(AU) As a child, Sirius Black was thrown into the future, thus he never became James Potter's best friend. He is however still fated to cross paths with another Potter.

In this new time and place Sirius will get the chance to embrace and discover the legends, the mysteries and the history of The Most Noble and Ancient House of Blacks

This story will mostly center around Sirius, therefore it is only proper to incorporate pranks and maybe a bit of Snape torture into the story.

Edited by: darko
Style and Character Adviser: Kerryanah Black

Allow me to tell a tale about the Ancient House of Black,
Their deeds, histories, myths, as well as the facts.
By their own hand, this family was destined to die.
A child who chose the light, allowed ancient knowledge to slip by.

He rejected his roots, the good as well as the bad;
To know them was a chance he never had.
Allow me to weave a different tale of this ancient house,
Allow their last, to live and not be betrayed by that mouse.

A chance to embrace and know his family's history,
A chance to unravel the darkness and its mysteries.
All events in this story will still be the same,
But in this new time, he would not know and befriend James.

I will tell a tale where the last of the Black survived,
A tale of creatures, artifacts and ancestral guides,
Pranks and mischief, will also play a part,
This tale would make you laugh and pull your heart.

A journey, and a family's sins to amend...
An epic tale designed to feel like a legend...
A comedy with a mysterious essense...
And a story teller who would enjoy your presense.


The Dog Star shines brightly this Black night
A child is born to an ancient house known for its might
The fate of this noble house lies in his hand
He will bring about a new beginning or an end

A dark hooded figure stood regally by the shadows, Orion Black the current patriach of the wizarding world's most ancient pure-blooded family, regretted that he gave in to his wife. He had planned to just get old Mr. Soong, just like his brother Aurelius had for his girls, instead his wife insisted they get Cassandra Trelawny - one of the finest seers of their time. Orion had hoped for a generic 'This child will be strong and will bring great honor to the house of Black.' Instead he got this sort of rubbish.

Nadine held the sleeping child to her chest, she had insisted that they name the child Sirius, after the Dog Star which the prophesy had mentioned. Nadine vowed to raise her beloved first-born child as a proper Black. The child will be strong as is common to all Black heirs, she can feel it.

Orion's brow furrowed as he contemplated on the implications of the prophesy, he was glad that he didn't believe in those nonsense or else he would have been worried. He looked down at the child and vowed that this one would not be pampered. For Sirius would need to be strong, the future of the Blacks depended on this.

(Six years later)

There was a soft click and a squeaky door was slowly pulled open. Two young boys crept into the room. The long narrow room was shrouded in darkness; the walls were lined with shelves crammed full of dust covered items of various shapes and size. The younger child paled and shivered, "Sirius, I think we should leave. I have a bad feeling about this."

The other child snorted, "You always have a bad feeling about everything. Honestly, you're such a wimp."

"Am not!"

Sirius clamped his hand on his brother's mouth "Shush Regulus. Are you trying to get us caught?"

Regulus sighed "We wouldn't get caught if we leave right now and return that key."

As always Sirius ignored his brother's word of caution and walked deeper into the room.

"Sirius!" Regulus called as he ran after his brother.

Sirius stopped in front of a shelf and stared at a conical object within his reach. He couldn't take his eyes off it, like it had some sort of magnetic power over him.

Sirius slowly held out his hand and touched the object. He suddenly got a vague feeling that touching the artifact had started something irrevocable.

"Mum's going to be so mad. I mean there's a reason why she always locks this door."

Sirius picked up the object and examined it. It was a made of glass, with a little brass dial at the bottom and fine green sand inside. He grinned and started to twirl the dial around "I wonder what this thing is." His grey eyes twinkled in fascination as the sand glowed brighter with each full turn of the dial.

"I think I hear Kreacher coming. Come on, Sirius!" Regulus grabbed his brother's arm in an attempt to pull him away. This sudden move, however, startled Sirius and he dropped the conical object that he had been holding.

The artifact seemed to move in slow motion as it fell toward the floor and shattered between Sirius' feet.

Regulus staggered back, and both boys stared at the broken artifact in horror. However, before either could react, the broken pieces started to glow. Regulus watched as the light enveloped his brother and screamed. "SIRIUS!"

-End of Prologue -

Author's Note:

I hope to bring something new to all you readers. Basically this is an AU. It will focus on the Sirius and the rich Black Family history, the myths, the legends, the betrayals, etc.

Thank you for reading!