I fell asleep in the car, and when I woke again it was early morning. They had been driving all night. Jeb rubbed his eyes and focused back on the road. I tentatively take a glance at the other man, he was staring out the window. I was relived at lest he wasn't staring at me.
"Jerry?" Jeb's voice made me jump causing the other man to notice that I had woken, he gave me a sick smile then answered Jeb.
"What?" He said.
"Call up Johnny tell him we'll be there in half an hour." Jeb said slightly looking back at me.
"Yeah sure." Jerry said as he flipped out his phone and punched in a number. There was a moment of silence then Jerry spoke again.
"Hey johnny, yeah we're gonna be the in thirty. See ya." He then hung up the phone and replaced it back in his pocket.
Thirty minuets, I thought to my self. I needed a plan. I need to get myself out of this place. I wanted to badly to open the door and throw myself out, not caring if I got hurt in the process. I wanted to punch out Jerry and steal his phone and call the police and have them bring me back to Virginia. I wanted to be free of these people.
I was lost in thought until the car started to slow down. I felt my chance coming to escape. Once the car stopped moving I was going to get out of the car and make a run for it.
Jerry suddenly took hold of my wrist.
"You're not going anywhere pretty boy. So don't even think about it." He smirked at me. I pulled my arm out of his grip. The car slowed even more, and I opened the car door. I flung myself out on tot he pavement. My shoulder hit first, then my face and the rest of my body followed. It hurt. I couldn't move for a moment, but I heard a car squeal to a stop and doors opening and slamming shut. I push myself up, my shoulder protesting greatly, and took stubbly steps away from the creepy men. Once my appendages were cooperating I started a sprint. I could hear Jeb and Jerry shout at me, I didn't look back.
I then heard a car approaching quickly. There was no where but straight to run. No small allies that would have come in very handy at the moment were around. The car was then next to me, and Jerry's arm was protruding from the window, and he grabbed my arm. The momentum forced me to fall, again. The car stopped and Jerry got out and grabbed me by my hair.
"You have to be the stupidest shit I've ever met." He spit into my face. I winced, and he pulled me, by my hair and arm, back into the car. Once inside Jeb handed Jerry tape. Jerry the taped my arms together, not just my wrist my my arms, behind my back and to my elbows. He tore another peace off, "just for good measure," he mumbled and slapped the tape over my mouth.
His hand then goes to my face, I pull away. I know I'm bleeding, the right side of my face has to me torn up.
"Look what you did. Johnny is gonna be so mad." Jerry said. Jeb turned around in his seat to see me.
"Shit, you think Johnny will still take him?" Jeb asked then turned his attention back to the rode.
"I don't know, it's pretty bad. Fuck." Jerry hissed out. "You better not have cost me any money." Jerry says grumbling at me.
"we're here." Jeb says and completely stops the car. Jeb gets out first then Jerry. They both take me out of the car, and march me up the stairs of a four storey apartment complex building. We get to the second floor and the turn down a hall. A door two down from us opens, and another man enters the hall. I struggle a bit hoping the man will help me, but he just nods at Jeb and Jerry and walks right on past us. I hang my head, feeling hopeless.
We walk to the end of the hall and stop at the last door, Jeb knocks and I hear footsteps from inside. The door unlocks and opens.