AN - this is an outtake from the very end of Chapter 5, before we meet up with them the next morning in Chapter 6. I pulled it out, because a CS make out session didn't feel right in what was a family story. Someone on tumblr requested smut, so I posted this there and I'm adding it here, but not changing the rating over the overall story. Don't read it if you don't like CS make out scenes (this is not smut.)

She pulled him inside her apartment and as she kissed him again added, "this is definitely more than just a one time thing."

He was not going to argue with Emma if she wanted to invite him in. But he wasn't going to press anything either. When she turned and closed the door behind them, she walked into the kitchen and immediately called out, "coffee?"

"No thank you, love. I'd like to be able to fall asleep sometime tonight."

Before he'd even finished responding, she had returned to the living room with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

"I like the way you think, Swan."

She poured them each a drink while he started the TV and they settled in on the couch, sitting much, much closer than they ever would had the boys been home.

He was grateful when Emma made the first move, sliding her hand onto his knee and turning back to him with a smile. Using his leg as leverage, she turned herself completely towards him and pressed her lips to his.

"You'll miss the movie, love." He mumbled, barely able to get the words out as her lips explored his.

"Don't care," she answered breathlessly.

Taking that as permission, he pulled her towards him, his hand at the back of her neck, and claimed her lips completely. If his earlier kisses had been tentative, that was gone. He was giving her everything now, ready to show her who he was. With one pass of his tongue, her lips spread and she granted him entrance, and the kiss deepened, their bodies pressed closer together. He pulled her into his lap, ready to kiss her until they forgot who they were.

Emma pulled back first. She was breathless as she spoke. "Killian, let's get rid of this first, okay?" She reached down and rolled up his sleeve, exposing the brace holding the attachment to his wrist. She studied it as she unhooked it, learning where all of the buckles connected, and when she finally freed his wrist, she pressed a kiss to every bit of exposed skin she could find, making sure he knew that this was a part of him, and something she accepted.

"Emma." He grasped her by the chin gently, turning her face to his and she looked up at him, her eyes wide. "You don't have to do that."

"Killian, it's part of you. I want to." She caressed his wrist in her hand as he reached to kiss her again, and their lips tangled.

Finally, they both pulled away. She rested her forehead on his, and he breathed deeply, appreciating all that was the glorious woman in his arms.

"You're tired love."

"Seems like a long day."

"Nothing to do with the dashing man kissing you senseless?"

"Hm, I thought I was the one kissing him senseless."

"Oh, you were love. I'm beyond all reason now, or I never would have stopped. But you are tired. Here." He settled her back into the cushions at his side, arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Let's actually enjoy watching a movie."

He looked down a few moments later, and noticed she was sound asleep. The smile on her face was all he needed to know it was a perfect evening.

As he grew tired, he needed to figure out what to do with himself for the night. He had no intention of leaving Emma to go back home, but he couldn't sleep sitting up. Carrying her to her room and climbing into bed with her there seemed too forward, regardless of where he felt their relationship was heading. Finally, he decided to take the back cushions off the couch, and stretched out, pulling her into his front. He turned down the volume on the TV and watched the screen, appreciating the woman he was holding in his arms. He wanted nothing more than for this to be part of the rest of his life.