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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Glee. Favourite TV Shows: Charmed, Glee, Doctor Who, Torchwood (before Children of Earth, Ianto still lives, BITCHES!!!), Heroes (Damn NBC & Tim Kring for not continuing or at least giving fans a mini-series to answer all the questions). Favourite Movies: The X-Men franchise, Harry Potter Favourite Books: Xanth series by Piers Anthony, Harry Potter Favourite Fanfiction Categories: Glee, Smallville, Heroes My thoughts on the Glee characters: Kurt Hummel: This young man is who I wished I had been in school. He is incredibly talented, devoted to his friends and family, strong willed and more than capable of defending himself (if only he would more often) as well as his friends. Rachel Berry: I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I was watching the Rachel Berry Hour. I was under the impression that Glee was about a group of young men and women who join together as underdogs and celebrate their common interests as a team. Please, someone, anyone explain to Ms. Berry that there is no "I" in team. Sam Evans: Hot, adorable, honourable. Prior to season 2, I was under the impression that Sam was to become Kurt's much awaited boyfriend. Indeed, everything that I read up to Duets indicated that he would be. Damn RM for being such a hypocritical cock blocker! Blaine Anderson: I like the idea of Blaine, and please make no mistake, Darren Criss is quite talented and attractive. Blaine as he has been written from day one has shown himself to be immature, emotionally retarded (to a degree that would make Finn Hudson blush), and abusive. He's also a hypocrite and cheating bitch. "Family friendly" texts with Sebastian? PLEASE! The only thing family friendly about the Meerkat is his "Leave It to Beaver" haircut. Finn Hudson: Can we truly justify someone who claims to be supportive and loving toward his brother (Kurt) when he routinely overlooks the simple and basic fact that he excludes his smarter and generally more mature brother now that he's no longer trying to improve his own grades? "No one gets left behind"? Ehem! Noah "Puck" Puckerman: The mostly reformed bad boy is hot, sexy and probably bisexual. A word about shipping wars: There is more than enough room on this site for everyone to have their own corner of the playground. If your OTP is Klaine, more power to you. Kindly show sufficient respect toward others that we who choose to read and write other pairings may do so in peace. Perhaps that is wishful thinking on my part, but I hold that we all have the right to see these characters as we wish, as long as we respect other people's right to their own opinions. Do I wish to have the Klainers banned from writing on this site? Hardly. My personal OTP's are Purt and Hevans, with a penchant for SPuRT (Sam/Puck/Kurt). I have read many pairings, and found some lovely stories with Kurt matched up with Finn, Blaine, Dave Karofsky, even Santana Lopez. I have no problem enjoying such stories, even though my preference is for Kurt to be with strong, honourable men who will unconditionally support and love him. Blaine, as he is in canon, need not apply. That said, I must admit that a certain Julesmonster (and I'm both thanking you and cursing you for this) has written a lovely Klaine story that has giving me quite a lot of enjoyment. The story is enough to make a believer out of this anti-Blaine reader. I'll hide in my corner now. Thoughts on Charmed: This programme was fantastic in so many ways. It showed strong, independent and powerful women in a positive light, it gave rational and logical explanations for fantasy themes, and it showed what a character-driven drama could accomplish if the right people pulled together. Seasons 1 through 3 will always be part of my most enjoyable viewing time. After the loss of Prue's character, not so much. The show still had something, but a great deal was lost. In the words of another writer, suddenly the show became the Amazing Piper Halliwell and her sisters who dress (and frequently act) like sluts. Prue is, was and ever shall be the strongest and best character ever written for a supernatural/fantasy programme. While she is headstrong, stubborn and frequently given to extremes where her responsibilities lie and ignores the basics of having an actual (what is that word?) LIFE, she is an amazing woman. Were I female, I would want to be Prue Halliwell. Piper: This is a woman who will always be a great mother figure. Even prior to becoming a mother, she displayed nurturing, caring, loving strength in so many ways. The two greatest strengths of a mother (and I learned this from my own mother and my grandmother) are her fear and her anger. Fear for the safety, happiness and general well-being of her children. Anger at anything that threatens her family. Piper has both qualities in abundance, and is not afraid to let them loose on her targets. Phoebe: Baby sister with a lack of vision, but an enormous drive to prove herself. Sounds like me, most days. In order to counter her family's beliefs in her failures, she develops talents that force her to have not only clear vision of the world around her, but finds ways to help others and compensate for her assumed short comings. Got to love a woman who can kick box like a champ! Paige: Lost and found half-sister with a need to fit in somewhere (anywhere!). She goes against every rule (just as Phoebe did), tries too hard to prove herself capable of filling in Prue's vacancy (Piper) and challenges authority with every action she takes (Prue). Methinks the writers just couldn't make up their minds about the girl. Pity. She had potential, but was in fact very poorly written. Leo: Hot, an absolute angel (literally), and can literally mend a broken heart. What's not to love about this guy? Had Chris not forced his future on the whitelighter, Leo would never have been broken away from his family, and probably would have become mortal later, so he could grow old with Piper. The way it was handled just did not work for me. Pity. "Fell from grace", yeah, with a lot of help from Odin. I still say he didn't fall, he was pushed. Pity the show's writers didn't see the point in handling things better. Wyatt: Anyway you slice it, Wes Ramsay is one of my favourite bits of eye-candy, and the man can act. Make him a nearly all-powerful hybrid? He can pull it off. Make him more evil than the Source, he still looks doable. Clean cut and preppy? I want to tempt him with cookies and milk, then tie him to my bed for a month! Chris: A boy comes all the way from a dark and dismal future to save his family and prevent big brother from becoming the ultimate bully. I can think of no better reason to applaud the man. The means he used, the manipulations and lies, not to mention the devastation in his wake, I can not excuse so readily. To paraphrase Kipling: There can be no greater treason, than to do the wrong thing for the right reason. Chris is a prime example of the ends do not justify the means. Sorry. Billy: Perky, bubbly, blonde. Look! It's a walking Smiley Face. Someone throw a pie at it. Her powers were unrealistic at best. A new witch so powerful that not even the Charmed Ones could match her? What universe are you in, Brad Kern? Projection is a cool power, but honestly! I can't look at the girl and see someone capable of overcoming the Charmed Ones. I'm currently working on several stories, and no, "For Good" has not been abandoned. I will most likely pull this one from the site eventually so I can rework it and either clean it up quite a bit or put it on another site. I truly haven't decided which. I've been through a great deal of personal trauma recently. Sadly, this has kept me from writing as I honestly should. Writing has been my breath of sanity nearly my entire life. Shame on me. I'm back now, and I have no intention of stopping again. Thank every one of you who has enquired, I'm still alive and writing. Jason Dragon |