![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Final Fantasy XIII, and Harry Potter. Name: Erik Nickname: Val Hobbies: Reading fanfic, obviously, playing FFXIV, sleeping (yeah, that's the best thing you can do in your free time), dancing, acting, choreographing. Favorite anime: Naruto, Guilty crown, Persona 4 the Animation, Ao no Exorcist (aka Blue Exorcist). Something about me: I really don't like to describe myself and tell someone about myself, because it usually sounds like I'm arrogant or humble. So I'll just tell basic stuff: I like sushi, mojito as well as spaghetti. Love spaghetti. I'm not a morning person. Sometimes I even ignore my alarm clock in the morning just so I wouldn't need to move out from bed to turn it off and to get more sleep. Although when it happens, my brother curses a LOT so I wake up anyway. I hate smoking. I've smoked and I can't understand how people can smoke that shit. No offense to smokers. And my ambition is to become an actor or a dancer, or a writer, or games designer. So, yeah... that's the basic stuff about me. About my stories. -Naruto: Final Hokage of Peace- Naruto: Final Hokage of Peace -this story is about how Naruto becomes a Hokage and leads world to peace (just what the title suggests and I know, cliche). The beginning of story takes place after 8 years of Kyuubi attack. It will explain how Naruto will get his bloodline and allies, and many more important things. The main plot will start after he graduates academy. Naruto will have different Rinnegan - some paths will be the same while other paths will be changed. "It's all connected – the legend about the Rinnegan, me having the Rinnegan, me having Kyuubi, that dream and now this destiny. As much as I hate destiny and fate, I can't disagree that I was born to do great things. Or I just came into the world at the wrong place and time." -Naruto, his inner debate, chapter 9. Chapter 11 Calm before the Storm - Posted Naruto's Rinnegan(Nothing great though, just created the image to show how it looks like.) Sakura's outfit ( plus supply and shuriken pouch, kunai holster and black belt) Alicia's bow (first from the right) Pyreflies picture, and Pyreflies video (youtube, 0:52 - 1:27, especially 1:20 - 1:27. As for the cry of those pyreflies I was talking about in chapter 9: 1:39 - 1:43. The yt channel and vid is not mine). -Final Fantasy XIII the Legacy of Etro- FFXIII - the Legacy of Etro this story is about Lightning being a far descendant of goddess Etro. In her childhood, before she was known as Lightning, Claire answered Etro's call and accepted the task given to her by the goddess. Then the story, the main plot, starts after Serah turns to crystal. With a knowledge of what may happen, with a power which was awakened by the goddess' blood, with a task from both Pulse fal'Cie and Etro, and with her new friends, will Lightning be able to stop the chaos from seeping into the world? Will she be able to save both Cocoon and the Realm of the Living? No Time Travel. "Sleep in peace, Divine Etro. I will stand guard over the realm of the living." -Claire "Lightning" to Etro, chapter 1. Chapter 3 To be a leader - Posted -The Magic Weaver- HP: The Magic Weaver - story follows Harry after his third Hogwarts year. After especially cruel 14th birthday, the blood wards of Privet Drive collapse and magical backslash happens following which Harry realises a lot of things. After the Gringotts visit (how cliche...) he learns more about himself and starts to walk on a path that will lead him to greatness. This is AU featuring powerful, smart and independent Harry. Eventually he will be considered Dark. Some bashing might be included but I will try to keep it reasonable. "Say, Mr Potter, what do you know of this particular blood ward?" [...] "I see. Blood magic is a fickle thing and one must thread carefully when using it. The Blood Ward that you described," Bladenail paused and regarded Harry with curious if not awed gaze "became sentient. It was feeding off your emotions and magic and gave life to itself, as I understand." - Bladenail to Harry, chapter 3 Harry's Staff (leave out spaces): exi nsh (dot) deviant art (dot) com/ art/ Harry-s- staff-from- the- Magic-We aver- 5665 76101 |