Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Rumiko
Takahashi and other respective companies and I am
in no way making any profit from this story. This
is just for my personal enjoyment and for the
enjoyment of those who may read this.

Rated: PG-13 (There's some making out that could be offensive to some readers, either because of the content or because it was so badly written!..LOL).

Email me with C&C: [email protected]

For the Love of Money and a Kiss to Boot

"Nabiki Tendo, what kami have I offended so that he may have punished me with your presence in my humble home?"

The middle Tendo sister gave a very unlady-like snort, knowing that the Kuno mansion was anything but humble, as she made her way past Tatewaki Kuno. After all, she had never cared for such formalities as being welcomed into a home. As far as she was concerned, if you were in her debt there was no reason that she _shouldn't_ be.

"Come on, Kuno-baby, have you no shame that you treat a lady in such a manner?" Nabiki made sure to sway her hips before deciding to sit atop Kuno's mahogany desk. She crossed her shapely legs and regarded him coolly.

Tatewaki shut the door behind him before making his way to one of the leather chairs in the Kuno office.

"I would should such a lady be in my presence."

Nabiki pushed her lower lip into a pout and gave him a feigned hurt expression. She lifted her hand to her forehead and gave him her best 'woe is me' pose.

'Oh Tatchi, why must you treat me so?'

Kuno, unimpressed with her theatrical performance replied just as she had expected him to.

'Let your concerns be known Nabiki Tendo, for I have not the time nor the patience to be with you all afternoon.'

The pout was instantly gone from her face and Nabiki's demeanor was once again that of a collected businesswoman.

'Well, it just so happens Tatchi, that I have a couple of new photographs you might be interested in.'

She pulled out a file from her brown leather attaché and waved it at Kuno.

'Might those be pictures that have captured the beauty of both the fair Akane and my pig-tailed goddess?'

He leaned forward, a strange gleam in his eye.

'They might be.' Nabiki uncrossed and crossed her legs once more, giving him the seductive smile that usually got her free drinks from some of the wealthiest businessmen who resided in Tokyo.

Kuno was oblivious to this grin, hypnotized by the file and the thought of the contents inside.

Nabiki flipped the file open, taking out a handful of pictures as she did so.

"Ooh, I think these might be my best works of art yet. Here's Akane stretching in the dojo. Here's one of your pig-tailed goddess on the beach in an _extremely_ revealing bikini."

Nabiki, too engrossed in her description of the pictures she was looking at, did not notice Kuno's nosebleed. Nor did she notice that he had turned various shades of red before passing out on the fine Persian rug.

"Let's see, these babies are probably worth about, oh 5000 yen don't you think?"

There was no answer, so Nabiki put down the pictures and looked to where Kuno had been sitting on the settee. That was funny, where had that babbling idiot gone off to?

"Oh my goddesses whose beauty cannot be held by pictures!"

Kuno jumped at Nabiki and reached out to take the pictures in his hand. With his disheveled hair and his glazed over eyes he looked quite the picture of the crazed rich man.

His intention was, of course, to reach for the pictures but his arms ended up enfolding something else instead. Something soft and curvy and...definitely something soft and curvy.

Nabiki looked down, mouth agape. She sure as hell wasn't going to let Kuno get a look at the goods until she got her money so she had, of course, snatched them out of the way just in time but...dammit, the idiot was getting a load of _her_ goods and...

"Kuno, you idiot! Get...off...of...me!"

Now, Nabiki Tendo was by no means a martial artist, nor was she prone to bouts of violence-she had people who did that kind of dirty stuff for her. But at that moment, she gave Kuno a sturdy kick to the head that would have impressed even the mallet wielding Akane Tendo had she been there to witness it.


Kuno mumbled something unintelligible before falling in a heap on the floor once more.

"Really Kuno-baby, the things you do for being such a delusional, narcissistic, flies for brains..."

Nabiki rattled of the list of things that could cause a man to act so foolishly. Not that she enjoyed it...much. Hell, who was she kidding? She loved telling Kuno why it was that he was such a low excuse for a human being. Besides, his ego needed to be put down a notch...or a hundred actually. Either way, she couldn't bear to listen to Kuno's "Top ten reasons I am god's gift to women" monologue. She would rather start giving money out to all the blind beggars she met on the street.

It was awhile before Kuno recovered from Nabiki's blow but recover he did and he was up once more. This time he was not so rash to lunge at Nabiki. After all, things did not fare too well for him whenever he was rash. Come to think of it, they didn't fare well at all.

So he walked back to his executive chair and placed his feet atop the desk...and enjoyed the view.

Nabiki Tendo was, after all, not unattractive. Hell, she had serious curves that would rival any of the girls in his por...err, in magazines.

From where he was sitting he suddenly wondered how he had overlooked the middle Tendo daughter. How had he missed placing her on his "women I will one day conquer with my dashing good looks and my utterly irrepressible charm" itinerary?

The champagne-colored blouse she was wearing did nothing to hide her smooth, well-muscled back. Kuno's eyes followed the curve of her back until he reached her round...

Yes, he definitely should have put her on the list. He would have too, if he didn't loathe her so much.

He saw her shoulders tense and she finally slid off his desk and turned to face him.

"Are you done admiring my impressive physique or would you like to see more Kuno-baby?"

She undid two of the buttons on her shirt so that he could see the line between her breasts.

He suddenly wondered what it would be like to fluster Nabiki Tendo. If it could be done, then the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High would certainly be the one to do it.

"The Blue Thunder would not mind getting a glimpse of your assets now that you offer them so generously. Wouldst thou like for me to lead the way to my chambers where we can both partake in the showing of parts?" Kuno seemed much like a panther on the prowl with Nabiki as his prey. Much to Nabiki's chagrin, he seemed very much in control at the moment.

Nabiki took a step back, startled by the comment. Kuno was supposed to stutter and lose what little self-control he possessed. On his best days he was at least supposed to get panic-stricken.

If Nabiki had learned anything about Kuno Tatewaki, it was that he lived to chase after women. That was where the thrill was, in the chasing. She was more than sure that once he got the woman he would have absolutely no idea what to do with her. _She_ was supposed to be in control.

"Ahem...well." Nabiki cleared her throat before slipping on her mask of control. It was never good to lose control. Kuno was the prime example.

"Oh Tatchi, I doubt that you could handle me if I followed you into your chambers so why don't I save you the complete and utter humiliation?" Nabiki smirked at him and took a seat in one of the nearest chairs. Take that, you arrogant jackass.

Kuno returned the smile and their eyes remained locked, neither combatant wanting to back down. After a few seconds of silence, Kuno spoke.

"Never mind that. There are more important matters we need to discuss."

It was funny, Nabiki thought, the guy could slip out of that Shakespearean dialect so easily that she often wondered if maybe she wasn't the only one who played her role well. Impressive.

"So, Nabiki Tendo, what's your asking price?"

Nabiki raised a perfectly manicured hand in front of her, glad that she had chosen the blue nail color. It brought out the color in her eyes.

"Six thousand yen."

"But I thought you said five thousand earlier?"

Nabiki clucked her tongue in her mouth.

"Now I've told you time and time again that, for you, thinking isn't such a good idea Tatchi. Six thousand yen."

"You manipulative..."

"Seven thousand yen and a Gucci bag."


"Four thousand yen, a Gucci bag, and a kiss."


Kuno stared, dumbfounded ,at Nabiki. He could not have been more surprised if she had jumped out of her chair and started singing "I'm Every Woman" with a banjo in her arms.

"Why so surprised Kuno baby? I mean, I've sort of been wondering what all your fuss is about. You claim to be a heartthrob that can satisfy any woman should said woman give him a chance."

He opened and closed his mouth but no sound came out.

"So here's your chance oh 'Mighty Blue Thunder.' Here's your chance to make me swoon. Prove yourself."

Kuno regained a semblance of composure but even then he could not figure the young woman out.

She had lowered the price of the pictures. Nabiki Tendo _never_ did that. Hell would freeze over and Kuno would lose his virility before that ever happened. But here she was, the little minx, accepting less monetary payment and asking for a kiss.

More amazing was the fact that she _wanted_ to kiss him. And she was awake. And she wasn't drunk. That was the amazing part. A beautiful, ruthless, sober woman wanted to kiss the Blue Thunder.

An image of the two of them locked in a passionate embrace with hands roaming and other improper things appeared in his mind and it was all he could do not to pass out again.

Suddenly, Kuno wasn't so sure this was such a great idea. This had to be an evil ploy to make him her fool. No one made a fool out of Kuno Tatewaki but the Blue Thunder himself.

"Why the bargain price Nabiki?"

Nabiki shrugged her shoulders.

"The laugh I'll get out of your lack of skill will be compensation enough. Besides, I've got a stash of pictures at home that you'll soon pay an exorbitant amount of money for."

She smiled, a wicked gleam in her blue eyes.

"I'll make up for it. One way or another."

Kuno was momentarily speechless. Nabiki Tendo never ceased to amaze him with her ability to confuse him. Oh kami, how he hated her.

Never one to be silent for long, he came up with a retort. Without thinking, of course.

"Be careful what you say Tendo. You may think me the fool's fool but I just may prove that the fool's fool is no fool at all."

Damn, that had sounded suave when he said it in his head.

Nabiki snickered, Kuno's sheepish look getting the best of her. That had probably sounded really good when he thought it. Filthy rich fool.

"So what'll it be, Kuno? Will the Blue Thunder rise to the challenge, or has he been shouting falsehoods to us all along?"

That one had to sting, she thought.

Damn her that one stung, thought Kuno.

Not that he'd ever show it of course.

Kuno opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of bills, which he waved in front of Nabiki's face.

He could practically see the dollar signs as her eyes glazed over. Why, the girl was practically lathing at the mouth. How foolish that she would be so emotional when it came to money.

Even Tatewaki Kuno was wise enough to know that you never showed signs of weakness in front of your foes. No siree, Tatewaki Kuno had yet to break down over anything. It just was not his style.


The small ninja, who had been clinging to the ceiling during their conversation flew down, landing softly beside his master.

"Yes Master Kuno?"

Kuno signaled the ninja with a wave of his hand .

"Get Miss Tendo a 'Gucci' bag from the private Kuno supply."

Translation: Sneak into my demented sister's room and steal one of hers.

"Certainly, sir."

The ninja was gone and back in a few seconds and he graciously placed the bag in Nabiki's hands.

"Not bad. But why black? Well, I guess it'll go well with my...um, Kuno?"


"Why is the bag filled with dead rose petals? And I might be mistaken, but I don't think Gucci ever added whips, chains, handcuffs, or blindfolds to his list of handbag accessories."

Beads of sweat made their way down Kuno's face. How could he have forgotten his sister's masochist tendencies?

"Er, Sasuke, hold Miss Tendo's bag until I give her leave and be gone until I call you once more."

He clapped his hands for extra emphasis and the ninja was gone in the blink of an eye.

"How long did it take you to train _him_ Tatchi?"

"Only as long as it will take me to impress you with my kissing skills Nabiki."

Kuno really was unpredictable. He was actually addressing her by her first name instead of addressing her with his usual formalities. Maybe...maybe it was time that she started giving him the same kind of semi-respect.

Nah, it'd just make him feel that she was taken by him and _that_ could lead to him getting the silly notion that there could be something between them. _Then_ he might decide to lavish her with expensive gifts and...

Nabiki cleared the unthinkable out of her mind. Really, some of Kuno's delusional thinking must have rubbed off on her.

"It takes a _lot_ to impress me Kuno-baby and I doubt you have the time to try to do it. But, just because I'm curious and because I'll probably be able to make loads of money by letting Furinkan High know that you're all bark and no bite...bring it on."

"Oh, but you certainly don't think that the Blue Thunder will reduce himself to taking your commands, did you? I thought you were smarter than that Nabiki."

Kuno's smile was making her nervous. She couldn't quite put a finger on it but...Kuno seemed almost...confident.

"Your payment's in my hands. _You_ come to _me_."

He patted the edge of his desk where, if Nabiki wanted the money badly enough, she would sit facing him.

She might as well have given him a lap dance.

Nabiki felt the anger bubble up in her. That jerk.

"Oh no you don't. _I've_ got the pictures."

Kuno's smile grew wider and he placed the money on the table.

"Come on, Nabiki. Have you forgotten that I have a gallery of pictures all over the house and in my room? Whether or not I get this collection from you is of no importance to me. I hope I didn't mislead you with my earlier, less controlled reaction."

He started to count the money and...

'Damn him, he's right' she thought.

"You know I'm right Nabiki."

No. If the fool thought for one minute that she was going to, to _go_ to him...

Contrary to popular belief, the 'Ice Queen' had feminine dignity.

Nabiki rose from the chair, placing the pictures inside the attaché.

"It was nice _not_ doing business with you Kuno-baby." The words seemed foreign to her even as she said them.

She felt her footsteps heavy and it was all she could do not to rush back and tell Kuno that she'd strip for him...just for the money.

"Twenty thousand yen."

He said the words casually, as if the sum weren't enough to feed a starving family in Zimbabwe.

Besides, they still needed to patch up the roof at home and replace the wall that Ryoga had blasted away with one of his depression blasts.

Nabiki sighed. Okay, she'd...go...to him and then he'd give her an inexperienced peck and then it'd be over and she'd be free to spend her money.

That was simple enough.

She took a deep breath and turned back to Kuno.

"I was wondering when you'd up the price. Just so you know, I'm only doing this for the money."

"I know."

It was that simple because, after all, Nabiki Tendo did anything for money.

Kuno didn't have to know that it was more for her family than anything else.

He also didn't have to know that she was...curious...about kissing him...maybe even looking forward to it.

Nabiki dropped the attaché on a nearby chair and walked to Kuno, her deep breaths betraying the nervousness she was feeling at the moment.

It wasn't that she hadn't kissed anyone before, not exactly.

Well, truth was, she hadn't.

Everyone assumed that, because she was so aggressive when it came to business and was a bit more experienced in some areas then she'd naturally have the opportunity to kiss someone.

Unfortunately, this could not have been farther from the truth. Nabiki, with her stone cold expressions and her notorious reputation as the woman who'd get you to sell your mother's soul to her intimidated guys.

Truth be told, she scared the hell outta them.

Oh, they eyed her whenever she passed by. She did, after all, wear the two favorite colors of any guy who read xxx manga...short and tight.

But that was as far as things usually got.

Most of the guys were already chasing after her little sister anyway. Even the bravest of the group would have preferred physical pain to falling under Nabiki's clutches.

After all, you could recover from physical wounds, but once you got into debt with Nabiki, you'd drown in it.

The point was that Nabiki had never been kissed or groped by a guy.

It was the best-kept secret at Furinkan High.

Sometimes she wished that she could let her mask slip a little and be a normal teenage girl with guys following her like a bunch of pathetic, lovesick puppies.

Oh sure, she'd make fun of the idiots that followed her sister around. They were pathetic little boys who wouldn't know what to do with a real woman if they ever found her.

But a part of her wanted to be admired and liked and desired.

Silly Nabiki...she actually had girlish hopes.

Oh how she envied Shampoo.

But being normal and "cute" didn't pay the bills. Besides, you had to give certain things up for money.

That was something Nabiki had learned a long time ago.

Kuno stood as Nabiki sat on the edge of his desk so her feet were dangling. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

'Think of it as a business transaction,' she thought.

It seemed easy enough. Just close her eyes and fulfill her end of the bargain.


Her heart was thumping and it was Kuno for goodness sake's! Why did she have to-

And suddenly his lips were pressed on hers, softly at first, and then with an urgency that made her tingle all over.

Nabiki froze, completely caught off guard. Dear kami what was she supposed to do now?

Not knowing how [because she knew any idiot could have swindled her out of her money at that moment, her thoughts were so jumbled] she got her wits about her and lost herself in the sensations that imploded in her body.

The kiss was exhilarating and she could feel him cup her cheek with one hand and she smelled his cologne and it was wonderful and kami she wished it would never end!

He wove his fingers through her hair with another hand and they were gentle...and she felt herself responding and it wasn't a simple kiss anymore.

She felt his tongue in her mouth and she knew she had to have stopped breathing because she felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

But it was as if Kuno was sensing what she must have been feeling because he stopped.

And Nabiki didn't want him to.

So she timorously placed _her_ tongue in _his_ mouth and lost herself in the feeling.

Kuno, on the other hand, had stopped thinking for awhile now. Well, he'd stopped thinking altogether ever since he'd entered grade school, but that was beside the point.

He never knew that being with a girl, much less Nabiki, could feel so..._good_. All his fantasies about Akane Tendo and his pig-tailed goddess paled in comparison to this reality.

He was kissing Nabiki Tendo, the girl who had exploited him ever since they'd been children in grade school when she had sold him dirt for 1000 yen.

And she was _kissing him back_.

Kuno caught the faint scent of her perfume and it was so unlike Nabiki. Or maybe it was much like the Nabiki he never got to see.

It was light and sweet and flowed gently, almost cautiously, towards him. It surrounded him and he felt dizzy and exhilarated by it.

Or maybe it was the kiss.

Nabiki, herself was soft and...

Oh what glorious kami could have done him the favor?

Neither noticed that they had been sinking back slowly until Nabiki lay on the desk, her legs around Kuno.

Neither seemed to care that Kuno had started unbuttoning Nabiki's shirt, or that Kuno's had gently placed his hand on her flesh, something that sent chills down both their spines.

It wasn't until there was a soft knock at the door that both reluctantly broke the kiss.

They stared at each other, their eyes communicating.

'I could send whoever it is with the wave of my hand,' his seemed to say.

'I know,' hers replied.

She almost told him to keep going.


"Master Kuno?"

He stood, taking her hand so that she too could rise.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Master..."

She ran her hand through her hair trying to put it back into place.

"I would come back later but this is really important."

Kuno turned his back to her so that she could adjust her blouse.

"Master? I know I'm displeasing you but..."

He felt her place her hand on his shoulder and so he turned back, not exactly knowing what to expect.

What if it had all been just part of the bargain?

He wasn't sure how he'd feel about that.

Nabiki surprised him yet again by placing her hands on either side of his head.

She drew his lips to her mouth and kissed him roughly.

When she was done she looked straight into his eyes and whispered something that left him deep in thought hours after he saw her walk away through the office doors.

"That one was on the house."

Author's Notes:
First off, I want to thank everyone who's given me feedback on Chapter 1 of 'The Truth.' You guys are truly kind. I'm still trying to work out some of the kinks in the story and yes, I _am_ working on part two but I had to take a break and write this in between. Please be advised that I have found no victims willing to read my work so it might need a bit of editing (well, maybe a lot but just get lost in the moment people! ^_^). I know that Nabiki is extremely OOC but...I don't care! I was inspired one day and I just couldn't let this idea go. It was supposed to be more of a comedy but I just kept getting this image of Nabiki Tendo waving a hatchet at me and yelling: I WANT SOME DARNIT!! (Actually, her speech was filled with more expletives but I had to edit _that_ out.). In any case, I wanted something sweet to happen to both characters and thought it would be cool that it'd start off as part of a deal and then turn into something more. Another inspiration kicked in concerning a Shampoo/Mousse, Ryoga/Ukyo, and Kasumi/Pantyhose Tarou (yes, *Pantyhose*...I've read a few fics that make this pairing extremely appealing). But you'll have to wait for those, at least until I get feedback concerning THIS fic. So how about it? E-mail me [email protected] [or just leave feedback in the fanfiction.net feedback forum] with C&C. I ALWAYS read them (although I've been delayed in responding but now that school's out I'll be more prompt...promise).
Well, back to work on "The Truth."

Sonia M.

"Cause I really need somebody, tell me are you that somebody?"-Aaliyah "Are You That Somebody?"