Reviews for Straight Shooter
Japifonication chapter 1 . 4/27
Oh my god, Link’s Klavier Gavin
Tilty.bbb chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
This was a fantastic read well done
Leo de Cielo chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
Oh my god, I loved this too much. Great work
Ami chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
The loop of the text from the dark knight at the start to the fair haired hero at the end is my favorite! vvvvvv
Neetyneet chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
Good Lord, I love cocky Link. So nice to see a twist like this on his personality. And I like Zelda's tone, how she is cuttingly cruel only to mask her infatuation. A really satisfying read!
Zelgirl48 chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
I love love love this! I was laughing and smiling throughout the whole thing and even texting my friend about how great this was. I loved both characters and the ending was put together so well! thanks for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
I'm mainly writing this to inform you that I also have an inexplicable addiction to cookie dough icecream xD

But aside from that, I really like your writing style and I think you write your characters very well. But by the hells Link is irritating in this one! I imagine completely skipping the awkward phase of puberty and jumping straight into incredibly handsome hero at his prime would do that to a person lol. Good job. As a side note, I was expecting Zelda to win and Link respond to her claim of 'I get to marry the first decent person who knocks on my door' by actually making an effort and knocking on her door xD He could have been charming and a sarcastic ass simultaneously. I know you write this ages ago, but I've been reading your Zelda stuff a lot recently and figured I'd say something.
jessiejr21 chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
That was will done. Brovo
Washed Clean chapter 1 . 5/16/2014
This was gold. Seriously. I haven't seen a Link/OoTZelda fic of this caliber in a really long time. The detail was excellent, the characterization enjoyable. Special props to Link: he has critical flaws. He's handsome, but hasn't known the humility puberty would've given him. Still, he's a nice man, and an excellent character.

I think of Sheik as female, but besides that, I had a heck of a lot of fun with this. Great work! Imagining Zelda shoving Link down behind a barn was enjoyable, to say the least.

And I admit I had a little too much fun reading "He's sexy and he knows it".
Livvy22 chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
Great story!
ZombieDragon chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
Loved this one - great work.
justdoodlingaround chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
i loved every line of this
KaChan84 chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
loved it...thanks for sharing :)
djklfjs chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
cocky!link is hilarious...
EmeraldgreenTomboy chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
This is really a favorite of mine. I am not kidding. This was the best fanfic I have EVER read. I love the idea of a cocky Link, its hilarious! Oh, and Zelda's attitude towards Link is rather humorous as well. Excellent job! I hope you can write more fanfics like these in the future!
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