Author has written 78 stories for Inuyasha, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/AC, Ranma, Naruto, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Legend of Zelda, Sonny with a Chance, Powerpuff Girls, Disney, Melissa & Joey, Scooby Doo, Alvin and the chipmunks, Bring it On, Fable, Hart of Dixie, Dance Central, and Fairy Tail.
EDIT: 10-13-13
This is a note to anyone who wants to check up on the status of a story.
These are also the only stories that are currently incomplete.
Not that drabble/one-shot collection series might be ongoing but may not be included here.
Are you stalking me?!
Chapter 30 posted 2-3-11.
Different Colors
Chapter 19 posted 10-25-10.
Ongoing story, I think.
Need to reread entire story again to regain... momentum?
Mission Improbable
Last updated 9-20-05.
Chapter 4 was started ages ago and still unsure of the fate of this fanfic.
Will not be taken down though.
For the Hearing Impaired
Chapter 21 posted 2-5-11.
Ongoing, one-shot/drabbles.
Chapter 5 posted 12-15-11.
Unsure right now.
All the small things
Chapter posted 9-26-12.
blossomingCurrently finished chapter 9, will start working on 10 soon.
No update until chapter 10 is complete.
Well, for the past couple of days I've been writing a multi-chaptered story.
It's PPG (Blossom mainly with some red action in there).
It's from this story I had tried to write like...two years ago,
which did not turn out like I wanted.
So I got around to rereading all the drafts I had,
tried to edit things to make it presentable,
and eventually gave up to start from scratch.
This is actually turning out better than I thought.
It's not done yet, maybe two more chapters
as well as a lot of editing.
It still feels a little stilted and lifeless, and it sucks when you read
something that doesn't really make you feel anything.
Writing should evoke emotion from the reader.
It's what I live for now.
Reading it. Writing it.
Sometimes it's so much better than watching a movie or TV show.
Hope you'll wait for it, and feel free to message me if you'd like
to know anything more.
Wrote another chapter for All the small things. Prolly update it in a few days,
considering that overwhelming response to the last chapter. Can't
blame ya.
I should get back to trying to figure out Skins... or Are you stalking me?
...or Different Colors. I feel like I can't even go back to that
last one, but I refuse to just say, "I give up."
Um, there were some random story ideas I wrote or tried to write
for various sections. But I dunno what's going on with some of 'em.
My writing folder on this computer is just a big mess.
Actually, when I look at all the things I've written and
published on this site, I'm totally amazed. It's nearing one hundred too!
How'd that happen?
This is for anyone who reads (and reviews) any of my stories:
If you don't quite understand something then it's fine to ask about it!
But I can't help you out when you review anonymously with a question
and there's no way for me to contact you!
You can always PM with your question instead of leaving a confused review.
When people do this and I have no way to clear things up for them
I feel helpless, and it's not a great feeling.
I am surprised to find that lately there are many people reading
my older fanfictions, though I have not updated anything in those
sections for some time.
It seems that new people are reading, favoriting and reviewing
these stories. It's random and peculiar to me. Feels strange to be
receiving this renown. Wondering how people are finding these
stories after so long...
Not that I am ungrateful. I am. I'm also happy to know that
what I write entertains and provokes thought from people,
no matter when you come across a story.
My only news right now is not good. The last few things I have
updated/written have taken me days to just get out a few
thousand words. Which is not up to my standards.
I have not been feeling well lately and I don't know
how long this will persist. Right now I've found a new
show to obsess over and that's what I'll be doing to
escape reality because writing is apparently becoming too
I will still try, of course. I still need a closing chapter to Subtle.
And I had planned on writing the next chapter to
Are you stalking me?!
We will see how things go.
I want to thank everyone who still thinks I've got it. Everyone who is still waiting
impatiently for my next update. Everyone who is rereading a story I have up, whether it's
a finished work or not. Thank you.
I want to thank anyone and everyone who reads/has read anything I have written. Thank
you for your reviews and support.
I'm glad that what I write entertains you, makes you happy and is thought-provoking (on
some level).