Reviews for Boyfriend
EmmaCarstairs01 chapter 17 . 7/18
loved this whole story so much! thank you3
EmmaCarstairs01 chapter 16 . 7/18
holy fuckkkk this chapter. i know it was necessary for the drama but lily is being so stupid
Kasty11 chapter 2 . 7/3
I really loved this story! The internal dialogue and the chemistry was amazing. The last two chapters broke my heart because Lily went too far... It was painful to read. Definitely self-sabotaging. It made me sad for James. But anyway well done for writing a very moving story. James was wonderful!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/16
how goo d can you get
Guest chapter 16 . 6/7
I love this. Please can they get back together!
GooberPea chapter 17 . 6/4
WOW you really broke my heart in chapter 16, but I think the growth you gave the characters was wonderful!
Sky chapter 17 . 5/27
It was awesome but I can’t help but wish that the story continued while they were at Hogwarts
poorladymontague chapter 17 . 5/21
Thanks for writing this! :)
Wanderlustatheart chapter 17 . 5/13
This story was veeery cuute, thank you very much:)
Wanderlustatheart chapter 16 . 5/13
Only one chapter left, but I’ve got to say, this story has been so entertaining and this before last chapter was reaallly good! I always imagined James would be crazy stubborn when it came to Lily and you showed that very well.
MJ chapter 11 . 5/12
Good luck with your guy!
I'm scared for James - he will undoubtedly kiss her, and her father might hear.
Although now I'm kind of scared about what Ginny's boyfriends had to endure...
harrypotternerdgirl chapter 17 . 5/3
What a cute story!
Nina of Fairy Tail chapter 17 . 4/16
This... THIS WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT! Damn, both Sirius Black and I were and probably still are giggling like loons. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
Bdaygirl chapter 7 . 3/31
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiiiiiiii likeeeeeeeeeeeee yourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr storyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Emma chapter 6 . 3/30
i think you wonderful author
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