Kakashi was strolling along idly around the village wondering what to do. He had just finished his mission and was now bored out of his mind. Gazing up at the skies, he found he had a few hours before darkness set in. So he shrugged and continued walking.
He saw many people outside doing whatever they were doing. People greeted him here and there as he passed and he waved back. He caught a glimpse of the Uchiha kid, now an orphan. It was sad to think about. Imagine seeing your parents killed in front of you. Kakashi's heart went out to him and wished him the best.
Still looking around, he saw that people were greeting the boy. It made Kakashi smile. So long as the boy knew he was not alone. It would be fine. Or so he thought…
Walking along his way home, he spotted a kid with spiky blonde hair, sitting alone in the now empty park. Two women were standing near Kakashi, whispering and pointing at the kid, "He's there again." The woman said.
"Ah," agreed the other woman, "He always sits there at this time of day. Alone, of course."
Kakashi just looked at them, confused as to what they were talking about. The women walked along shortly after that, not wanting to make their own children wait for them. Because Kakashi was Kakashi, he decided to tell the boy to go back home since the sun is about to set. He went over to the blonde and asked,
"Won't you go back now?"
But, as he asked, the boy flinched and stiffened. Seeing this Kakashi said, "Hey, kid. I'm not gonna hurt you."
This assured the blonde and the boy relaxed.
"Just a little bit more," said the boy, and though Kakashi could not see, he knew the boy was smiling.
Kakashi studied the boy for a while skinny, tanned and small. The boy was looking up at the sunset, his eyes shone as if enchanted by it.
"What are you doing here anyway?"
"Who, me?"
"Who else?"
The boy shrugged and said, still watching the sun, "I like watching the sun set."
"Why? Doesn't it sadden you?"
"Is it sad? The sunset, I mean."
"Is it not? It tells us that darkness is coming and the end of the day."
"Yeah, I guess. But it also tells us that a new is coming, ne?"
Kakashi stared at the back of the boy for the kid had his back towards him. He wondered if anyone thought about sunset like this boy did. Such optimism. Such innocence. The boy continued to stare at the dying sun.
"Ne, mister?"
"Just a bit more, ok?"
"All right."
Although Kakashi couldn't see the boy's face he knew the boy beamed, "Arigato!"
"Demo, isn't your family gonna get worried? Don't you wanna go home before it's dark?"
The boy looked down and said, "Family? Home?"
He looked up at the sky and asked, "Ne, mister… What is family?"
Kakashi frowned. Is this boy stupid or what?
"Ano sa, ano sa, mister… What is family," he persisted.
"Family is… They're the ones who love you… You know, like your mom and dad…"
"Kaa-san? Too-san? Does that Uchiha bastard have no family, then? 'Coz I heard his parents died and parents are you mother and father, ne? So… what does that make him?"
Kakashi thought and said, "Special."
"Huh? He's a special child?"
Kakashi bonked the kid on the head and said, "No, you idiot. Special. Why? Because now his family is the whole village! They take care of him until he grows up to be a fine-,"
"Shinobi!" The boy laughed and stood, "I'm gonna be the next Hokage! Everyone will see! Then, they'll have to respect me, ne? I'll be the greatest, strongest and best shinobi ever!" The boy proclaimed, laughing his head off, jumping up and down.
"Hokage." Kakashi said.
"Un! Hokage!"
"Didn't your parents ever tell you being Hokage is hard? Didn't they tell you how much you need to suffer and train to be the best? Haven't they ever told you that you have to learn lots of jutsus for people to even consider you as the Hokage?"
"Re-really? Heh, so what?! I'll make it somehow!"
"Whoa, wait. Shouldn't you at least focus on being a genin first? What kind of parents do you have, kid? Are you spoiled or something? You can't always have what you like."
"Umm… I have to focus on… erm… genin… uhmm… parents… ummm… I can't have…"
"Yeah, you can't always have what you like. Didn't your parents ever tell you that? What are your parents like anyway?"
The boy thought and said quietly, "Ne, mister. I'm not so sure what my parents are like."
"And why not? They're you parents. You should know."
"You live with them don't you?"
"Live with them? Iie! I live alone, mister. I've always lived by myself… People say that I'm evil and I'm cursed and that's why my parents left me. I don't understand what they're talking about. I know evil is bad and maybe I may be evil sometimes but not all the time! They say I'm cursed, but… I don't even know what they meant… Ne, mister, what's cursed? Do you know?"
And suddenly all Kakashi's suspicions were confirmed, "Hey, kid."
"What's your name?"
"My… name?"
"Hey, kid. We don't have all day here. What's your name?"
The boy stepped forward, his back to Kakashi, and said, "Ne, mister. I think I'll go back now," he said smiling, "Thanks for talking to me!"
The sun had finally set and it was getting darker by the minute. When the boy began to walk away Kakashi stopped him,
"Oi, brat. I asked you a question. What's your name? It's just a simple question… There's nothing wrong with it. Why? Don't you like your name?"
The boy had his back to Kakashi when he said, barely above a whisper, "Iie. I hate it, mister."
Kakashi frowned, "Doushite?"
"Maa, I dunno, mister. I just don't like it."
"There must be a reason."
Pause. Then, "I looked up 'cursed' in the dictionary. I found out that a curse is something that brings bad luck and that 'cursed' is when someone puts something evil on you. My name is like that. When I try to make friends and I introduce myself, when their parents hear my name they immediately take their children away from me. Sometimes, they'd slap me or push me away. Most of the time, they'd yell at me, telling me to go away and leave their children alone. I don't like my name, mister. It brings me bad luck."
The kid looked down and continued; "I don't know what's wrong with me. Or why people hate me so much. I don't know what I did wrong… It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't… understand. I… I try so hard to be good… So they'll know I'm not a bad boy… that I'm a good boy. And… and that… I'm not cursed."
The boy looked at Kakashi and for the first time Kakashi noticed the whisker like marks on the boy's cheeks. He, too, noticed the boy's impossibly sky blue eyes, brimming with tears.
"I don't want people to look at me that way. I don't want those cold stares whenever I go outside or walk by. I feel so lonely sometimes… when I see children playing with their friends… when I see their parents playing with them and hugging them, telling them how much they love them… I want… I want someone to… I don't want to feel so lonely anymore. It hurts so much whenever I walk by and people stare at me with those cold, cold eyes… It hurts so, so much… Why can't they see they hurt me? Why can't they see that I don't need their love and affection? All I want is someone to… all I want is… all I want is their acknowledgment…"
The boy looked down. Kakashi looked at the boy and saw that he was crying. Kakashi went to the boy and placed a hand on his shaking shoulders. The boy looked at him and Kakashi cold only stare. The boy was smiling and crying.
"That's why I make pranks and cause a lot of trouble. I know it's wrong and people keep telling me off about it. But it's the only way. They won't acknowledge me any other way than that and I-,"
The boy gasped and his eyes widened.
Seeing this Kakashi said, "What's wrong?"
"I… I'm sorry…" The boy whispered.
"What are you saying sorry about?"
"I didn't think I'd say this much… I… Did I waste your time? I'm so sorry! I really am, mister! I swear!" The boy cried out.
When the boy started to run away, Kakashi ran after him, blocked his way and kneeled down to face him.
"Naruto, why are you running away from me?"
Naruto's eyes widened in shock, "You—you know… who I am?"
Kakashi smiled, "When I saw that mop of blonde hair… I had my suspicions…"
"But… but you… you talked to me!"
"Mhmm… I did."
"But why?"
"Because I wanted to."
"Don't you—hate me too?"
Kakashi paused, thinking of the things Kyuubi had done. The deaths of his friends, his loved ones and the innocent. He wanted to put the blame on someone. For years he'd wanted revenge. But how could he blame something on a kid who doesn't even know what's inside of him? Why should he put the blame on a boy who probably doesn't have anything but the fear, hatred and anger of the village? How could he place the blame on this child, who probably needed happiness and love the most? How could he hate this boy, when he hasn't done anything wrong?"
"Iie, Naruto. I don't hate you."
Naruto's eyes grew wide, "Hontou ni?!"
Naruto then threw himself at Kakashi, embracing Kakashi's waist and putting them off balance. They fell on the grass, Naruto happily hugging Kakashi and Kakashi smiling at the boy who was talking about things he could barely understand.
'This kid is hyper,' thought Kakashi, 'Even though he knows and feels the entire villagers hatred, fear and anger towards him… He still manages to smile… Not to mention, make me smile.'
"Oi, kid."
"What is it, mister?"
"Do you want to eat dinner?"
"Your treat?"
"Of course."
Naruto smiled, "Sure! I want to eat in Ichiraku, mister! I love ramen!" he shouted.
"Fine, fine. Oh, and by the way…"
"The name's Hatake Kakashi."
The boy laughed, "Well, you already know my name, Kakashi-san."
For the rest of his life, Naruto would always remember that silver-haired ninja who, along with Iruka-sensei, brought happiness and contentment in his once dim and lonely existence.
"Arigato, Kakashi-san"
"You're welcome, Naruto-kun."
And Naruto smiled genuinely for days to come.
DISCLAIMER: Naruto is not mine. I'm just borrowing for the sake of mere fun.
sigh I don't think a did a good job on this one… I dunno… I feel as if there's something missing or wrong with it… Gah! What am I talking about?! Hehe… And if ever those who've read and reviewed my other fic 'Everybody's Sunshine' I'm very, very pleased you liked it… I couldn't believe myself when I checked my mail and saw a lot of 's … Wahahahahahaha!!! Even though it isn't much, I'm still very, very grateful… I swear! And, yeah, I think I did a better job with Shikimaru's POV than Sasuke's… I dunno why… I even thought a lot for Sasuke's POV than Shikimaru's… Gah! Why am I saying this! Anyway, thanks for sparing me a bit of your time! Thanks for reading my fic!