Author has written 4 stories for Smallville, Star Wars, and House, M.D.. In regards to the complaint that I do not update enough, I do not post until I feel it's ready. As an impatient fanfic reader myself, I can understand how frustrating that might be for some, but if it bothers you that much my only advice to you is to avoid WIP stories. It's been said of my reviews that I am too critical. In an attempt to avoid hurt feelings, I'd like to explain my philosophy on reviewing a little bit. My favorite creative writing teacher often told us that the only thing less helpful than vague and nasty comments (what we call flames) are gushy and flattering comments. If someone is already doing something right, it's nice to let them know, but the only way anyone will improve and grow as a writer is to have the problems pointed out and advised upon. So, when I write a review, I mention the things I like but I spend more time exploring things that could be improved. Now often this may be a matter of opinion. I try to focus on specific examples that I think disrupt the story or hold it back. I always explain myself, maybe a bit too thoroughly sometimes. Bottom line, I always try to be constructive and not malicious (I think I'm usually successful...) and I'm always willing to explain my comments if someone is confused or upset by something I've said (provided they are polite when they ask...). Sometimes there's something about a story that I don't like but that there really isn't anything wrong with, at least not from a literary standpoint. When I make those kinds of comments, it's meant more as a discussion than a criticism, same as when I comment on something that I really liked! The author did something that got to me on an emotional level - for better or worse - and I'd like to talk about it. Now I realize many authors are not interested in my kind of feedback. They have their own reasons for posting that don't include being critiqued or receiving suggestions or hearing opinions. If that's the case, those authors should (and usually do) just ignore me. They can even ask me to stop if I'm really bothering them! Once again, I just expect them to be polite about it. I hope that understanding my reasons for reviewing will help assuage any hurt feelings that may come up. |