Reviews for Never Trust
DeGenerateVamp chapter 37 . 11/2/2012
This is one of the best Remy LeBeau stories I have read in a long time... I do hope there is a way I can read the rest. :(

If you were able to finish this one, is there a way you can e-mail me the rest? Pretty Please? :)
NameIs chapter 37 . 8/24/2011
Hello Callie Elisabeth :).

Can you say me if you plan a next of this story because I love it :).

Thant for your answer :).


(Ps: Sorry if my English is bad, I'm French).
Sadie Woods chapter 37 . 12/9/2010
Quite frankly, I am surprised at myself for being as into this as I am. Oh, not that that's an insult to you in any way shape or form! It's more like you are such a good author that you took me completely out of my usual comfort zone. First off, the angst and drama just pervade the fic with hardly any respite. Which is quite long time for me to be able to read when it's 37 chapters long. But, as I said, it's not a bad thing. Nothing could have torn me away from my laptop's screen! I kept on the edge of my seat wondering "when is Remy going to tell them? How are they going to react? Will Remy get to rescue his wife? How can he ever trust them again?" And as stressful as the whole thing was, I loved every minute of it. Well, up until the lovely cliffhanger you left me with. Ah well though. I don't really expect another chapter out of this over a full year after you last updated it. And I'm not necessarily happy about it, but I am grateful you published what you have. And it's quite good! Usually I only read slash fics for this genre, but I'm grateful I gave this a shot. Remy is my favorite character and I do so love Remy-angst and drama! I just wish it had a happy ending. Thank you for writing and publishing what you have though!
Times Picayune chapter 37 . 5/6/2010
I have long been a fan of this storyand I hope you will update.
TheologyDiscography chapter 37 . 4/19/2010
Excellent story. Damn Logan for being an emotional mess. lol. It's expected that Remy would be.

Love it, can't wait for more.
WindStar chapter 37 . 4/10/2010
I really like this story, very well written and beautifully organized. Favs, I hope you update it again!
Arcane chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
Haven't heard from you in awhile. Any plans for another chapter?
Sleepless chapter 37 . 9/10/2009
Waiting and watching
crazylove4MCR chapter 37 . 9/9/2009
This is really great, and I can't wait to know whats next! I hope you update soon!
Equinox chapter 37 . 9/7/2009
Updates are good. Updates are our friends.
Brandy chapter 37 . 9/7/2009
Somebody find him and bring him home where he belongs.
Firehedgehog chapter 37 . 7/16/2009
please continue
Missy Sue chapter 37 . 7/7/2009
I haven't reviewed in forever but i always enjoy your updates.

You have taken this story through suspensful turn to heart-breaking senerios and back again.

I look forward to your next update and the continuation of this story

-Missy Sue
Acadian Angel chapter 37 . 6/25/2009
Remy is so alone and vulnerable.
Just Curious chapter 37 . 6/25/2009
I'm confused. Was his failsafe discovered, or not? Maybe Mr. Sinister didn't notice what it really was (although that guy never seems to miss anything). I can dream, though. I hope Remy will be able to play along with him, and can lay low and maybe Sinister will get careless (also a word that is not in his MO-he always seems to be in perfect control). And if Remy does get to the tracker to activate it, could that be in Sinister's plans?
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