![]() Author has written 34 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Xena: Warrior Princess, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men: The Movie, Passions, Days of Our Lives, Pretender, StarTrek: Voyager, General Hospital, Gone with the Wind, Harry Potter, Magnificent Seven, House, M.D., Highlander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and One Life To Live. #1 - Psych rules. Everyone needs to watch it on USA. (Shassie forever!) As of 04-23-09 - Comparied to numbers from 07-02-09:= You are on the favorites list of 75 members. (Up from 70) Ummmmm, well, let see, I have tons of fics for y'all, and I LOVE to read fics! But I especially love REPLIES to my fan fictions, y'all keep that in mind. My Angel/Cordy page is getting better, I've been working on it nonstop. Hope you'll like it! All my A/C fan fics are up, go and take a look. It's got pics of all the characters for each story on each storyindex page. I've got a Day of Our Lives Fan Fiction board for the Mimi and Sami fans out there. Come and check it out! It's at http:///bmimiandsamiexplainitall Ok, just to let everyone know, awhile back at the end of second to last year of high school, I kind of had a sort of break down. Everything in my life just got to be too much and I just couldn't handle it all anymore...so I kind of took a few steps south of reality, right before I was supposed to be going to school in the morning too! LOL! Boy were my parents pissed...then when they realized I wasn't faking it, a little freaked out. ANYWAY, I've kind of backed off of a lot of things, writing these fics being one of them. if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of them, and most of the programs i don't even watch anymore. I was just continuing them out of obligation...so I'm going to stop writing most of them. Plus, I've started a new series, in my latest fandom obsession, The Magnificent Seven. I LOVE Ezra, and I love him even more as Little Ezra! My new series is in my own universe creation, C&B Ranch. I really hope you all will enjoy them Oh, and if there are any beta readers out there for those kinds of fics, contact me! I need one for LoTR! 05/31/05 - Ok, onto other news: A lot of my fics are being put onto Hiatus, probably perminately. First of all, half the stuff I wrote in, isn't even on the air anymore. On top of which, I started many of those fics when I was a teenager, six years ago, and I've grown up and changed a lot since then. My tastes have changed somewhat, and I no longer am intrested in some of it. ON HIATUS: Another thing, I'm thinking about, and in some cases, have STARTED, venturing into new areas. Westerns (The Magnificent Seven), Sci-Fi (Stargate SG-1), Fantasy (LotR & Harry Potter), and honestly, Anime (Yu-Gi-Oh). I've also become a HUGE slash fan as I've aged. I think that's where most of my attention will be devoted from now on. It's been a great run. Well, everyone enjoy what I have up. Please, leave a review, tell me what you think! I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty NEEDED: BETA readers for Lord of the Rings, General Hospital, and House M.D. fan fics. I am extremely reluctant to post any that I've started before having them betaed. SO PLEASE, if your intrested, e-mail me! They're primarily Estel(Young Aragorn) and/or Boromir fics, Jason/Carly or Jax/Carly, or House/Chase stories. 04-04-08 - Check out my NEW profile: http://www.fanfiction.ws/~cartlin for all future new stories! |
Community: | Mini Jack |
Focus: | TV Shows Stargate: SG-1 |