviewed my stories, I am sorry if you would like a reply from me and didn't get any. There are some reviews I do not know what to reply with and I want to either not give any reply or reply to all. So there. But please know that I really look forward to such feedback and they help me gather myself together to write/post a new chapter. I thank the people who support my stories (via review, fav, alert, etc). Since I am currently being deluged by school work, as much as I would like to write I wouldn't be able to write as much and as often. My chapter updates for Babymaking for Beginners would probably be spaced for at least one month. Note as of December 22: I confess that I am in a slump. I would try finishing the next chapter of Babymaking for Beginners before January, though. |