Author has written 43 stories for X-Men: The Movie, Dark Angel, Angel, Stargate: SG-1, Alias, Heroes, True Blood, and Once Upon a Time.
Time to update this properly now that I'm back. After a long break from ... well, everything ... I'm back to tinker and indulge my muse. She's been left unattended for so long that now she's just demanding the attention. I'm still reading/writing as much as ever, but my attentions have shifted and evolved, as I guess everyone's does from time to time.
Currently Reading
I've been utterly consumed by the epic true love incarnate that is Emma & Hook. I'm a Captain Swan girl at heart and I can't get enough whether it's anything from canon divergence to a modern AU, if Emma and Killian are involved, you've pretty much got me! (Be gentle, I bruise easily!)
Currently Writing
At this point Once Upon a Time and Captain Swan has my muse captive so anything new will involve this fiery, saviour princess and her devilishly handsome pirate captain.
Unfinished Works
I'm sorry to say that while I still get requests to continue, any unfinished DA stuff I have archived here will remain unfinished. It's been over a decade for most of it, real life prevented me from finishing them at the time and I just can't find my way back this far down the line. Heck before I could ever finish it, I'd have to rewrite most of it. While I don't think I'm anything remotely special at this point, I'd like to think my writing has developed over the years and I couldn't go back to my older work without giving it a beta and polish myself. Thank you everyone for your support in those early years though, I really had the best time and appreciate your taking the time to bother with my puny offerings in the universe of fic.