Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all the characters in them belongs to are creations made by Naoko Takeuchi that I have borrowed for this fiction. I do not own anything so please do not sue me. This fanfiction is only written for my own and others who love the serie and the characters and is not intended to be used for commercial gain or profit.

Character index


Arief: Master of Earth and teacher to the prince and his four guards.

Brighton: Lord Chancellor of Earth.

Celeste: Duchess of Randion. Formerly princess of Earth. Jadeite's grandam.

Cleo: Lady of Winsburn and Kunzite's fiancée.

Erland: Grand Duke of Cresthaven. Brother to James.

Elrond: Marquis of Windsburn. Jadeit'es father.

Endymion Darien "Dare": Prince of Earth and heir to the throne.

Feney "Demon": Captain and instructor to the group of new recruits including Usagi.

Hotaru: Daughter of Master Tomoe. Best friend of princess Terra.

Jadeite "Jade": Earl of Riversun. Personal body guard of the prince of Earth.

James "Jamie": Grand duke of Randion. Jadeite's grandsire.

Kunzite: Marquis of Sun Haven. Personal bodyguard of the prince of Earth and ambassador of Earth.

Nephrite "Neph": Honorary Squire. Personal guard of the prince of Earth.

Terra: Princess of Earth. Younger sister or Endymion.

Tomoe: Master of Earth. Father of Hotaru.

Zoicite "Zoi": Honorary Squire. Personal guard of the prince of Earth.


Freddy: Soldier of Jupiter. Mako's first love.

Gregor: King of Jupiter. Father of Mako.

Joran: High Lord and First advisor of the king of Jupiter.

Kayoko: Royal Knight – chief of security.

Magda: Queen of Jupiter. Mother of Mako.

Makato "Mako" Princess of Jupiter and heir to the throne. Alter ego Sailor Jupiter


Careina "Rei": Princess of Mars. Alter ego Sailor Mars. Acolyte priestess of Fierey.

Demos: Rei's Guardian Animal.

Fujiro: Acolyte priest of Fierey serving under the nine Elder Companions.

Hiro: Priestess of Fierey. One of the nine Elder Companions.

Marcus: High Elder, spiritual leader of the Order of Fierey.

Phobos: Rei's Guardian Animal.

Pythia: Queen of mars. Mother of Rei. Elder priestess of the Order Fierey.

Sarith: Priest of Fierey. One of the nine Elder Companions.

Shawna: Priestess of Fierey. One of the nine Elder Companions.

Templar: Priest of Fierey. Rei's temporary appointed Guardian Elder

Tetsuo: Elder priest of Fierey. One of the nine Elder Companions Rei's grandfather.

Yuichirou: Acolyte priest of Fierey serving under the nine Elder Companions.


Amelia "Ami": Princess of Mercury and heir to the throne. Alter ego Sailor Mercury.

Lysanna: Queen of Mercury. Mother of Amy. Chief Physician.

Mardus: Chief Physician of Aquarian Healer.

Roland: King of Mercury. Father of Ami.


Artemis: Queen's advisor. Moon Guardian.

Chevaine "Cheve": A minor lord of Mercia, one of the Twelve Houses.

Galain: Mina's coachman.

Galina "Lina": A minor lady of Tennor, one of the Twelve Houses.

Helios: Queen's advisor. The Royal Physician.

Luna: Queen's advisor. Moon Guardian.

Selenity "Selene": Queen of Moon. Mother of Usagi.

Serenity "Usagi": Princess of Moon and heir to the throne. Alter ego Sailor Moon


Aisha: Mina's personal maid.

Aphrodite: Queen of Venus. Mother of Mina and Elyse.

Elyse: Princess of Venus. Younger sister of Mina.

Minako "Mina": Princess of Venus. Alter ego Sailor Venus.

Trevor: King of Venus. Father of Mina and Elyse.


Archer: Leader of a mercenary group

Bear: Archer's left hand. The brute force.

Rogan: Archer's right hand. The cunning force.