Title: What You Least Expect
Rating: R/M
Characters: Kurt, Puck, Rachel, Finn, and Blaine
Character Pairing: Puckurt, Finchel, and Klaine
Word Count:
Genre: Romance/Humor/Shape-shifting/Slash
Summary: Kurt adopts a cat named Puck from the Humane Society, that was about to be put down for being so troublesome. However, he didn't know exactly how "troublesome" he could be until he got him home.
I wish I could say I own Mark Salling and Glee, but unfortunately I don't.
Warnings: Kitty-Shifter Puck, Some Sexual Situations, and Language
Author's Note: So this is a response to a prompt by duochan_maxwell on LJ; who wanted a cat-shifter Puck! When I read the prompt, I was blown away by how much I needed it! I mean, why is everyone always putting Kurt as the kitty? It's not fair. Puck should get to be a kitty too! LOL So I hope to entertain you with this story! And remember, reviews are love – and everyone always needs more love, right?


So it started the way most stories do, on a bright sunny day in the city of New York.

Kurt Hummel had been strolling with his boyfriend, Blaine Anderson, through the humane society corridors looking at all the adorable cats up for adoption. He had always had a huge heart for animals, and was interested in getting one for himself. Blaine, however, was not in the best of moods, because animals were not really his thing.

"I just don't see why you have to look at adult cats, Kurt," Blaine complained for the thousandth time. "Why not a baby kitty? At least they're cute."

Kurt rolled his eyes and huffed, "Adult cats don't get picked as much, Blaine. They are at a very high risk of being put to sleep; and from what all the posters say, they don't need as much training."

"Exactly," Blaine said with a grimace at a gray tomcat that was staring at him through his cage, "they're old and set in their ways."

Kurt just sighed and decided not to comment. Blaine wasn't an animal person. Well that much was obvious; but Kurt was getting increasingly frustrated with just how difficult he was being about it.

"I mean, aren't cats like the dirtiest pets?" His boyfriend continues, not noticing Kurt wasn't even paying attention. "Can't you get ringworm because they walk all over their own shit and stuff?"

"Excuse me," Kurt calls to one of the keepers near cage with a sullen looking cream colored cat. "Can you tell me about this cat?"

The man looked annoyed with the animal in the cage which confused Kurt greatly. Wasn't the Humane Society all about selling how wonderful all pets were?

"That little menace is Puck," he said with a growl.

Kurt's eyes widened. Well isn't this guy a bucket full of rainbows and glitter?

"He was brought in by some lady that was going on and on about how much of a nuisance he is. And let me tell you, he hasn't been anything but since he got here. Doesn't get along with any other animal, and if someone touches him, he hisses and runs away," the guy said with a sigh. "I wouldn't recommend him for you."

Kurt stares at "Puck" for a long moment. The cat's eyes are a dark brown, almost chocolate colored, and seem so sad and lost to Kurt. His heart aches for the poor kitty that doesn't seem to have anybody that cares about him.

"And anyway, he's going to be put down in a few days. He's been deemed unadoptable."

Kurt's breath hitched as he looked to the guys with wide eyes, "No! I'll take him."

"What?" Blaine exclaimed from his other side. "Did you hear this guy, Kurt?"

"Sir," the guy half laughed, "I'm telling you this cat isn't good. Puck is a monster and – "

"And I'll take him," Kurt says with finality. Blaine continues to splutter as the guy walks away shaking his head. But he pays them no mind. He looks back to Puck who seems wary but almost grateful, and smiles at him. All this tomcat needed was a little love.