

Summary–Sometimes you don't need to say the words out loud to let someone know how you feel. Drabbles/one-shots for romance, sibling bonds, friendship, family...

Disclaimer–I do not own The Powerpuff Girls, which belongs to its respective owner(s) and is only being used in a fan-made, fictional story.


Title–For the Hearing Impaired

Chapter 1–Red

By–Moon Prynces


She hated the job they were currently stuck doing.

Another "heated debate" with him during class led to detention for both of them. And today's detention was purely paper-work.

They were to make enough packets for the entire student body on the new (ahem) dress code – to be followed at all times. This meant, making copies of all ten pages (back and front!), putting them in order and then stapling.

The teacher expected at least a third of this task to be done in the next two hours. She obviously had more faith in that copy machine than anyone who actually used it on a regular basis.

Blossom sighed for the nth time and hit the copy button again.

So far she only had three more pages to copy before they could start stapling. And while she leaned over the copy machine like it was the only thing keeping her upright, Brick sat calmly on top of the table opposite it in the small room and watched her.

They hadn't spoken to each other since getting sentenced earlier that day.

Brick stared at Blossom's back as she grabbed the finished stack and placed it on another table next to the machine before putting the next to copy about a bazillion times.

Every fifteen minutes he would open his mouth, but after an intake of breath and a moment's hesitation he would close it and remain quiet.

He knew when she was done with the copies because she wordlessly moved the stack onto the table before turning to him with a hard stare.

He immediately jumped off the table and grabbed the stapler to hold up.

Blossom had to roll her eyes. One stapler. One! Were they really expected to get anything done?

She went to the larger table, where he sat before, and started grabbing one paper from each stack (in order), then moved to the smaller table to finish the packet with the remaining three stacks there.

She handed him the finished packet. He stapled. She was already working on the next.

This routine continued on seamlessly, neither of the two speaking or making any sounds at all. Blossom was too focused to begin sighing again and Brick didn't look at her as he took each packet to staple.

It was tedious. It was boring. She almost forgot stack number 5 but remembered just in time.

She handed him another packet and looked to their slowly growing pile of The Completed.

She sighed and snatched from stack 1, and then 2, and then she gasped and dropped what she was holding.

Brick turned his head towards Blossom as she made a hiss of pain, hunching over in the other direction.

Still, he put down the stapler and walked over, even as she tried to keep her hand hidden from him and ignored his presence.

He smiled and slowly reached around to grab her hand anyway. She tugged a bit, but refused to look at him.

His gaze went from her reluctant face to the slit made across two fingers – not deep or open enough for blood to come out but still looking red with just enough sting.

Brick felt as she tried again to pull away from his grip.

And then he noticed he had been wrong. It was starting to bleed a little.

So he did the only thing that seemed natural.

He stuck the two fingers in his mouth (not mindful of where her hands had been) and sucked to take away any excess blood and temporarily slow down circulation in those digits.

Blossom's head snapped up in surprise when she felt the unexpected action.

Brick smiled when he caught her eyes. He pulled away her fingers and stared. As much as he wished he had the magic touch, they still needed a band-aid or something. Even if it was only to make her feel better (because the bleeding had basically ceased).

So he kept the hold on her hand and dragged her out to the nurse's office to ask for some (and of course they'd use the sink to wash her hands of his saliva because that wasn't curative...or sanitary).

Sorry, he said without words. I'll make it better, Blossom heard.

And they both knew he didn't mean the measly injury she'd attained.

So she didn't fight him for her hand back, or argue when he carefully washed it and put on two band-aids, one for each finger.

He didn't notice her subdued behavior.

Because all he heard was, Thanks.




I have three chapters written so far, one for each couple of PPG/RRB. They aren't connected in any way but have that similar theme between them. Who knows, maybe I'll write more but the status of the story will be 'Complete' from the beginning because each chapter is separate.

So far I think I like this chapter best. I'll post the next in a few days.

Thanks for reading, and if you wanna see what I'm up to then check my profile for updates.

Also, I'm not sure if the title for this fic might come across as offensive to anyone and I am sorry if you do get offended. My advice to you is...Get. Over. It. =]

You know I like this idea so much I think it might be nice to extend it beyond romance and into family or friendship... Hmm... Time will tell, right?

