Disclaimer: I don't own Escaflowne. My writing is purely for enjoyment.

Previously: The Great War has ended. Hitomi and Van have said good-by. Now, Van has to face Zaibach's former military strategist. A man who has revealed himself as his long-lost brother. A stranger to Van's eyes, Folken must reestablish a relationship with his little brother, now a king. But is it too late for them?

Legends of Gaea: Chapter One

Folken silently watched the many stars that twinkled brightly in the night sky. Where he stood, upon the cusp of a mountain cliff, he was a silent and majestic silhouette. The war was finally over and Dornkirk had been vanquished along with his fortune machine. The mighty Zaibach Empire had finally been destroyed. Folken heaved an exhausted sigh and dropped his gaze. It fell upon the ruins of his homeland, Fanelia. As he closed his eyes, he tried to remember what the kingdom looked like before he betrayed his people and handed Fanelia over to the enemy.

For a moment, grief and shame overwhelmed him. How could he ever expect to be forgiven for what he had done? This broken and wounded land was meant to be his kingdom…but now his younger brother carried the incredible burden of its leadership. Van would have been free from so much responsibility, but now…

There in that moment, alone, Folken found himself recalling the faces of individuals whose lives were destroyed by his blindness. Tears stung his eyes as the memories of Nariya and Eryia flashed into his mind. He could still feel their bodies quivering in his arms as they struggled to breathe. So much pain…so much suffering…and he didn't see the consequences until it was too late.

And he was reminded of Hitomi... that strange and wonderful girl from the Mystic Moon. His thoughts returned to the moment of victory, when Dornkirk's life machine unexpectedly sparked and exploded. Folken had shielded Hitomi, pulling her to the ground seconds before he would have taken out his sword…

... the memory of what had come to pass was so fresh and vivid.

" Come on Folken! What are you waiting for?!" Mocked the haggard, old crooked sneer, and the wicked gleam in his eyes pierced Folken's bruised spirit.

Hitomi watched in mounting horror as Folken's muscles tensed and his mechanical arm moved to grip the hilt of his sword.

" Folken…" She gasped and tried to stop him, resting a hand on his shoulder. A gentle way of catching his attention, begging him not to sacrifice his life for the demented whims of the mad man before them.

But Folken jerked away, his face contorted in pure rage. His eyes flashed dangerously and Hitomi gasped realizing that it was already too late to save him.

"Folken, No!" She cried out as he unfurled his wings, white wings, ready to capture the wind. She blinked in surprise." Your wings…"

Dornkirk gasped. " No! It cannot be!" He cried. And suddenly, while he looked on at the Draconian before him, a wire snapped and a spark ignited.

Folken blinked and stepped back, startled back to his senses. He only had time to react, turning around to grab a startled Hitomi. He pulled her close and, shielding her with his wings, dropped to the ground as Dornkirk and his life-sustaining machine exploded in a fantastic eruption of fire and smoke.

The explosion saved Gaea, not to mention his life. Folken didn't realize the war had finally ended until he saw the remains of Dornkirk's lifeless body.

A cool breeze whispered across Folken's face and snapped him out of his jumbled thoughts. He shook his head and looked up at the sky again, crickets peacefully singing their night-time lullabies. After a few moments, he walks over to a nearby tree stump and sat down, retracting his wings. Folken had asked Van if they could meet, after Hitomi's safe return to the Phantom Moon. He didn't have time to tell him exactly what it was they would be discussing. Van had agreed, albeit a little reluctantly.

Folken did not have to wait long. A few minutes later a shadowy figure walked out from amongst the trees. Van stepped into the moon-light and stared at the remains of his kingdom. He was yet unaware of Folken's presence. Van closed his eyes and touched the pendant that now hung from about his neck. At his touch it glowed a soft pink, as if replying in recognition. Opening his eyes, Van looked up at the two luminous spheres floating in the night sky and sighed.

Folken rose to his feet. " Van…" His deep voice carried softly through the air and reached Van's ears. He whirled around, sword drawn and ready. Folken walked out of the shadows and into the moonlight in slow, careful steps. " There is no need for alarm. I will not harm you." He spoke gently, raising his open hands to reiterate his point.

Van eyed him warily, his gaze resting upon the odd, mechanical arm that now gleamed under the moonlight. After a few moments he slowly lowered his sword and re-sheathed it. " You wanted to talk to me." He stated curtly. " Here I am."

Folken gazed at him for a long moment and Van frowned, fidgeting at the odd look on his brother's face.

" I want to help you rebuild Fanelia." Folken stated simply.

Van blinked in surprise. " What?" His expression changed from surprise to anger. " I don't… believe this. How can you expect me to trust you after everything you have done to our relationship… to our home?"

Folken kept his face carefully neutral, giving no hint of his true emotions. " I understand that you do not trust me, but you must try."

Van balled his hands into fists, attempting to keep his anger in check. " Do not tell me what I should or should not do."

Tension hung in the air like a thick smog as Van glared daggers at his long-lost brother. Folken remained stoic under Van's angry gaze.

" You are angry," He began again. " You have every right to be. But I come to you now as your brother, Van. Nothing more, nothing less."

Van grit his teeth. " You are a traitor...a liar." He replied harshly. "Why should I believe anything you tell me?"

Folken chose to ignore the bitter question and focused instead on what was most important. " You will need help. Rebuilding your kingdom will not be easy."

" Yes. No thanks to you." Van sneered choosing to ignore the hurt expression that briefly flitted across Folken's face.

" You are making this more difficult than it has to be." Folken replied evenly, the mask of neutrality in place once again.

Van furrowed his eyebrows. " You avoided my question. Why should I believe anything you tell me?"

Folken remained silent. But his silence only served to anger Van further and he shifted his hand to hover above the hilt of his sword.

"The only reason you want to help is because you do not want to suffer the consequences of your crimes! Is that right?!" Van yelled, unsheathing his sword.

Folken swallowed, trying not to let Van's words wound him. " No. Of course not." He answered evenly. Having become accustomed to dealing with a child psychopath every day for several years, Folken didn't find many things intimidating any more but the thought of Van never excepting him... never trusting again pained him deeply. Yet he found himself willing to accept that fate for there was no one to blame for their broken relationship but himself.

Van walked up to Folken, his eyes dangerously narrowed and his voice menacingly low. " I should cut out your icy heart right here and now." As the sword tip lightly tapped against Folken's chest, Van noticed no change in expression and frowned even deeper. " That is if you even have one."

Fearing that the conversation might end before it had a chance to begin, Folken tried to explain. " My intention is not to ask for your forgiveness. I know that what I have done is unforgivable."

Van blinked back tears and stepped away, suddenly desiring more distance between them. " Why did you do it?" He asked in a broken voice.

Folken felt himself tense as a new wave of guilt accosted him. He continued in a softer voice. "Van," He began. " think about what is most important for Fanelia right now. Think about what mother would want you to do."

Van shuddered at Folken's mention of their mother. He looked up into his brother's eyes and turned a shade paler. He spoke then, but his words were so soft Folken had to strain his ears to hear. " Mother died looking for you."

Folken sucked in a sharp breath, his face blanching. The last time he and Van had been together was quite brief and there wasn't much time to catch up on the past. At length he tried to speak again but this time his voice failed him. Van bit his lip and turned away. The two brothers fell into a heavy silence. Folken cursed himself for wounding Van yet again and even worse, for being the cause of their mother's untimely death.

At length Folken pushed aside his shock and grief and found his voice. " Van…I…I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

Van fought to keep his grief in check. But unwanted memories resurfaced of their own accord. The image of his mother's tear-stained face looking back at him for the last time threatened to bring him to tears. She had given him a gentle smile and walked into the forest, never to be seen or heard from again.

" Van…" Folken spoke softly, trying to him refocus.

Van sucked in a deep breath and wilted visibly, his fist clinging to the sword which quivered despite the effort it took for him to hide his pain. After a moment Folken dared to take a step closer. But this only served to fuel Van's anger.

" I thought you were dead!" Van shouted, raising his sword into a position of attack.

" Van, put your sword down. I'm not here to fight." Folken stated with a voice of calm authority.

Van glared at him. " When we finally met on the Vione after all these years, you turned your back to me and then you pricked me with your finger. Why would I want to let you near me again?" He hissed.

" Van…please…let us talk civilly." Folken entreated and reached for Van's sword. But Van suddenly lunged at him with a loud roar. Folken immediately side stepped and whipped out his sword just in time to parry another blow. He surprised at the power behind Van's attack and for several minutes the two said nothing more. Only the sounds of their swords clashing and clanging in the cool night air could be heard.

Van swung at Folken with an uncontrolled rage, his eyes blurring with tears. Folken kept all of his focus and energy on parrying Van's angry blows, allowing him to exhaust his strength before trying anything else. Finally, after blocking yet another blow with the aid of his mechanical arm, Folken spied an opening between swipes and masterfully knocked Van's sword out of his hand.

The movement sent the sword sailing into the air at the blink of an eye. It twirled and flipped, its metal face glinting in the moonlight. A moment later it pierced and firmly rooted itself into the ground. Van, undaunted, plowed into Folken's chest. Caught off guard Folken lost his breath and stumbled backwards. Trying to regain his footing he was unable to stop their momentum and, feeling uneven ground beneath his feet, only managed a quick glance behind himself before quickly wrapping his arms around Van and releasing his hold on his sword.

A moment later they tumbled, head over heels, down a steep hill to land in a stunned and tangled heap of arms and legs. Van, having landed on top and regained his senses a few moments before Folken, began to pummel him. All the confusion, all the pain and grief he felt erupted within his heart.

Folken instinctively shielded his face with his arms. "Van…stop!" He commanded, but Van didn't listen.

Aggravated, Folken knocked him off with one powerful swipe and wrestled him to the ground. " I am your brother, Van!" He stated sternly, grimacing at Van's continued struggles. " I am truly sorry that you have had to suffer so much, but you must put aside your anger at this moment and do what is right for your kingdom!"

Slowly Van's struggling ebbed away and Folken continued in a softer voice. " Your troubles are not over. There will be many obstacles to overcome in the rebuilding of Fanelia. Please, let me help you."

Van turned his face away and was relieved when Folken released him. Sitting up Van suddenly realized he was crying and angrily wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. Folken kept his face carefully guarded, but his eyes held tenderness.

" Van…I don't expect you to forgive me for what I have done. Let me help you rebuild Fanelia, and when that is accomplished you may do with me as you wish."

Van stared at him, carefully studying Folken's face to see if there was any hint of insincerity. But ten years of scientific experimentation, military discipline, and experience in political negotiations had given Folken a talent for hiding his emotions.

Blast him and his expressionless face! Van fumed to himself. What choice do I have? Hitomi said to be merciful…Fanelia will need more help than I alone can give...

After a few moments Van squared his shoulders looked at Folken resolutely. " Alright. I will accept your offer." He replied while rising to his feet. " But if I ever feel that your intentions are insincere I will kill you myself."

Folken nodded and picked himself up from the ground while Van climbed back up the hill. Folken watched him for a few moments before following. No further exchange of words were shared as they retrieved their swords and made their way down to the meadow below.