Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Harry Potter.

Note: Okay wow that a longer break then I anticipated. I bet you thought that I would never be back, right? Guess it takes a bloody pandemic to get me to start writing again. To be honest, it has been itching for a while to get back to it, but I did not want to invest the time with a busy working life. But I find it therapeutic and honestly, I want to do the stories justice. So, let's get back to it!

Severus' hand twitched towards his wand as he simply stared at the pile of letters that was sitting in his living room. He wanted to incinerate the lot of them, but it would simply not do. Most of the letters would contain the opinion of the public and a flurry of well-wishers, of that he had not doubt, but in case anyone got it into their head to do something stupid, he had to know. He would have to go through the letters one by one and see what they said.

"So how big is the pile? I…am not yet smelling smoke, so that's good." Harry's breathy voice did funny things to his insides and Severus turned to his apprentice. He pinched the bridge of his nose and said.

"As much as I would enjoy using them to fuel my fire, there may be some indicating in the letter if there are…issues we need to worry about concerning your safety…"

Harry froze beside him and then whispered, his voice breaking due to the inability to hold it. "You think someone will attach me? Now…."

Severus laid a hand on Harry's thigh, his thumb stroking the coarse fabric of his pyjama bottoms. His apprentice froze for a different reason his time. Severus thought long and hard on how to best form this sentence before he settled for complete honestly.

"No, the chance is unlikely but there are still rogue death eaters and believers in the Dark Lord that wishes to see you dead. They will see this opportunity as a chance to do so. On the other hand, your fame and current incapacitated state, may persuade other, shall we say, passionate fans to use this opportunity to stalk you."

Harry stared at him and then said. "And you honestly think that both will be stupid enough to send letters?" Harry's voice was dripping with disbelieve. He chewed his lips, licking them before he burst out. "I hate this! I want to pace…but I can't!" A few coughs escaped Harry but before Severus could say anything his apprentice continued. "I can't spend my life behind closed doors and wards, Sev….despite my health i….I would go insane and what would be my life worth then…" Harry wiped at his eyes, suspiciously enough wiping away tears.

Severus sighed and then said. "I understand Harry, trust me, I do! Better then you may now. But we also did not expect Dennis to attach you. It is a notion that I unfortunately must entertain in all seriousness."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and almost seemed to sulk, saying and for the first time in his life, sounding like a sullen teenager. "I hate it! I defeated a fucking Dark Lord!" His breathing broke off into a coughing fit and Harry doubled over. Severus exhaled sharply and hissed.

"Stop getting emotional an worked up, you idiotic Gryffindor! And do not worry about any of this! Focus on getting better! We will worry about any safety issues. Honestly, if I had to leave that to you, you would have drowned yourself in the lake in your first year." Harry took a sip of the water that Severus conjured for him. His apprentice swallowed and softly said.

"Careful, Sev, your caring side is showing through!"

Feeling his cheeks burn he took his hand from Harry's thigh and snapped. "Severus!"

He directed his wand to the pile of letters to summon one to him. He didn't care about Potter that much, it was merely a normal healthy dose of caring that meant he wanted to protect his apprentice, nothing more then that, certainly nothing more then, though he had a sinking feeling he may be setting himself up for a fall here.


Harry could tell how tense his master really was and how embarrassed he was by Harry's last comment. Knowing his master a little bit, Harry decided to not mention anything and leave Snape alone. If he would push it now, Snape would snap at him and that would only result in a fight. And honestly, even though Harry was sure any make up sex would be amazing, he did not want to destroy the process they had made in the last few days by pushing an unnecessary subject with teasing.

I know Severus can't pretend he doesn't care. If he had really not cared, he would not have put al this effort and simply ensured I would have been well taken care off. He would not have done it himself at the expense of his own health. He only has a duty as my master but how he fills that in, is up to him and…I know how indifference works and this is not indifference. Better not tease him now.

Harry decided to preoccupy himself but there were two things he wanted back and those could not wait, even if it meant being snapped at. "Severus?"

"mmmm…" Severus seemed preoccupied with whatever the content of the letters was so Harry tried again after a moment, encouraged by the fact that the letter was simply put away and not ripped to shreds.


"Yes, Harry?" His master was still a bit preoccupied but Harry was determined to push.

"Where is my wand? And…and my bracelet?" He wanted it back. His wand was the priority but…but the bracelet means more.

The silence deepened and Harry was very much aware of Snape's eyes on him. Now was one of the keen moments where he missed being able to see the other man's face. Snape's face may not reveal much but Harry had been getting better at reading it and when it came to Harry, Snape had never really been able to hide his true emotions.

The silence was too long. Harry fidgeted in his seat and he tried to keep his breathing as deep as possible even when anxiety was tightening his throat. He just knew the answer was not good news. His wand and the bracelet had most likely been destroyed in the blast as a result from the explosion. I doubt even the Elder Wand can restore my wand then…

"Accio Harry Potter's wand!" The clipped sentence was a balm to his nerves and Harry waited with bated breath until he could hear the tell-tale whooshing noise of something being summoned. His magic brushed Snape's and for once his master allowed it, not pulling it back like he normally did. It made sense Harry supposed. If a person's magic was like their personality then Snape would not have preferred to have another person's magic brush up against his.

In the past few days since Harry had been down in Snape's quarters it had seemed his master had relaxed a little and there were times, often when Harry did so unconsciously, when Snape allowed Harry's magic to brush his, letting him know where his master was. Harry tried to be considerate and not do it often.

Harry held his breath and then Snape handed him his wand. He breathed deeply for what felt the first time in days and he felt like a missing limb had returned to him.

"The fact that I am giving you back your wand does not mean that you will suddenly be using magic, is that understood? You are still on bed rest and you will focus your energy on getting well! There will be no foolish wand waving in my quarters! If you disobey that order the consequences will be severe!" Harry tried to ignore what that part of the sentence in that voice was doing to him. He squirmed for a whole other reason.

"Well?" Snape's voice was silky and dangerous and Harry bit back a grin.

"Yes, Professor." He said before he added with a whisper. "Though I would not mind getting detention from you…"

Harry could feel the weight of Snape's eyes on him as his master turned back to stare at him. He grinned and then Snape snorted and said. "For the love of Merlin, Potter,you are certainly not in any shape to serve a detention now and I did not really need that imagine in my head of you dressed in Gryffindor colours…"

Snape sounded almost wistfully and Harry swallowed thickly, this time breathless for a whole other reason. The other man shook his head and then said. "No use in dwelling on what cannot be…"

"I am sure I can ask Ron or Hermione to get me a Gryffindor tie…." Harry cleared his throat, summoning his own glass to him and filling it with water. His hand tightened on his wand. It was a small aspect of independence and in the bigger scheme of things it was nothing but it was something he could do for himself again, something he did not need help and to Harry it meant freedom.

Snape exhaled sharply next to him and said. "No Gryffindor colours in these quarters!"

Harry was so happy he had his wand back he simply said the first thing that came to his mind. "I am sure Draco can bring me a Slytherin one, otherwise I can change your mind by waiting for you in bed with only the tie on….colours can be discussed."

A hand seized the front of his shirt and Harry barely had time to yelp, let alone pull in a breath before Snape's lips descended upon his in a kiss. He groaned as Snape allowed him a moment to breath as he was pushed back into the pillows as Snape settled on top of him. Snape slowed their kiss down, his tongue moving against Harry's. Harry could feel his cock stirring as arousal curled low in his belly. He had never seen this side of Snape. They had shared kisses but they had always been initiated by Harry and this was the first time Snape took charge of it and wow…

Higher brain function creased to a halt and Harry's hand settled in the dark hair as he wrapped his legs around the narrow waist of his master. He bit Snape's lower lip and the Potions Master growled. Now that was even more arousing. He sounds like a jungle cat!

It only seemed to arouse Severus further and as a firm thigh pressed against his cock, the other man angled their faces a little better and the kiss was deepened. Harry sighed into it, bucking his hips to increase the pressure. All too soon Snape pulled away, leaving a flustered Harry blinked after him.

"Fucking hell, Potter, stop trying to make me lose control." Snape's exhale was even more ragged then Harry's own normal breathing and Snape pulled his hair away from his face. Harry sat up slowly and tried to get his heart back under control. A few coughs escaped him and he licked his lips. He wasn't sure what had just happened but he would not mind repeating it. He leaned into Snape's side and slid his hand underneath the other's. Snape's hand twitched in his own but instead, as Harry had expected, Snape did not pull away but the fingers curled around his own. Hiding his grin in his master's side, Harry said, loud enough for Snape to hear him. "I will put all my energy in getting better, especially if it means I get to serve a detention with you soon." The loud sigh and the thud of his Snape's head hitting the pillow behind him made Harry laugh breathlessly.


Severus' own lips twitched in a smile and he would have been startled into a laugh if he were not so bloody frustrated. He turned to his apprentice, the demand for Harry to do something about it on his lips before the knock on his door made him reconsider. Giving Harry a sharp look, one his apprentice understood despite his bad eyesight, Severus went to open the door.

He took a moment to straighten himself out and he hoped Harry's tell-tale flush could be explained because of his injuries. He did not wish to explain what they had been doing. He was quite sure Poppy would not approve of that exercise being on the treatment plan.

His good mood soured slightly as he noticed it was Neve waiting for him. The Italian Potions Master turned to him with a smile and Severus found his own smile pulling at his lips. "Buongiorno, Severus. I trust you are well?"

Severus was not accustomed to feeling awkward, if one could say that this is what he was feeling. The last time he had seen Neve was before everything changed. He licked his lips, his recent activities with Harry not helping his arousal, frustration, and his overall mood. He nodded brusquely and said.

"Would you like to come in? Please use the spells Poppy suggested before stepping inside." He stepped back, giving himself a long moment to try and pull himself together. When he last left Neve they had not spoken about their feelings of attraction for one another, their shared interests or whatever this was between them.

"Severus?" He was pulled from his thoughts by another person that frequently featured there. He took another deep breath and then said.

"It is Master Ritalio." Harry's mouth opened and then closed. Yes, brat, similar to what I am thinking.

While they had been in their little bubble the world around them had continued on and there was more to consider here. Neve stepped inside and smiled at Severus and then extended his hand. Grasping it, Severus was surprised by the almost business-like way Neve acted around him. The Italian's smile was still warm and his eyes were on Severus but the other man did not press or act as any of his previous lovers had.

It almost seemed that Neve was at peace with whatever had happened but how he would have known what had transpired between Severus and his apprentice? Oh yes, I remember Harry mentioned he had spoken to Neve about a true master apprenticeship bond. But would Neve expect that Harry had moved on this already?

"Ah, it is good to see that you seem much improved, Mr Potter." Snape was pulled from his thoughts as Neve let go of his hand and greeted Harry. The other man noticed his reaction and winked at him before he leaned in and whispered. "I trust your usual lack of focus is due to pleasant distractions and not setbacks."

Harry blushed bright red and Neve laughed as Severus shot his apprentice a glare. The other Potions Master held up his hands and said. "I apologize, Severus, I meant no insult. I am pleased to see progress between you and Harry. Though I must confess I am saddened by what this will mean for our personal relationship. But this was a friendly jest, nothing more." The other man smiled at him and Severus inclined his head.

"Perhaps this would perhaps be a conversation best had in private." Severus offered instead. Neve brightened and said. "I would like that. Could I take a seat?"

Severus nodded. He appreciated that Neve never took any liberties or assumed things. "Would you care for some coffee?" Severus could do with some coffee and he assumed Harry would like some tea. He ordered it and then took a seat beside Harry. His apprentice curled his legs around him and softly asked.

"Everything okay, Master Ritalio?" His apprentice sounded a little bit anxious and Severus balled his fist to prevent himself from reaching out and laying a hand on Harry's thigh. He busied himself pouring coffee for them and tea for Harry. After casting a cooling charm he handed the cup to Harry, who perked right up. The smile was thanks enough but it did something to Severus' stomach, he choose to ignore it.

"Actually, I am here with a reason. I received a letter from the Guild this morning." Severus took a sip of his coffee and swallowed to buy himself time. He could not read Neve well enough to know if this was something he had to be concerned about or if this was good news.

"That is quick. I dd not expect the Guild to answer that swiftly." He kept his tone neutral. Neve caught his eyes and smiled.

"Yes, it was unexpected and it is also the reason why I came to see you this early. The Guild has made an unexpected offer, one I was not expecting quite so quickly but it is good news. They have extended the offer for you and Harry to come to Rome at the earliest convenience."

Severus' mouth fell open he was so surprised. Now that I was not expecting…


Harry wasn't even sure he was hearing things correctly. Did Master Ritalio just said that the Guild would like us to go to Rome?

He glanced at Snape and his master cleared his throat before he said. "The Guild offered us the opportunity to come to Rome?" Snape's voice did not betray anything and Harry could only imagine what the older wizard was feeling.

Neve poured two more coffee cups and poured Harry some more tea. He smiled at them as he handed them the cups and said. "It was not completely unexpected, Severus. The offer was always on the table but it was merely a decision if in the short term it would be more beneficial to give you the help available here or to ask you to consider coming to Rome for more specialized help. The Guild acknowledges the challenges that such a move will impose, not only for Harry's health, but also the implications of uprooting both your lives. The offer is there and if you decide to act on it and how is up to you. That is not a decision I can make for you. I will remain at Hogwarts until you have made a decision."

Harry cleared his throat. He had not been expecting that. He blew out a breath and asked, coughing to clear his throat. "But…but I can't travel so I..can't go…."

He knew how much Snape wanted to and the very idea of his master potentially moving away made Harry's breathing catch. He tried not to let this show because this was not just about him, yes it was mostly for his recovery but Harry was not selfish enough to deny his master the chance to go.

"Mr Potter, I would not immediately say that this is the case nor is there a deadline for you to accept this offer. It has been made which means that the Guild's resources are available for you to use."

Harry wasn't sure what it meant but he heard Snape's sharp inhale. "So…it is good news?" He took a sip of his tea and Snape seemed to shake himself out f his stupor.

"Yes, Potter…Harry, this is good news. It means the Guild is willing to help us with your treatment, any costs that may need to be covered and also support in terms of research and potions that we may not have access now. It is….it is an overwhelming offer, Neve, I…" Much to Harry's amazement Snape seemed at a loss for words. In all his time that he had known the Professor this was the first time this happened. Even with everything Harry had done and seen, Snape not knowing what to say was strange to say the least.

What was even more surprising was when Snape suddenly rose and held out a hand to Neve. The other Potions Master grasped it and held it as Snape said, his deep voice betraying his emotions. "Thank you, Neve…this is more then I could have anticipated and we…we would be honoured to accept."

It seemed that it lifted a burden of his master's shoulders and only now did Harry began to realize what it would mean. Snape would have full support of the Guild. Including being able to ask for support and help. Perhaps it would also mean that Snape could focus on his own recovery…But if they went to Rome, what would it mean for them? They had only just begun their relationship and…what if in the outside world it is not enough? What if we find out that we are only meant to crash and burn?

The intensity of his feelings frightened Harry and he bit back a cough, buying himself time before taking a sip of his tea. Part of him wanted to protest that Snape should not make the decision for him but the words froze on his lips as Snape approached him and said.

"I think that this calls for a proper celebratory breakfast, brat, perhaps some bland oatmeal for you even. I will then go and speak to Poppy."

"What if she says no…." The very words constricted in his throat and Snape seemed to understand as he softly said.

"Then we shall follow that advice." And Harry breathed out deeply, feeling the ache in his throat as he swallowed thickly. "And go to Rome when you have recovered sufficiently for travel."

That was relief that made Harry's eyes tear up and not only because his future had just expended a little bit more then just a room with Snape as his companion and purified air and sanitation spells.


Neve had volunteered to watch Harry while Severus went to talk to Poppy. My past lover is in the same room as my current lover…It was not a situation Severus ever considered he would find himself in and at this moment it was also not the focus of his thoughts. No the focus was very much the news he had received an hour ago. It still baffled him that the Guild had made the offer and so quickly. As a Potions Master Severus knew he could ask the Guild for support but because of his personal life choices he did not feel it very appropriate. Though he had been making a name and a reputation for himself by brewing the Wolfsbane Potion and by undertaking research when he could. But he had not been such an active member of the Guild as he had wanted to be. Apparently his reputation had proceeded hm and it made Severus feel valued. He had full support now and he could ask for help with Harry.

He almost had a spring in his step as he opened the door to the Infirmary when his name was called out. "Professor Snape!"

Severus turned to find someone who could actually sour his morning. "Miss Granger, what can I do for you?"

The young witch gave him a smile, one Severus found extremely unnerving and then she said. "I wanted to talk to you about Harry, how is he? Please do not say you are here for an emergency"

"He is well under the circumstances, Miss Granger. But if you wished to talk about Mr Potter, I would assume you would floo to my private quarters and not ambush outside the hospital wing. But to answer your question I have a meeting with Madam Pomfrey about Harry and his future treatment."

"Ah, could I….I was discussing a muggle aid for asthma patients with Madam Pomfrey and she insisted I talk to you. Could I speak to you after the meeting perhaps?"

"Or you could join the meeting, Miss Granger, unless you have other engagements." She seemed taken aback but Severus refused to let his good mood be soured, he might as well kill two birds with one stone and invite her to this meeting. She smiled after a moment and said.

"No, if that is wat you think is appropriate, yes please Professor." Severus gave a brusque nod and proceeded into the hospital wing. She may just as well know the full story.

Poppy was bustling about as per usual. Even if she currently had no patients, she did then ensure that her stores were stocked in case there was an emergency and with a school full of magical gifted teenagers you never knew when this may be. In the past he had brewed for her in his spare time, and during his terrible short tenure as Headmaster he had continued to do so. Despite what Poppy may have thought of him at the time, she had continued to trust his potions skills.

"Morning, Severus. Coffee?" She knew him too well honestly. Despite the fact that he had already had one he decided that perhaps it was worth to have another cup. He gave a nod. "And miss Granger, what brings you here?"

"She is with me. I am here to talk about Harry's future treatments and Miss Granger mentioned that she had some ideas. Might as well kill one birds with one to stone." Poppy's lips twitched at his dry tone. She merely extended her hand in an invitation to her office. She waited before they were seated before asking Miffy, the house elf that assisted her, for coffee. It wasn't long until they had their drinks and Severus cleared his throat. Before he could speak Poppy said.

"While I know that you wish to have a treatment plan ready for your apprentice, Severus. It may be too soon. Normally in similar situations it depends very much on the patient and…"She did not need to say anymore. Harry's recent reaction to an unknown substance was indication enough that such a plan may be years instead of months But recent revelations made Severus keen to have this chat, he owned it to his apprentice but also to himself to seize every opportunity available for a future and this, this potential future made his heart pound with hope.

"I am away, Poppy, but recent events notwithstanding, Harry and I had a very interesting and proactive morning…." Severus left out no details Save the fact that I was all over Harry this morning…those are details I would rather not share and which is very much not relevant for this story…

By the end of his story both witches were watching him. Severus could not entirely predict how they would respond but then Granger said, her voice thick. "Do you plan to take the Guild up on their offer?"

"If Harry would like and it means a better chance at a recovery, yes, I would." Severus was never once to mince his words and he would not do so now.

"Has Harry expressed that wish?"

"He has said he would like to see Rome but I have not spoken at length about it with him nor do I believe he would fully understand what it means."

"But Harry has his whole life here!" She cried out. Before Severus could respond Poppy cut in.

"Does he?" Granger turned to look at the Mediwitch and Poppy lowered her cup before she leaned forward and said. "Think, Miss Granger, Mr Potter may not have as much of a life here as you think. He has formed attachments with you and the Weasleys but all his other relatives are no longer alive. He has survived a horrible war in which he was thrust right in the middle. He has been forced to fight from an early age and now the wizarding world is looking at him as their saviour. Do you really think he will have the life he wants here, even without taking into account whatever life he can have with his injuries?"

"Harry also has not thought about his future prospects. He did not expect to live past the final battle and now he has to now decide what he wishes to do. In his fifth year Harry wanted to be an Auror because his parents had been aurors, he has never seen anything else. Harry may have more opportunities there, where he is not in the public eye all the time and he may be seen as more then just the saviour of the wizarding world." Severus gentled his tone. He understood why she was asking it but usually a time where a student left Hogwarts was a time for when students spread their wings and flew the coop. Some settled close by and others settled further afield.

"But now? The war has ended and we can now finally be together in peace and spend time with family and friends."

"Yes but he cannot be. Harry at the moment needs specialized care, more care then we may be able to offer him here. Italy has a better quality of life then the UK and we would have the resources of the Guild."

"But we are here and so are the Weasleys." Severus nodded and said. "Yes, hence why I have not come to make a decision now. The offer stands, if we decide to accept it within the next two days or within the next two years. But I did not come here to discuss the social aspects as the decision has not been made. I came to talk about Harry's options."

Poppy nodded and she waved her wand to summon her notes. Severus appreciated that she had kept such detailed notes. Normally such a case would not be part of her job but he did not trust St Mungo's and Poppy was a certified mediwitch. She gave him a brusque nod, business like as she began.

"Yes, that is an excellent decision. The attach was not that long ago and within the next few days to weeks I can hopefully start to assess the permanent damage that Harry sustained. At this moment it is still unclear what makes Harry's lungs and throat react but these are things that we need to manage. As Harry recovers he will start to get his energy back and knowing Mr Potter's stubborn streak he would benefit most from having the options and information available to him so he understands decisions that have been taken for him. I also assume that it will make Severus' life easier and there will be less energy spent fighting and more energy that can be spend on other activities…"

Much to his chagrin Severus found a flush colouring his cheeks. Poppy gave him an odd look and said.

"I am not sure if I wish to know where your thoughts went, young man but I was taking about Harry having the energy for his recovery and potentially, if he feels up to it, some school work."

My mind did not definitely think of those options….

Severus forced himself to focus on what Poppy said next. "Now, there are multiple facets to his recovery, obviously there is the damage to his lungs and throat, but also his eyesight but what is equally as important is his mental state. We may focus all our energy on getting Harry well but if he is severely depressed, it will not work. Severus, this is very much something that I will need your help with. As his master you will have a much better radar and understanding of Harry's mindset then any of us do. As Miss Granger so rightfully pointed out, Harry has a support system in place which we will rely on."

"So at the moment we are focussing on giving Harry the care that he needs right now and wait until the results come in from when you can do the tests, Madam Pomfrey?" Poppy gave a nod.

"Yes, because at the moment we cannot fully know the permanent damage and therefore it will be hard to design a treatment for him."

"Professor Snape, I understood from Madam Pomfrey that you will not allow any experimental potions to be used on Harry?"

Severus nodded; he really did not need to elaborate any further on it.

"What is your opinion about muggle treatments that could help Harry manage some of his symptoms?"

Severus frowned. He had not yet really considered that. "If you mean muggle medication then it may not be compatible with wizarding or witches' metabolism. Though Poppy may be able to give you more information on that aspect."

"You remember that we spoke about the inhaler, Professor. And what this can potentially do for Harry." Severus nodded; he did remember that.

"And this medication is prescribed?"

"Yes, you will need to visit a muggle doctor."

"And you think that this will cure Potter?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

She chewed her lip and looked away before she said. "No, Professor, it will not cure him. The device is not meant for that. The inhaler allows for a quick response if an asthma attack is triggered. It does not act as a cure. It merely slows the severity of the allergic reaction. In Harry's case I do believe it can help if he has another attach like he had a few days ago. It can at least help lessen the damage to his throat and it does not take days to heal but it can act within seconds. The good thing with this inhaler is that if the substance does not work then there is no harm done. It is merely there to bring inflammation down."

Severus leaned back in his seat and he crossed his legs at the ankles. He turned to Poppy and said. "And we can be sure that this inhaler works with the magic at Hogwarts?"

"Well I can certainly try to ensure it does."

"Good, Miss Granger, I expect you to liaison with Poppy and to ensure that this device is fault proof. If I even catch one whisper of it being potentially dangerous to my apprentice, I will have your head, do I make myself clear? And needless to say, I will not be in favour of inducing an attack like Harry had. If such a thing occurs and let us hope it does not, we can try out this inhaler to see what it is capable of. Harry is, nor will he ever be, a guinea pig."

He made sure his voice was at his silkiest and dangerous before he asked. "Poppy, what would be the most appropriate course of action for the foreseeable future and what are our options if we do wish to go to Rome?"

"I know a wizard who has decided to go into normal medicine and he combines magic with medication that works well for magical folks and muggles. I can, together with Miss Granger, reach out to see if the inhaler could be tried by Harry. We will need something that it prescribed to him. I will run some tests on Harry's eyes within the next few days to see what the state is. We may at some point, when he is healed more, try to introduce him to less purified air, within a controlled environment, Severus. But we need to try to see what Harry's situation is."

And as Poppy poured himself another coffee, Severus prepared himself for a long morning. He ignored Grangers thankful smile or the fact that Merlin forbid, she looked like she wanted to give him a hug. Severus only cuddled with one person and that was the very man they were discussing here.


The Ministry for Magic was never a good place to be. The place had too much history and in the last few years too much has happened here. Minerva was quite sure that she would never truly feel comfortable being here. She pushed her lips together as she exited the floo.

One of the aurors nodded at her and directed her to the entrance to the courtroom. The auditorium was packed full of people, half of them reporters and half of them what appeared to be normal public. It was not often that a trial of this magnitude, except for those of the Death Easters after the first war had been so publicised.

But this trial was different. There had rarely been an attach like this with the motive of revenge. The Death Easter trials had barely even begun and now this. She sighed, it had been a long few year and this was not helping. She felt old. There were even times when she wondered if Albus had felt the same.

"Headmistress McGonagall, a comment please."

"Headmistress, how is Harry doing?"

"Are you here to testify?"

"Did Dennis Creevey commit the act?"

Minerva ignored the journalists. It was not strange that they were out here as this was the trial of the century. She shook her head and kept up her brisk pace. This day was going to be long enough and her morning had not started off amazingly with the news Master Ritalio came to share. She could see the benefits for both Harry and Severus but it would mean that she would lose her Défense Against the Dark Arts Professor and a very skilled Potions Master. True, Horace had come back to teach the post but to be honest, he did not hold a candle to Severus in terms of expertise.

She walked into the courtroom and took a seat next to Shacklebolt. The Minister for Magic looked like he had not slept a wink and Minerva gave him a smile. "You look like you have aged a century since the last time I saw you."

"As I am sure from your tenure at Hogwarts, being the Minister for Magic is a job, especially when one is rebuilding a country, that is a stressful job. Let's just say when I became an auror I never expected that this would be a post I would one day have." The other man sounded weary and Minerva nodded. These times did not leave anyone undisturbed, especially when one knew the victim.

"So what will be the aim of today?"

"We know he has a motive but we are trying to proof if he has intend behind it or if it was simply a case of revenge, however devastating that is." Shackebolt looked around and then continued. "We know he committed the crime; he has confessed and this should be straight forward as possible. But the public is out for blood and there are more aspects to this trial then normally. There may be other people out there who may wish to harm Potter. If we make an example of Creevey then I hope it will discourage any other parties, especially with Harry now being an easy target."

"We have tried to keep as much information out of the press as possible in relation to Harry's injuries. He deserves privacy as much as anyone else. I would do the same for any other student. What is the sentence? Azkaban is no longer an easy option with the Dementors gone."

"No, it is not. It is still secure but the Dementor's kiss will no longer be done. And I do not think he deserves that. I would rather that he be imprisoned for life and see what the fruits of his labour have accomplished. But on the other hand he is also young which does mean that he can change."

"He still committed a crime, one that was though out in advance. It would have been almost better if he had simply hexed Harry. No, the way he had accomplished it, going through such an effort when it was almost easier to hex Harry down a flight of stairs, said enough. This has been calculated and not only to try and kill Harry but if he did not die, to suffer the maximum damage he could.

"There is cold reasoning and calculation behind the attack which makes this a very serious matter that needs considering and addressing. That is one of the things we wish to address and get clear." Shacklebolt fell silent as the lights blinked a few times. He nodded and then rose to his feet, arranging his robes around him.

"Bring in Dennis Creevey." The doors opened and Dennis looked even smaller than he had been before. Minerva had to remind himself that he was still a young teenager, not even a man. The boy, he really was nothing more, looked frightened as he glanced around the room. His eyes fell on her and for a moment they brightened but she could tell he was nervous. He did not know what her presence meant here.

Minerva studied Dennis while the opening statements and the short recap of yesterday was read.

"Dennis Creevey, you still stand by your statement yesterday that you attacked Harry Potter because you believed him to be responsible for your brother's death? Despite the fact that the witnesses have stated that they saw Bellatrix Lestrange made the killing move."

"If Potter had surrendered then Colin would not have been killed." Creevey was quick to snap.

"A simple yes will suffice, Mr Creevey." Shacklebolt kept his voice strict and then Dennis spat out.

"Yes, I do. He may as well have struck the killing blow."

"So you do not at any point hold your brother responsible for choosing to fight for something he believes in? Or if you wish to go further, you can even blame your parents for being muggles as we know that purity of blood could be another aspect of why someone would target your brother."

The question seemed to cause Dennis to blink and think before he choked out. "But he could not help that."

"Neither could Potter that Lord Voldemort attacked the Hogwarts. Or that he gave a seize fire and some of his Death Easters ignored that order."

"But he made a choice!"

"Yes, so did you which is the reason which brings us back to the reason why we are here. We all make choices; Dennis and we each must bear the consequences. Your parents went into hiding for the safety of their family and Colin made the decision to go to back to Hogwarts to fight for what he believed in. And you made the decisions to attach Harry Potter."

Minerva remembered that moment well. She had given the order for all the underage students to leave before the battle but she knew that not everyone had honoured that order. Colin had been one of the students to return. She could not hold herself responsible but if she had the sight it would have made it easier to make and enforce her decisions.

"Dennis, we have established your motive for your acts, but your act shows a calculation that we find disturbing. The explosion was designed to kill Potter but if that were not possible then it would ensure the maximum damage to Potter. It was an intelligent and cold motive which shows a potentially dangerous aspect of your personality that we find alarming."

Minerva had known a different Dennis and it did sadden her that the young man had suffered so that it had turned into this different boy. He had been one of her Gryffindors and to know that these wounds had gone so deep that they brought out this hate and made him put such a plan into motion. At the moment she saw a frightened boy, not a cold blooded murdered or killer that she had seen in this chair so many times before.

It made her wonder how many other students had now suffered from the war. This was something that they needed to address. Perhaps a more specialised help was needed. It was something she would look into, one of the many things on her to do list. But she then focussed back on Dennis. She owned him that much as his former Head of House.


Severus ran a hand through his hair as he traced the steps to his private rooms. He needed to think on the meeting he had with Poppy and..he was weary then he perhaps let on. He took a moment to gather himself, perhaps a good breakfast would set him up as well. He was used to living on coffee but perhaps his body did need a little bit more fuel if he were to keep up with his apprentice.

"Professor Snape?" Severus fixed his scowl in place as he turned at the call of his name. He softened it slightly when he noticed it was Weasley.

"Mr Weasley, what can I do for you? If this is about lesson plans then I would suggest that you make an appointment for my office hours."

The red-haired wizard held up his hands and said. "No, Professor, I wanted to actually ask if you wanted me to visit with Harry so you can have a break." Weasley seemed sincere and while Severus was not sure if he had the energy to deal with Gryffindors today.

"I did not realize that I looked this bad." He bit out and Weasley flushed. The other male continued to meet his eyes and said.

"I will refrain from commenting on that but I know from experience that Harry and yourself never had an great relationship and I can only imagine being copped up with one another for a long period of time, could have detrimental benefits." His eyes narrowed at the words Weasley normally would not use. It almost seemed like Granger was involved. Before he could voice his suspicions Weasley continued.

"Oh sod it. Fine, Professor, I would like to visit with Harry. Not because I believe you killed him and buried his body but I am worried, not only about Harry but also about you. You are still recovering and I know how much you value your privacy and me time, so yeah thought I threw the offer out there for you to decline, should you so wish."

"I am glad that my private life and my health is such a concern to you, Weasley but I would appreciate if…." Severus felt his ire peak.

"Professor, there are a few ways we can go about it. You can let me do it and I can convince Hermione that everything is well or I will let Hermione and Professor McGonagall as her tutor march down here." The subtle threat was not lost on Severus and he growled out.

"Mr Weasley, I would strongly suggest that you…"

"Draco and Neville agree as does Harry." That made Severus pause. It also made him wonder when his apprentice had time to talk behind his back about him. His eyes narrowed and Ron sensing the impending explosion no doubt, said.

"I did not talk to Harry about this but I also know he is worried about you. I have known Harry for seven years and I can say without a doubt that he would agree. So Professor, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. He did not appreciate being set up this way, especially by his students.

"Fine, Mr Weasley, come along. Do not take my agreement that I am not displeased…"

"Yes, I am sure you are finding innovative ways to kill me and bury my body, Professor." Despite his mood Severus felt his lips twitch as he led the way to his private quarters.

I should have known that involving a Slytherin with two Gryffindors would come back to bite me. It suited me quite well when I could stand and do as I please…but And Harry's smile and his eyes made Severus realize that it would perhaps not be such a bad thing to have the concern of others.


Harry glanced up as the door opened. He sat up as he ran his fingers over his wand. His magic responded as he send it out to brush against those who entered. It was almost like an excited puppy came to greet his master. If Harry had been capable he may have walked to Severus and gave him a kiss.

"I think we need to give you a better out for your magic, Mr Potter. It may not be entirely appropriate if you keep brushing it against others." Snape's voice was not sharp but Harry knew his master was trying to teach him better manners.

"It isn't like I can see who enters." He murmured. His voice was definitely settling in a hoarser timbre he normally had He had drunk three cups of tea but he had not dared to ask Master Ritalio to help him with going to the bathroom. There were even some boundaries he was not keen to cross. He was also quite sure Snape would have a fit if Harry walked to the bathroom by himself. The man had not been impressed the last time he had done so.

"Hi Harry." Harry grinned at Ron.

"Is Hermione here too?" He sat up a bit straighter.

"Nope, just me today. Thought to give Professor Snape a break." Harry could almost imagine what Snape's reaction to that had been.

"And….and you suggested this to him?"

"Yep, and he agreed, hence why I am here." Ron sat next to him.

"Agreed would be a strong word, Mr Weasley. I saw the benefit of your proposal. But agreement would indicate consent, I am currently tolerating your presence." Harry hid a snort unsuccessfully. He could feel the other man's glare on him. "If there is nothing you need, I will take my leave…."

Harry really did not want to run Snape out of his private quarters as he knew they may be the only place of sanity for the man but he really could not go anywhere really. Perhaps he could make it up to the man later. Now that was a thought for inspiration.

He almost wanted to ask Snape for a kiss but he was quite sure he knew what that reaction would be. Instead he deliberately reached out with his magic and twisted it around his master' hand. Much to Harry's surprise his master reacted by ruffling Harry's hair as he passed him and said.

"If there is one book out of place, Mr Weasley, you know the consequences."

"Yes, Professor. If there is anything I will send a Patronus."

"In case of emergency send it to Madam Pomfrey. She will be here quicker then I."

"Have fun, Severus." It cost Harry a lot to say the words out loud and his throat protested immediately. "Thank you, brat, being among students may not be my idea of fun."

Ron almost choked as Snape left the room. Harry shrugged as Ron hissed at him. "What did you do? Few days ago he was ready to kill you and now…bloody hell he seems almost friendly."

"I…did nothing…" Harry wiggled and shifted forward in his seat. Well actually that is very much not true but I have other pressing needs first

"I don't believe you. Spill, Potter!"

"After the bathroom…. Can you help me get there?"

"Oh right, yeah, sure. Your room?"

Harry flushed, may as well drop that bombshell as he said. "I don't…..I don't have my own room anymore."

"WHAT? Do you mean to tell me that Snape makes you sleep on the couch while there is a perfectly good bed in that room?" Ron seemed livid as he turned to Harry, who stumbled slightly. Ron immediately tightened his grip.

"No….I….I kinda moved rooms…" He cleared his throat.

"Oh, I get it, must be easier to keep an eye on you if you are in the same room…"

"Same bed…" Harry whispered.

Ron did actually stumble this time and only Harry's quick reflexes meant he did not fall flat on his face. Ron was quick to right himself. "Mate, I think we need to have a long chat after the bathroom."

Well, it isn't like he is not going to see it, might as well mentally prepare him, he will be easier to talk to and maybe order some food, that is something I think will help too.


Contrary to what Severus had told Harry and Weasley, he did not go in search of any students but instead took brisk steps outside, taking a few back hallways so that he did not actually have to encounter anyone. He passed by the kitchen where the house elves were more then happy to supply him with a bacon sandwich, despite breakfast having been served hours ago.

Perhaps a visit to the library is in order first, I am in need of some other books. Changing his mind Severus finished his sandwich and cleaned his hands with a handkerchief before he opened the door.

Some students looked up when he entered and some younger years looked frightened but as Severus ignored them, looking towards the section on Dark Magic, the students settled down. He normally did not come to the library but it may give him some ideas for Harry to do . The words would have to be sound out of them but Severus was sure there was a book that he could read to his apprentice.

"Ah, Severus, fancy to see you here." Neve smiled at him. The other man was talking to Irma Price who gave Severus a smile as she said.

"Ah, Severus, the books you ordered weeks ago finally came in. Do you wish to pick them up?"

"Yes, that would be appreciated." He had ordered some basic potions books for Harry but….that was before everything had happened. She shrunk them and then asked. "How is Mr Potter doing?"

"He is doing okay under the circumstances. Neve, if you are available, could I have a word?"

"Of course, Severus. Madam Price, thank you very much for your approval to the restricted section. I will be sure to return at a later date to pursue the fine selection you have here." Severus nodded and accepted the books he put in his pocket. He proceeded Neve out of the library and then said.

"Perhaps a walk outside? I do not fancy having any stray students overhear our conversation."

"Of course, the grounds at Hogwarts are as fascinating as the castle. I will be glad to still explore them before we would Ieave for Rome." The other man seemed keen to follow Severus' lead. Severus felt himself relax slightly. He was not looking forward to the talk with Neve but he owned it to the other man and himself.

When they were a good distance away from any students and had cast the appropriate charms to prevent the wind from blowing them away, Neve softly said. "I take it that your lovely apprentice has talked about persuading a true master apprenticeship bond."

The dark eyes snapped to meet the blue ones and Neve smiled sadly. "You do not have to act so surprised, Severus nor do you need to be so guarded. I may not know you well but even I could tell something has happened."

If a strange can tell then why am I even pretending to hide it? I may as well just wear a big sign that says I am fucking Potter

"I did come to talk to you about…." Severus wasn't even sure what to name it what he and Neve had. They had sex but honestly, to name it a relationship was a bridge to far but Neve seemed to understand what he was saying. "Harry has spoken to me in regard to his wishes to pursue such a bond. And I have to confess, it is a desire I share."

Neve smiled sadly and then softly said. "I understand. I remember fondly the bond I had with my master. I do confess, I find it a pity I will not get to know you better, Severus. Perchance, it could have been something powerful or we could have found pleasure together but know I do not bear you any ill will. You deserve happiness, my friend and something says your apprentice may be able to give you this, even if it may be for a short while. I will step back and seek your friendship only. And perhaps we will have a chance if this relationship ever ends"

And as Neve kissed him upon the lips before leaving, Severus watched him go. He may have made his decision in regard to Harry but it did not mean that he would wonder what him and Neve could have been.


"Right, mate, spill!" Harry shrugged at Ron. He really did not know what to say. Well he knew what to say but they never really spoke about this. When Harry had feelings for Cho he didn't say anything, when Ron had started thinking about Hermione that way or when Harry started dating Ginny. The last one make sense, like I don't really need to tell Ron about me and his sister but…

"I don't know….I…I kinda like him."

"That much was obvious, mate." Harry could almost hear Ron roll his eyes and so he continued.

"I got jealous when I heard Snape was with Master Ritalio…"


"Can you stop interrupting me, please?" Harry's throat protested immediately against the hiss and Harry coughed. The glass of water pressed into his hand was refreshing and Ron said.

"Sorry, I'll stop." Harry nodded as he took another sip. It was hard enough to form a sentence without being forced to stop. He wetted his lips and then said. "In some…instances Masters and Apprentices can form a very close bond because they spend so much time together…in the old times masters also taught their apprentices about sex…"

Harry could almost imagine the look on Ron's face so he hurried on. "No…it isn't what you think! He wouldn't… But I want him to and I kinda told him that…"

"Oh god, Harry, that you are still in one piece surprises me. You sure he didn't hex you straight into Sunday." Ron groaned, the sound sounding muffled so the other wizard must no doubt have put his face into his hands. "Right, how bad it is?"

"He…kinda agreed…" It came out slightly surprised, to be honest, Harry still was.

"You are in a relationship with Snape?"

"I…think a relationship is a big word…I…think we are trying it out…You know if we are compatible and…and not just magically or sexually" Harry was definitely looking forward to either of those parts, especially when he had recovered a bit more, that was, he did not fancy having to stay to cough once they got down to it.

"Sounds an awfully lot like a relationship." Ron muttered.

"And would that bother you, Mr Weasley? I very much believe that this is something private between myself and Mr Potter." Snape's voice was pure silk and Harry could, despite the veiled threat, feel a smile bursting forward.

"You're back." He sat up straight.

"Yes and I seemed to be just in time before you start spilling any other developments." He could feel the other man's eyes on him and he shrugged.

"A young wizard needs advice.

"Indeed." The dry murmur made him chuckle.

"Yeah and…I think it may help Ron to understand why I….why I would to take the Guild's offer of going to Rome."

The sudden stillness that greeted him made him realize that neither man were expecting this at all.

I hope you enjoyed it. I am not sure if the chapter was in the old style as when I went through it I noticed some changes and I may have accidentally repeated myself. I tried to rewrite those parts but if I have let me know. I will not try to take as long a haitus as I did before, I promise! Please review if you liked it

In the next chapter: Harry has given his opinion but how will Severus and Ron react? Will they agree and if the decision has been made plans need to be put into motion. Harry has a difficult conversation with Madam Pomfrey about his future prospects that may not be as optimistic as he would want. Severus has a conversation with Minerva about his own future prospects and he will need to make some tough decisions himself. That and more in future