![]() Author has written 64 stories for S.A, Powerpuff Girls, Gakuen Alice, Naruto, Harry Potter, and Inception. I'm Nanaho-hime and I float around the fandoms writing about the obscure side pairings or whatever really strikes my fancy. You can call me Nana if it's easier, or you can call me Remy, you can call me whatever you like actually... A Little About Me: I thrive on the rare and obscure. I love coming up with new pairings, and I love those characters that everyone seems to hate :) I love taking so called "children's shows" and putting a completely different spin on them (it's so much fun experiment with the characters i adored as a child). Ships that I Sail I experiment with MANY pairings, but my absolute favorites are Lucy/Lorcan Lily/Lysander Rose/Scorpius Teddy/Victoire Harry/Pansy Ron/Astoria Draco/Ginny Draco/Hermione (I'm pretty torn between the two :( ) Blaise/Hermione Blaise/Ginny Alicia/Viktor (i read the funniest fic ever about these two and I can't find it but now i can't picture them with anyone else) Charlie/Lavender AliceRemus FleurRemus SiriusLily SiriusPetunia SiriusAlice FabianNarcissa LuciusNarcissa FrankAlice LilyFrank yes, i do plan on writing something for every single one of these pairings :) For the LucyLorcan pairing, I'm the one who first wrote Lorcan as a musician :), afterwards it just kind of stuck and others began writing him as a musician. It would be cool if people credited me, but you know, whatever :) Tis all good :D Proud member of Slytherin house on the Hogwarts Online forum. Come join us, get in Slytherin and earn us some points! (Because we all know perfection is far more fun than bravery.) My Projects: DOES NOT INCLUDE MY TEN MILLION ONESHOTS! :-) Class Act-done for the SA fandom and the Megumi/Yahiro pairing. A short One-shot but I'm rather fond of it =) Status: Completed Strangers On The Sidewalk- done for the PPG fandom and the BrickBlossom pairing. A blast back to my past, and I like it well enough. I had a lot of fun with it in anycase and if people like it I'm willing to continue. Status: FINISHED No Sale- I love NejiIno and the Naruto fandom is great for creativity. A little oneshot that was fun to write. Status: COMPLETED Roomies- I love the RukaHotaru pairing so very much. My absolute favorite pairing in the fandom, and I vow to add as many of these to the fandom as possible so here's RukaHotaru number one Status: Working on chapter 3 Runaway in the Attic- NejiInoGaara I love crack pairings! :) Multi-chaptered, shortish, maybe about 4-5 chapter long Status: Working on chapter 3 Owned- my first and certainly not my last GA fic. I'm unsure if I'll keep it though :I It depends on the feedback I get because this one's kind of long. I like where it will go though and I'm hoping others will give it a chance :) Status: Is off its temporary hiatus! But updates will be ridiculously slow because its not really a priority The Thing About Lilies-just a drabble series, 100 chapters long, it's kind of insightful and i'm intending to take a psychological spin on it so check it out if your interested: Working on Drabble 4 shiver- my take on the arranged marriage between Harfang Longbottom and Callidora Black, I think I only have three or more chapters to go in this one, but I'm kind of uninspired at the moment. It should come back to me eventually...:Working on Chapter 4 A Crack in the Sidewalk- the sequel to Strangers on the Sidewalk. This is a big, daunting project, a lot less slice of life and a lot more angst (if you can imagine), I'm actually really worried about how I'm going to pull this one off, but hopefully in will work (2 of 3) This should be about ten chapters long Working on: Chapter 3 Paper Houses-PPG fandom. This one I'm really excited for, it should be about the same length as SOTS, but their powers are more involved and theres more a journey in this one. I like where it's going and hopefully I'll be able to finish it up. Coffee Shop Heiress- My first venture into the iCarly fandom. Seddie, should be fairly short, around five chapters. The writing style is experimental for this one. Updating is not a priority here so sorry if you're waiting! Momentous Enough- For a challenge. 30 drabbles in 30 days for the LucyLorcan pairing in the HP fandom (WHICH I ADORE). It's short, it's fun. Basically it's just a writing exercise for me. Drabble 3 should be up today! Temporary Hiatus Spin- I'm just not feeling it, I've run out of steam Owned- This one might be deleted, I've no interest in it at all Oneshots I write tons of oneshots whenever I get inspired for tons of fandoms, that I'm just starting to get into so check them out if you like my writing style :-) Challenges/Contests: I've finished a lot of challenges and contests. Check em out if it strikes your fancy Awards Property Tax was one of the winners of the As Lover's Go Contest =) an unromance for our forefathers won second place in angelin's RoseScorpius Contest. Reasons recieved an honorable mention for the first NatsumeSeries contest. Requests: Because I have more free time lately I will be taking requests, for fandoms that I'm familiar with, and het pairings, I will be taking 3 requests at a time so feel free to PM me with your request I'm familiar with several different fandoms, so PM me the fandom and I'll see if I know what you're talking about To anyone who takes the time to review, you have no idea how happy they make me. I treasure every one, and so thank you to everyone who has reviewed my stories. You guys are the best! Nanaho-Hime is on fictionpress! nanarelle Check out her original work if her writing strikes your fancy! Alright major pet peeve that has really been bothering me lately. When someone favorites a story, adds it to alerts and then doesn't review. All that does is discourage me, I don't want to update if I see that. It doesn't have to be long and elaborate and if its multi chaptered it doesn't have to be for every chapter, but I'd like a little feedback as to why you favorited and/or alerted my stories. Thank you :) Much Love, Nanaho-Hime |
Community: | Lucy and Lorcan: It's addictive, seriously |
Focus: | Books Harry Potter |